Semua Bab BILLION DOLLAR PLAYGIRL: Bab 11 - Bab 20
33 Bab
ch 11
ReneeOMG, this bitch is totally crazy I feel so sorry for Mateo and Sky I’m worried about the look in her eyes when she was talking the words she spat at me with malice. It sent shrivers down my spine I think I got to let everyone know what is going on. I hope that Sky doesn’t believe anything that came out of her mouth.MateoSo had just finished up with the wedding photos and me and Sky were going to change and do our when I heard her voice Estella , she walked towards all of us and when she got in front of me she snaked her arms around me and kissed me I pulled her off of me and asked her what the fuck she was doing here she started to lies after lies, the look on everyone’s faces I wasn’t sure if they were believing her or what Delilah tried to defuse the situation and she made it worse she was able to give Estella more ammo for her gun to fire at me. Aiden took everyone to the front and I stayed to get her out of here she was beggin
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ch 12
SkyIts been 3 months since Delilah’s wedding, I haven’t heard from Luke , I thought I seen him when I was in New Orleans last week but I wasn’t sure. Me and Mateo are going to the Justice of the Peace and getting married on Friday I told everyone that we will have  a big wedding  after I have the twins. We have been getting threats in the mail and on our phones we have had to change our numbers. I told Mateo that if it doesn’t stop that we might have to  move I don’t want to have the twins in danger. He agrees with me we aren’t sure if it his crazy ex so someone making the threats. I have added security around me and Mateo, we have been staying at a location that only a few people know of just in case.Estella               So, I have had Vinny scoping out Mateo and Sky , He said that he might be able to get her when she is alone which will
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ch 13
Luigi’s ResturantMateo : Ciao VincenzoVinny: Ciao MateoMateo: A cosa devo il piacere e ti dispiace se parliamo inglese?Vinny: I needed to talk to you and your girlfriend about something that has been brought to me and since you are family I thought it was time to tell you.Mateo: what is it then?Vinny: Well, that crazy ex girlfriend of yours and some chick out of New Orleans have both contacted me and asked me kidnap and kill your fiancée and I have to admit I was following her for a while just for some intel until I finally got her name and seen who she is and ma’am no disrespect that why I call you guys for one I am fan of your work Ms. Sky for two your fiancé is my cousin and Estella doesn’t know that and 3. I don’t usually touch women and children and I plainly see that you are pregnant.Sky: Well I appreciate you coming to us about this matter do you know why the lady in New Orleans cont
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ch 14
Phone Conversation Ringring Sky: Hello, Vinny : Hey its Vinny Sky: Hey Vinny I have you on speaker phone what’s up Vinny:  So, I spoke to them and told them that I will be finishing the job this week and they are each demanding $ 500,000.00 in ransom and Candace the girl from New Orleans wants ou to leave her husband Luke alone and Estella wants you to give up Mateo and if you don’t do that I am suppose to kill you. Sky: Laughing pretty hard at what you just said Vinny but ok I guess I got you and what day did you want me to have the double ready ? Vinny: How about Thursday around lunch time? Sky: Prefect do you have everything that you need then? Vinny: Yes, Ma’am Sky Okay good see you Thursday Call disconnects Sky Vinny called with everything and told us what day, so I told the girl who has been acting like me in public to hide the pregnancy what will be happening and we ar
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CH 15
The morning of the fake kidnapping Conversation with Vinny Sky: Morning Vinny Vinny: Morning Boss, so are you ready for today? Sky: Laughing trying to pee myself, I guess Mona is ready she will be at the café. Vinny: Good, after I grab her, I will let you know, and you said that you have the news stations on standby right? Sky: I don’t but the crew does. Vinny: Showtime Boss, I see you in a few hours then. Sky: Bye Vinny Vinny Today is the day I get paid, and we take care of these two crazy bitches that are trying to kidnap Sky, I don’t understand why they would want to hurt her she is an amazing person and Mateo really loves her and they are both happy. It was time to execute our plan I scooped up the stunt double all Sky and Mateo and let them know that we were all go and that I will be calling the demands shortly. We got everything setup and I called Estella and Candace and showed them that I
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ch 16
