Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
'You'll die soon.' "What is it?" Sierra expressed interest in my reaction. She widened the door of my locker, and I heard her gasp as she read what was written inside. "Do you know, or even have any idea who did this?""No," I muttered. "No," I grumbled. I couldn't believe what I'd just read, but then I discovered my locker wasn't locked at all, but I always locked it, just from the start. I opened it. I began raising and looking around my locker, but I couldn't find my key or the padlock to it."Here!" Sierra exclaimed. When I returned her gaze, she straightened up and handed me my key and the shattered padlock.My brow wrinkled even more as I wondered how these things ended up outside my locker. But when I returned my gaze to my locker's door and examine
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July 07, 2016"Archer, even if Owen had done you wrong, you should not have harmed him. I usually encourage you to restrain your anger, so you should have just gone away." Mom broke the silence that had descended on all of us in the dining room."That's what I told him earlier, but he doesn't seem to listen," Dad remarked. In my rage at him, I almost kicked the table in front of us, but all I did was bite my lower lip, containing the anger that was building inside me. As they often say, repress and control yourself, since no one gives a shit about how you feel under this roof.Dad and I haven't talked or said anything to each other since we returned home; not that I want to, it's just unusual that he didn't chastise me again. I even thought he'd ask me why I was with Sierra, because all he'd ever known was I avoided
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Speaking of Sierra, I need to talk to her—or at the very least hear her voice—to soothe these emotions roaring in me. It's only ten o'clock in the evening, and I'm not in the mood to finish my homeworks.  Perhaps I'll just get out of bed early tomorrow morning to do those. My brain is so tired right, and now the only person I'm longing for is Sierra; she's like my rest every time I feel tired. Whenever I see her face, hear her gorgeous voice, or think of her, everything in me has since to be in an array.  I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in months because of my insomnia episodes. I stopped taking the sleeping medications because I felt they had no effect; my spirit and mind were still awake; I felt like my senses were floating in the air, and when a new day comes I still felt so sick and tired."Archer, how are you? What are you doing? I kept messaging you, but you weren't replyi
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July 11, 2016"We're so thrilled you're back, man!" The instant I opened the door, Aries yelled and drew me into a bro hug. I startled the others because of showing up without notice, blinking their eyes several times as if examining who I was and when they recognized my face, they raced to me, hugging me and messing my hair."Well, evidently I'm an asshole since you kept contacting me but I never responded, and then you texted me again only days ago and I only came here now," I muttered to Aries; slumping my shoulders.We're inside the garage, which is in the backyard of their house. It's already six o'clock in the evening, and nothing has changed here. The pile of clothes on the floor and the plates and glasses on top of the coffee table show that Aries still lives here. Aries is already twenty, but he still lives
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I understood right away that something was amiss with what I said. Perhaps I offended Aries? But it wasn't on purpose; it was merely a pun, as we always do before. We're always making fun of each other, so what caused them to make those faces?"I-I'm sorry if I offended you?" I stated in embarrassment. Why do I always need to embarrass myself with everyone?"Listen, man, he didn't drop out of college because he's a slacker!" Glenn rose from the stool and knitted his brows at me. "He did that because he doesn't have any choice—" Aries interrupted him by placing his hand on his shoulder, while I’m here feeling bad about their reactions, yet confused."Calm down, Glenn. It's fine, he knows nothing about it.""What do I not know?" I asked as I straightened my bac
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September 10, 2021My whole body was shaking, my breath was hollow, and when the guards opened the door of the funeral home, I could feel the eyes of those around me looking at me—judging me, questioning my presence, wondering why I had been nowhere to be found for days and only appeared on Kinsey's last wake. But, even if I provide them with my reasons, they won't believe me; I can already feel their animosity towards me; after learning of Kinsey's death, many people blamed me for putting Kinsey's life in danger — on why she died. Because if I hadn't resurfaced the dormant news about Sierra's murderer, they think maybe Kinsey would still be alive today, and no innocent life would have been harmed.My tears continued to fall as I stared straight at Kinsey's closed casket, not caring about the people who were staring at me. Nothing compares to the an
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July 13, 2016"Yeah, man, you're back!" Spencer exclaimed. He and George were seated on the stairs when they noticed me approaching the entrance door. They immediately rushed to me, flashing obnoxious smiles. I gave them a forced smile as we continue to walk."You did not inform me that you hosted a party at your place." That was the first thing I spoke to him about as we approached the lockers. I noticed how taken aback he was as he sank into a stupor and shrugged and when I looked at George; he was avoiding my eyes, which prompted me to nod when the realization struck me. I gave them a sneering smile. "Right!" I mumbled sarcastically as displeasure flashed across my face as I walked quickly toward my new locker."Wait, man! I-I just..." I shifted my gaze away from him, knowing full well that his explanation w
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July 20, 2016 "Archer, have you gotten up yet? You're going to be late for school!" Mildred's voice screamed from the rear of my bedroom door as if it were the end of the world. Because of Mildred, I suddenly realized that my eyes were fixated on the ceiling for almost an hour now, allowing my alarm clock to sound continuous without minding the irritating noise of it grinding my ears.  I took a deep breath and clicked my tongue in annoyance before blinking many times to wake up my entire being. I got out of bed and slammed the alarm clock shut. I couldn't believe it was already 5:50 a.m., and our first class is at 6:30 a.m., I'll surely be running off late, but unlike before, I don't have care right now even if I got dragged into the principal's office. Many thoughts race back and forth in the back of my mind, making it impossible for me to digest t
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"Nah, I'm not starving." I quickly said to Troy as he followed every step I took down the corridor.I always declined his invitation to sit with them in the cafeteria. Ever will be there, and I haven't heard from the two of them since the day I told Sierra to leave me alone, it'll just be awkward for all of us if we sit in front of each other, and of course, I’m still mad at Spencer. I don't care if I may sound immature, but I am hurt. Whether he likes Sierra or not, he still kissed her back. Rumors of Sierra and Ever dating continue to circulate in Willow, exacerbating my feelings. People seem to have forgotten about my relationship with Sierra, but I've heard some of them say that I'm such an idiot to fall in love with Sierra because they truly believe that I'm all about playing girls' hearts and to know that I was heartbroken after seeing the vid
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"What's all the fuss about?" When Miss Patricia's deep, serious voice filled the room when she abruptly swept by, the commotion came to a halt as everyone made way for her."Someone smashed the lock on Ever's locker and put a dead rat inside." Troy was the one who explained everything to her.When I redirected my sight to them, I noticed Miss Patricia stepping closer to Ever's locker as everyone else took a step back. Miss Patricia instantly recoiled and covered her nose and mouth with her handkerchief when she saw what’s inside Ever’s locker that made the crowd shout in disgust."Who was responsible for this? Do you think this is funny?!" Miss Patricia asked angrily as he gave Troy, Ever, George, and Spencer a look as if trying to figure out who was the culprit within their bunch.
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