Semua Bab His Substitute Lover: Bab 51 - Bab 60
62 Bab
Chapter Fifty
Stella Valerio "I wish I had kids". I glanced at the woman beside me who was also watching the kids playing around at the park. Kai was on the slides and I was enjoying every moment of it seeing how happy he was. He would land in the sand then start laughing before getting up and going again. "A lot of people do", I replied as she agreed with me. It was a fact that a steady percent of the population wanted kids, and also a steady percent that wanted none. But having Malakai wasn't and will never be a regret for me. My son, my husband and my mom was the three closest persons to my heart. My mind drifted to Anna. I hope she will be alright. It wasn't easy to try and escape an abusive relationship but when you do, it's like you can never feel safe. I hope after she leaves the city things will be better for her and that Tevin guy will leave her be
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Chapter Fifty One
"Morning miss, welcome"."Morning", I replied as I entered my store. It was still quite early so no customers were present as yet. I left home this early because I was really curious as to what was in the package. After going to bed last night I woke up at early dawn and started thinking about it.I was confused as well about the person who left it. Why would they just leave something and not tell their names or give any piece of information?"I'll go get the package for you miss", she said before walking off towards the back of the store. I heard the sound of the bell signaling someone has entered and saw two of my workers coming in. Garcia and Nicole worked at the top floor mainly around the jewelry sections."Morning Miss", the both said as I replied before they continued to their work area. I watched as Ophelia came up to me with a black box in her hand. There was a red ribbon around it and a small not
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Chapter Fifty Two
Daryl Valerio "Tomorrow we're scheduled to meet with Mr. Finland to discuss the expansion plans and then the day after you're needed to help Mr. Hinge persuade a group to help with a business collaboration".I listened as my assistant spoke. I hired her a year ago and she had been excellent at her job. We landed in Chicago an hour ago and now we were currently discussing tomorrow plans in my office. I was expecting a long time friend today and he better not be late. I have no intentions of staying here until late evening.I had to go to the hotel we'll be staying at for the time being so I can video call my wife and son. I smiled upon that thought. Who could've thought after all that had happened, I would've ended up with such a wonderful family?. There was no regret in my heart and I loved them both dearly.Stella gets more and more gorgeous everyday and Kai was developin
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Chapter Fifty Three
Stella"So how are things?"."Things are great, just living my life the way I want. What could be better than that?".I smiled as he spoke. I haven't seen Francis in months and he just showed up at my home today and I was happy to see him. He wanted to say hi to Kai but he only ran away from him. He wasn't used to strange faces."Where's Daryl by the way?", he asked before taking a sip of his orange juice."He's on a trip, you know business and all?", I replied as he nod in understanding. I got up and went to the kitchen before taking out a glass and pouring myself some cranberry water. I bought it just yesterday and it was almost finished. It was quite refreshing."There's something I need to tell you", I heard francis say as he entered the kitchen. He placed the glass in the sink before giving me his attention. I looked into his eyes and notice
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Chapter Fifty Four
Stella"You still haven't heard from him?""No I haven't"I sighed as I told Belle about what happened last night. I called as soon as I came back from Kai's school. After going to sleep last night I woke up around five in the morning and started thking about what happened. I had tried to call Daryl again but it was no use. I was seriously worried and scared."Maybe something is wrong you know? You know he would've answered or called if everything was alright?", Belle said as I sighed before putting on my shoes slowly. I was going shop for some more items for Kai to bring to school."I know but I can't help but worry. And I don't know what to think about the person who called me last night. It was just weird and how the hell did they know about Daryl not being home?", I replied a bit angrily. I had so many questions and what's worst I couldn't even get back the person when I tried
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Chapter Fifty Five
 Daryl Valerio " I'll see you at the hotel sir"."Yeah I'll be there after I do a little shopping ; I want to buy something special for Stella", I replied as she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows."That's Romantic", she said as I smiled. I'll be going going back home in the next two days and I couldn't wait to see her. After Leona left the office I checked my watch before getting up. I started stacking some files in my briefcase when the door opened and Amanda came in.I closed my briefcase and took up my jacket then my keys."Hey, you're leaving already?", was her first words as she came closer. I turned and looked at her. I could see sadness in her eyes which made me want to ask if she was ok...but I didn't. If she wasn't she had to figure out that on her own
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Chapter Fifty Six
 StellaI was up most of the night just staring at Daryl's and I marriage photos. It was the best moment of my life. When we said our vows and and he kissed me, I knew we were going to be the best family ever. I had to debate with myself whether or not the photos were real or was someone trying to ruin my marriage.I felt so many emotions as I thought of what to do. I didn't answer when he called me this morning ; I just couldn't. I needed answers and I wanted to know who the woman was.And that is why I was on my way to Chicago. Kai fell asleep beside me after watching his tablet for hours. I was feeling something but I couldn't explain what it was. It was like a mixture of hurt, sadness and anger. There was also a part of me that hoped there was more to the pictures and Daryl didn't really cheat on me. There was no
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Chapter Fifty Seven
There were so many emotions running through my mind. Amanda - after all the times she apologized and we moved on, she still tried to ruin my marriage. I couldn't wait to see her because I had so many things to say and ask.Kai fell asleep on his father's shoulder as we made our way to the hotel room. Back at the office we spent over an hour talking before he went back to his meeting. We both knew something wasn't adding up when I told him about the phone call I got from the unknown number. Maybe the person was working with Amanda?... I had no idea.Daryl placed Kai on the bed before coming over to where I was. I missed him so much but there was too much on mind. He smiled before kissing my nose and I couldn't help but return one."Stella, stop worrying ok? We'll get to the bottom of this. As a matter of fact, I've decided for us to go home tomorrow"."Daryl, we can't go home yet
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Chapter Fifty Eight
StellaDaryl was driving at a really fast pace. He hasn't said a word since we left the hotel. I didn't try to talk to him ; he was in a different state of mind right now. I couldn't say that I wasn't angry - I was... just not as much as him. There was no way I could carry Kai with us so I left him with Daryl's assistant Leona. He wanted to come along but I told him I'll be back soon.Daryl's phone started ringing but he didn't even glance at it. He looked at me for a few seconds before reaching out and touching my hand. I smiled slightly as he caressed the top of it."Why aren't you answering the call?", I asked as the phone rang for a second time then stopped."Because it's not important right now, I'll get to whoever it is later", was his reply as he started driving faster.I placed a hand over my tummy as I felt another wave of nausea coming on. I wanted
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Chapter Fifty Nine
5 months laterStella"Please don't tell me that's wine you're drinking Stella?".I ignored the disbelief on my mom's face as I tried to hide my laughter. I stepped back and took a long sip before making a face as if I just took a whole cup of alcohol. She placed a hand over her heart and that's when I stopped my prank."Mom relax, it's only apple juice", I say before laughing out. She seemed relief before putting on a smile on her face. Daryl was called at the office today about an emergency and Kai was at school. It was just me and mom today."Have you guys decided on a name yet?", she asked before taking a seat beside me under the umbrella. I was thinking about going for a swim but I decided again it. I wasn't a great swimmer and I've only been in the pool twice with Daryl and Kai."We have
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