Все главы Getting Revenge: Глава 41 - Глава 50
Who Killed Doris (A)
Claire     I remembered how James and I went to Uncle Mark's old house and the words he said about Frank murdering Mom. I remembered how bad I felt about losing Mom, how supportive Uncle Mark's family was; even how I met Dad again and we came over to his house. How I met Abigail for the first... Abigail! She was the one wearing those same shoes the murderer wore and their body size is almost identical.   I looked away from Antonio, not surprised that everyone else was in the room with us. There was only one person I was interested in... Abigail.   I locked eyes with her, her eyes were watery. What was she crying for? Those tears were definitely fake, she was the one who killed my mother. She robbed James and I of our mother just so she could seduce my Dad and keep him all to herself. It's definitely her; she was the la
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Who Killed Doris (B)
I woke up to muffled sounds coming from right inside the room with me. When I opened my eyes, expecting to see someone next to me, there was no one there, I was alone as before. I was about to feel bad and start regretting my actions again when the voice got louder and the person came into sight. Jason!He was on the phone and he had no idea I was up yet. Oh, how happy I was to see him again. I could remember hearing his voice while I was still in coma. Does that mean he was
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Who Killed Doris (C)
What happened to Aunt Lucy’s ex-husband? Afterall, it was really his fault I got into a coma. If he didn’t try to hurt my family, I wouldn’t have gotten in the way and ended up bashing my head in the fountain. If anything, he didn’t deserve to be around anyone until he learns to control his anger issues.“What are you thinking about?”“My Aunt’s ex-husband. I was wondering what happened to him.”“Oh! He’s rich so he only got about three months in jail. Plus, your Aunt had to plead for his sake. He may have been a bad Dad, but your cousins couldn’t bear to see him in jail.” I nodded silently. Of course, I could understand. Even as I know Frank was a bad Stepdad to me and an equally bad husband to my Mom, I wouldn’t want him to remain in jail after I just found out he’s James’ real Dad. Does he deserve it? Yeah! But he didn’t murder my mom and he was nice to James
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Who Killed Doris (D)
He was sweating and wore running shoes and he just stood there observing Jason and I. I waved him over; half-expecting him to refuse and go into the house, but he came over. His mind too was blank, but I expected that because I know we can’t read each other’s mind because of our psychic abilities. Or at least I hoped that’s the case.“Why are you in a wheelchair? I told you to heal your legs.” I frowned. It’s not like he gave me a manual on psychic abilities.“I can’t. I tried to focus on my legs to know if…”“Just heal them and stop acting all pitiful.” What’s his problem?!“Take it easy on her, she…”“She can do it; she’s just being lazy and wants everything handed over to her.” Antonio said as he cut Jason off.“My bet is that you didn’t even bother to check up on Abigail and see how badly she’s hurt. You s
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Who Killed Doris (E)
“Oh my God!” She said slowly as she put the little girl down. “Claire? You’re really awake?” She came over to me immediately, hugging me, looking at me; observing everything.“You’re awake and you’re up?” She turned to Reggie and back to me. “Shouldn’t you be in bed? Are you really okay?” I could very well tell she was surprised and excited and she just couldn’t get enough of me.“I’m okay, Emma. I’m so happy to see you.” She laughed amid tears, finally hugging me.“I’m more than happy to see your pretty eyes open again; and your smile.” We were just laughing and crying when suddenly Shelby shrieked.“Aww, shoot!” Emma exclaimed as she moved away from me to pick Shelby up and console her.“Why is she suddenly crying?” I asked.“Because her mama is crying.” Reggie replied before Emma could
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Who Killed Doris (F)
Whoever was on the phone answered.“Matt…” Abigail said breathlessly with a huge smile. “You won’t believe it; I just saw Doris.” A pause. “Yes!” She said with her smile getting bigger. “Of course, she ran away from me, but if you could get Nick over here fast, he can find her before she packs up and go somewhere else.” Another pause. She hung up.“Finally.” She muttered under her breath as she dialed another number. “Beatriz, I’m heading over to the airport now.” A short pause. “No, leave them cancelled. I know I’m coming back early but I’m not coming back to work, something came up.” An even shorter pause. “Yeah. I’m letting you know so you’ll have a car waiting for me.” She hung up and flagged down a cab.The next thing I could see, she got to a hotel to change into a gown, befitting her status. Then she grabbed her suitca
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Family Comes First (A)
Claire"James!" I shrieked in my head. James was kidnapped? By who? He's just a little kid, who would want to kidnap him?There's no way I was going to lose my brother too, not after losing everything else."Who took James?!" I snapped at Reggie. She was the one who took him to the park, she was responsible for him. How could she let someone kidnap him under her watch?"I'm really sorry..." She apologized, shaking. I know it must be hard on her and I know how dearly she loved James but the fact remains that he was kidnapped by God-knows-who and there's no way anyone would know what or why they took him."Sorry doesn't cut it Reggie! Where is my brother?!" I screamed at her, making her start a new round of crying and shaking."It's not Reggie's fault." Dad said calmly. He was massaging the sides of his head."She took him out to the park, she was responsible for him.""Yes, but there's no way she would have guessed that he would
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Family Comes First (B)
The visions cleared.“Are you okay?” I turned to Jason sharply.“I just saw what happened. A woman kidnapped James. She’s been watching them and when Emma and Reggie went to get cotton candy for Shelby, she grabbed James.”“Whoa, calm down. Come with me.” I let Jason take me to a nearby bench where we sat together.“Did you see her face?”“No, she shielded it with a hoodie.” I was silent for a moment. “Jason, I fear she’s the same person that murdered my Mom.” He took my hands and held them tight.“Can you find James with your abilities? If Antonio said they couldn’t find you because you blocked them out, then you should be able to find James, right? I know he would want by all means to get away from the kidnapper.” That’s easier said than done. I wanted nothing more than to find James but if I couldn’t control the stupid so-call
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Family Comes First (C)
We ate our meal, chatting about everything and nothing; It was nice to just forget my problems and relax. I knew that was what Jason was after and I couldn’t help but appreciate him more. I can’t begin to imagine life without him and I’m not just saying that because I have a crush on him, being without Jason would definitely throw my life off balance. I guess you can say he makes me feel whole.Is that how Dad feels about Abigail? Either that or something way stronger. Like soulmates!“You ready?” I nodded and he took my hand again while we left the restaurant. Either Jason is naive or he’s just very good at pretending, there’s no way he doesn’t notice that holding hands and going to restaurants makes us look like a couple. Coming from a girl who got all her romantic ideas from novels. Either way, I was loving the appearance; besides, Jason could leave for school at any moment.“How long will you be here?&rdq
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Family Comes First (D)
“I didn’t mean to.” I burst into tears, reaching over to hug him tight. He hugged me back. “I’m really sorry for being a brat, I wish I can everything I said back.”“It’s okay, my child, It’s fine.”“It’s not!” I drew back. “I have to make it right, I have to bring Abigail back.”“Claire...”“I can find her, please just let me try.” He shrugged.“I’ve called everyone, no one knows where she is. Antonio said he’s tried but she’s just gone.” He exhaled and pinched the tip of his nose. “This feels like when I couldn’t find you and your mom anymore. I’m worried about Abigail, she hasn’t done this before and she’s been in a pretty bad shape since you got into a coma. She told me... she told me she’ll give up on our love if you ask her to, as long as you’re awake and heal
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