Semua Bab Love Begins with the Hot Summer: Bab 41 - Bab 50
72 Bab
Chapter 41 Metallic Fear
“You should stay at the hotel,” Damian turned to the actor without breaking his fast march.“No way. If help is needed, every pair of hands will count.”“But...”Damian wanted to explain to him that in this weather, with such strong wind, lightning and maybe a huge downpour, it might be too dangerous for Rafał on the set. He wanted to explain to him that as an actor, he should seek shelter for himself and not expose himself to injury. But...Radosz saw determination in Brylski's eyes. The green flames burned with willpower. Rafał was not the fragile, naïve child or lamb that Damian had thought him to be at the beginning of their acquaintance. Rafał was a strong man with an even stronger will.On top of that, Brylski was right. If help was needed in securing the plan, every pair of hands would be useful.“Let's go!” Damian decided.There was no reason to delay. The wind was so strong
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Chapter 42 A Kind of... Emotion
Anita instinctively wanted to refuse the invitation, but thought about the fact that the atmosphere around Rafał was not very good at the moment, so if she started to discourage people from coming to them, the situation could become even more unpleasant.“Fine” she agreed. “Thank you. But only until Rafał returns...”“That is enough” Marzena smiled charmingly and they both went towards the door of the restaurant.***“Look out!” shouted Rafał and pulled Damian so suddenly that he did not even have time to react. All he could do was fall inertly onto Brylski.A metal sheet with a metallic sound flew over their heads.What had actually happened? Damian blinked his eyelids as he looked into the mesmerizingly green eyes of Rafał Bryslki, whom he had under him. What had happened? Had Rafał just saved him?Time suddenly slowed its course. It flowed so slowly, as if it were actually standing st
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Chapter 43 Flame
The Little Match Girl was cold. She was so cold that she slowly turned into an icicle. She had only a few matches to warm herself, whose faint flame gave the illusion of warmth only for a few moments, too short to give hope.This cold did not come only from the snow and frost, on which the poor child had to stand, mute begging for help. Or perhaps the girl no longer had the strength to beg, not at that moment, when the last match went out?Human indifference was the greatest coldness. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people passed her by completely ignoring the child who was dying of loneliness, cold and hunger on the street. Why should they pay attention to her? Why should they spoil the joyful mood of Christmas by looking at a dirty, emaciated beggar? It was easier to look away and pretend not to see her.Some might say that those were the times. Back then, everyone was poor and couldn't afford to help a lonely, neglected child. Now
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Chapter 44 Proposition
It was...Sparks of electricity ran from Rafał's mouth and tongue straight to his brain causing a short circuit. His brain turned out completely white and empty, but his tongue sought out Damian's tongue to entwine with it in a passionate dance.Rafał felt Damian's arms on his back. First on his back, and then on...“Uhm...” Brylski groaned uncomfortably and felt his consciousness begin to return. He broke the kiss and lowered his head, resting it heavily on Radosz's chest. His breathing was equally heavy.He was dizzy. From happiness. From shame. From desperation.Tears streamed down his cheeks.The experiment had worked.Rafal really wanted Damian.His heart, his mind and... his body wanted him.“I'm sorry” he said quietly freeing himself from Radosz's embrace and having turned so that he couldn't see his face, he walked away a few steps. “Give me a moment.”“Are you...?