 Mateo and I have finished the nursey he moved into my place with me after we got married. Omg I had such a hard time turning the house into child safe home it wasn’t funny I ended up buying another house because I wanted to keep my bachelorette pad.We had closed on the new house about 3 days after the kidnapping stuff and when I got in there I had to get its painted and redesign everything in the house we got new furniture, new appliances, we had the bathrooms all remodeled I am glad that I have a good friend that has an amazing crew that was able to come in a to the remodeling of the bathrooms and then my kitchen guy I had the remodels done in less then a week. We had 4 bathrooms redone and my kitchen, the guy I hired to do our pool and the basketball and tennis court and volleyball court and we had a pool house and a indoor gym built in the back they should be finishing those up in the next few days the pool construction and the pool house and the indoo
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CH 17
This weekend was spent getting the houses done for my friends and  we got their inside remodels and painting and furnishing done by Monday afternoon it looked amazing Ivy and Logan were coming up before they wanted to see how I was doing and they got in around 11 am Monday , we were told her house would be done by 4 so we decided to go out to lunch and I wanted to hangout so we went to Catalina Island we had Delilah and Aiden meet us there as well since their house was going to be finished today too. Jen was excited she didn’t know how much longer she was going to be able to keep it a secret her and Xander stayed in their house last night since they had finished their house yesterday, they were just working on their pool and gym and that should be done by the end of the week. I had a ton of different contractor working late to get everything done I knew that I wanted them all in their houses before I had the twin. After we finished our lunch while sitting at the winery
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ch 18
We were all sitting in the hospital room the nurses had brought the twins out to get cleaned up and changed and I was able to get up and take a shower and I did, while I was in the shower Luke was getting to know everyone which kind of weirded me out because I was married and I would never leave Mateo because he has been a great and understanding guy and the only reason I left the old lifestyle because he asked me to. I am only given Luke this chance because it is the right thing to do, and I do have to say the sex with the both of them way amazing I wouldn’t mind doing it again soon (I said with a evil grin on my face). Everyone came and seen the twins they didn’t stay long Delilah, Aiden, Jen, Logan, Xander and Ivy all went back home and told me they would see me tomorrow I told them I loved them and okay we say there waiting on the test results to come back. My uncle walked in and told me he needed to talk to me in private if the guys would step out, I kissed Mateo an
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CH 19
The twin are now 2 months old and we have been busy not just with them but with work as well  to record company was getting ready to start their town in South America , we were in the middle of making sure that they last couple of slots were filled and the contracts were signed so we could send the information down to the team covering that area so they could set up the schedule for them, I know that they would be hosting a few events for fans only and they would also be hold  and battle of the bands with a contract as the prize, I know that would be held at the end of the tour in South America I was really looking for to seeing how it was going to turn out. Jen was handling that because I had a huge contract proposal for a new designer who was looking for a marketing firm to help with her PR and he is advertising, I setup the meeting for the designer and our meeting was later today, I was looking over the paperwork that she had sent me. I was making so final revis
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CH 20
I finished getting all the contracts signed and ready for the clothing label and I also talk to the game company in Japan, and I am due to fly out in 2 weeks to have a face to face with the owner but Su-Jung will start working with them to start working on how to start marketing it in Japan and we will work on how to market in the US. Mateo has been busy he hasn’t been home in 2 days he had to go to New York for some last night finalization on record contracts. I talk to him this afternoon he’s trying to catch the red eye home tonight I miss him so much I hope that he does come home I want so to surprise him with a romantic night. Delilah was telling me about how she and Aiden are going a  picnic today and  she is  supposed to tell him that she is pregnant, I wonder how it went I will have to call her shorty I am a bit jealous because I haven’t had any romantic time with Mateo in a while and since we have the twins it makes it harder. I spoke to my dad, and he
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