Semua Bab Sisters: A Tale of Good & Evil: Bab 21 - Bab 30
39 Bab
Chapter 21
“The first order of things is to see you both dressed properly,” Margaret said as soon as Davina and Theo appeared in the cave she now occupied.  “Theo, you have clothes in that trunk.  I believe I have something that will fit Davina.”Theo surveyed their surroundings. “Where are we?”“I have been forced to move my things into a cave about four miles from the estate. Louella’s doing,” Margaret said with disgust.“Wow, things must be bad,” he said with a scowl. He’d only ever seen Margaret surrounded by aristocratic luxury.  Seeing how a woman of her station and breeding was having to make do in a dirty cave was heartbreaking.“It started a few weeks ago and has escalated beyond reason.  Where I was once accepted in society with the grace afforded the aristocracy, I am now on the run.  I have seen ten women who were accused of being witches burned at the
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Chapter 22
Sibyl paced the floor of her shop.  She was clearly agitated.  Louella was completely out of control.  After seeing her at the mercy of Valkyr, Sybil had gone home and put great thought into what to do. What the vampire was doing wasn’t right.  Louella wasn’t an ordinary female.  She was the daughter of the Lord of Darkness.After relaying to him what she found when she visited the vampire’s club, she asked for permission to rescue Louella.  It was granted on the condition that Louella be replaced by another female to continue supplying the vampires with their precious milk as it seemed to be keeping them in a state of complacency where he need not worry about the messes they tended to thoughtlessly create with their bloodlust and he was forced to clean up. There were times when he rued the day that he agreed to allow the vampires access to his planet and longed to send them packing, but doing so could potentially c
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Chapter 23
Margaret held a perfumed handkerchief over her nose and mouth as she tiptoed over the bodies that were strewn across Cornwall.  Davina and Theo did the same. It was the year thirteen-hundred-forty-nine.   After doing a bit of scrying and a few magical spells, they determined that Louella’s crimes began during an outbreak of the black plague. Capitalizing on the pestilence that took almost half of the population, she spread the claim that the disease was the devil’s work brought on by the dark witches.  This was, in fact, truth, but it wasn’t something that was meant to become public knowledge and bring attention to the witch community.With most of the witches taken by surprise when the vigilante groups hunted them down and burned or hanged them on the spot, few were left for Davina to have to deal with. Even so, she begged Margaret to join her; more for the moral support than anything else.  Margaret, like Theo, was a s
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Chapter 24
Davina’s head slammed against the side of the cart as the wheel passed through a deep rut in the dirt road leading to the clearing that was called the witch’s circle. It was an open space in the forest where they burned women suspected of practicing magic.  Frustration consumed her when she tried to reach up to comfort her head and discovered that her wrists were bound together and then tied to a ring that was secured in the side of the cart.  Her feet were also bound.Her mouth and throat were dry and felt as if she’d swallowed something coarse, like sand.  She struggled to bring her eyes into focus while she tried to remember how and why she was in this situation.  The last thing she could recall was forcing down a sufficient amount of the stew the earl had served her and Theo so that they wouldn’t offend him or have to admit that they’d already filled their bellies on a scrumptious meal less than an hour earlier in the cave
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Chapter 25
“It’s been two days and I still can’t do magic,” Davina complained as she paced the hardpacked floor of their hideout. “I’m sick of this cave.  I need fresh air.  I feel like I’m suffocating.”“I think it might be prudent to return you to your own time.  The means of clearing that potion out of your system are more readily available there.”“Why can’t you eliminate it with magic?”“It attaches to magic and sucks it like a pariah.  It was risky enough to teleport us.  I would be a fool to use magic around it; especially for something that involves getting rid of it.”“You conjured our food with magic.”“Only once.  After that, I left the portal open for the servers to come and go. It was less risky than using the magic to open and close it.”“Damn Louella!” Davina hissed as she stomped her
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Chapter 26
Louella stopped outside of Valkyr’s club to collect herself before entering.  Seeing the vampire who’d figured out a way to keep her breasts producing the milk they coveted and held her captive for months while he shared her with his two goons who joined him in drinking not just her milk, but also her blood before he seeded her womb with his brat was the last thing she wanted to do, but there was no choice. If she was to keep in good favor with her father, it was necessary to maintain amicable relations with the vampires.Valkyr had made a formal complaint to the dark lord that his daughter was ignoring him. He questioned the well-being of his unborn child while complaining that, according to vampire law, she was now his bride and it was necessary that she perform her wifely duties for him.  While Damianfound it utterly amusing, she was outraged.She was about to knock on the door when it swung open and she found herself face to face with
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Chapter 27
Davina  sat, nervously, on the examination table while she waited for the doctor to return. Her blood was drawn and tested positive for pregnancy – not that such a test needed to be done as it was clear with the naked eye that she had a child in her womb, but Freya had insisted upon it.  She’d also insisted on a thorough examination; after which she, Margaret, and the doctor had retired to the doctor’s office for a discussion.  She was left waiting; her  nerves frazzled from the suspense.A wave of sadness swept over her as she thought of Theo.  He should be with her for this. It was his child too, after all.  She longed to feel his loving arms around her once more, but every time she questioned his whereabouts, either Freya or Margaret would remind her of the importance of her mission and demand that she remain focused.She knew what she had to do.  She just wished she could do it with Theo.  It seemed so wrong
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Chapter 28
Valkyr stared out of the window at the starless night.  He was waiting for Louella to visit him again.  She’d come by almost every day that week and he was growing accustomed to her visits.  So much so that he actually looked forward to them.He was both disturbed and confused to discover that he was capable of attachment of the sort he felt for her.  True, she was no mere mundane, but she was also not a vampire.  She was a witch and witches were a dangerous lot for a vampire to associate with.  Had he realized she was more than a mere mundane when she came to him smelling of magic milk, he would have sent her on her way; milk be damned.  His saving grace was the fact that she was sired by the dark lord and he wanted to start a line of offspring with both dark lord and vampire genetics.  Otherwise, he was sure she would have killed him and his two men as soon as her magic ignited.She’d tasted his blood on more than o
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Chapter 29
Davina sipped on her cup of herbal tea.  The cooling summer breeze felt soothing against her sun scorched flesh as she sat at the bistro table in front of the coffee shop and waited for Margaret and Freya to join her. The day of reckoning was upon her.Margaret was the first to arrive.  She ordered a tall sweet tea with lemon and sat opposite Davina. “It’s unseasonably hot today. As much as I enjoy the outdoors, I believe air conditioning would be  welcomed.”“I wanted to be  visible in case you weren’t sure what coffee shop I was at.”Margaret fanned herself with a linen handkerchief she pulled from her bag.  “There certainly is an abundance of coffee houses on this street.  It’s a bit overwhelming.”“It’s a little ridiculous,” Freya said as she approached the table.  “If you think I’m sitting out here until I melt, you&rsqu
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Chapter 30
Dr Sally Morgenstern handed the vile containing the potion that Freya gave to her the night before. “They didn’t want you to take this until I’d had the chance to examine you one more time.  It will be the better part of an hour before it takes effect, so I suggest you drink it immediately.”Davina accepted the petite bottle with shaky hands.“Are you alright?” the doctor asked with concern.“I dread having to do this,” Davina replied.  “She’s my sister, after all.”“That would be the easy and simple explanation, but it’s not the factual one.”Davina nodded. “I know, but I’ve thought of her as my sister since the day I was born.” She uncapped the vile and tossed the liquid down in one gulp.  With a twisted expression that displayed her dislike for thetaste, she said,  “That’s nasty.”The doctor c
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