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Chapter 45 Burning
Marzena Skierska was very kind to Anita Janiszek. Her cordiality surprised Rafał's friend. She approached the actress with some distance, expecting that she would want to get some information from her about Brylski. But that did not happen. After a few minutes Anita eased her suspicions and decided that Marzena really only needed someone's company.The hotel where they stayed was not top class, but it was the only one of such high class in this small town. That was why not all of the set's employees stayed here overnight, but only some of them. Marzena's assistant also had a room here, but perhaps she was currently somewhere in the city, or Skierska simply wanted to talk to a new person.Anita, however, was unable to be a good conversational companion today. She continually glanced nervously at the window through which she could see the entrance to the hotel. Although the torrential downpour that had broken up limited her visibility, Janiszek couldn't focus on anything
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Chapter 46 It Was Just the Adrenaline
The whole way Rafał didn't look Damian in the eye. He didn't say a word to him. That hurt. Damian didn't understand why, but it hurt.When Radosz parked, Rafał quickly thanked him for tonight and ran to the hotel splashing the water that had accumulated in the puddles in the parking lot. He ran away as fast as if a pack of rabid dogs were chasing him.It was annoying. It was bloody annoying.Radosz had fallen into a foul mood. He wasn't gay and had never thought of being with a man, but today for some reason he was ready to do it. It was because that guy had kissed him first and aroused his desires and then... and then he said no, it wasn't going to happen. It's like promising a child candy and only giving him the paper.Bloody annoying!But maybe it had to do with Rafał's asexuality? Damian knew something about this sexual orientation, but did he know enough? Maybe he resented Rafał because he was judging him in the criteria of his own desire, or
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Chapter 47 A Bit Closer
While for any straight guy such an offer coming from a woman might be interesting, if it comes from a guy, it loses all its charm. So how could it sound in the ears of a man who was asexual? Didn't she sound like an insult by any chance? ‘Let's be sex friends even though you're not interested in sex.’ Yes, definitely an insult and a mockery.So Damian did something wrong to him after all!In no way, however, did he intend to resolve the situation through Janiszek. This was a private matter, solely between him and Rafał Brylski. Radosz did not even intend to show the woman that he might actually be guilty.“Ms. Janiszek” said Damian in his heart begging the woman to leave “I don't think you have the right to ask, but I will tell you what happened today. Rafał and I drank beer and when a storm was breaking we went to the set to secure it. When we finished our work, it was raining, so we waited on the set. What we talked about during t
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Chapter 48 Poetry of this Dark Room
Why did Damian have to come here and only make things worse? Why hadn't he given Rafał time to cool down, to come to grips with his heart and body, only to stimulate the flame that was now consuming all of Rafał?“Rafał, we haven't known each other long, but I already consider you my friend," Radosz announced. “I am really full of sympathy towards you. I really want us to be true friends, where we can trust each other with everything. That's why I want everything to be made clear between us too. Your kiss... it was magical. It triggered something unknown and pleasant in me. But I understand that in your situation you may have felt discomfort. I understand...”“Not at all!” denied Brylski hotly. “On the contrary, I really felt... I felt...”“Good?”Rafał did not have the courage or strength to answer. He only nodded shyly.Damian didn't take offense at him, didn't blame him for Rafał invading his
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Chapter 49 Like a Lonely Island
And besides, Damian realized, if this was Rafał's first time, it must have been a very strong emotional experience for him. Emotionally, but also physically.Radosz had had his first time a long time ago, but he remembered very well the anxiety he had felt then. Was it good enough? Did he give adequate satisfaction? Had he been a disappointment to his girlfriend?Today was also his first time, but of a slightly different nature, because with a man.Today, during the amorous raptures, he felt no anxiety, too engrossed in passion and pleasure, but for the inexperienced Rafał, this night must have been an extremely powerful experience.Especially since for Brylski sex in general was in slightly different criteria than for a typical man.So those tears in his eyes could have dozens of meanings, and Damian was afraid to ask which one was the right one.Rafał's whole face was full of emotion which made it even more appealing. Damian had the urge t
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Chapter 50 Alone in the Dark Room
“Rafał” Damian didn't think about what he was saying, his words just came straight from his heart “despite what happened between us today, I hope you will still consider me a friend. You know, friends have different experiences between them. Maybe most of the time they're not that intimate, but even if they are, let's make them only strengthen our relationship, not spoil it, okay?”Was that even possible? If Damian had slept with a woman, could he dare to expect friendship from her yet?But Brylski was not a woman. He was a man. After one night together he should not expect any particular emotional closeness, Unless, in fact, with his asexuality he had developed a romantic feeling towards Radosz that allowed him to become demisexual.However, Damian could not know that for sure, although somewhere deep in his heart he hoped so.Rafał smiled at him, however, and something unpleasantly squeezed Radosz's stomach and heart.Woul
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