Semua Bab DEATH REINCARNATE : Bab 21 - Bab 30
729 Bab
     (DARK CLOUDS)      WITH the echoing sound of the fingers typing onto the keyboard and fast. The distinct eye color of merlot reflected unto the screen. To a blink, it changes into its original dragons’ eye, but then quickly changes back to its façade of a normal human one upon blinking for the third time. From the ray of the moonlight that serves as the natural light from the glass ceiling above, the room of an old renaissance King’s quarter is only illuminated by the wall lights as the rest is engulfed in darkness with the eerie silence that surrounds the entire place.       Surrounded by the old and rustic columns and designs that depict renaissance art. In the center of the room comes the only trace of the future and present technology. As the commandment of honesty oversees, observes, and logs everything from the single mistakes and mishaps of the ones involve in the grand ga
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     (PARARELL HEARTS)     “ARE you the death reaper?”     Bedridden and on the brim of death, a helpless boy’s voice echoes in the darkroom he lays upon. To the gold and luxury of his life, the world to whom bows down to him as an heir and owning a powerful name could not be compared to the dream he ever wishes to have. When everything is deemed useless as his richness and power could not buy him a chance to live long nor even see the sun once more.      To the tragic fate he falls where his richness could not predict, he is now laying helpless, living yet dead inside as the only thing that keeps him into this world is the ventilator that&rsquo
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     (LACRIMOSA)                         LOCK and imprisoned, yet a glass wall away from each other. Tears fall and escape within the Princess's eyes, like worry, hate, and desperation across the Prince’s face. Trap in glass imprisonment as a thick wall of clear mirror separates the both of them. Everything shattered outside and around them, as glass shards of the mirror are falling with each piece that are reflecting the memories of the past and what they both hold near and dear unto their hearts.       Destined to each other as fate played a tragic role. The life they are relieving for the past six loops is coming to a close once more. Undoing the same mistake as their life is nothing but a pun in the grandest chess game the Gods are playing. Their role that is written in the novel and way long ago is the play where the root is a sel
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           (SATAN’S SON)      DARK and cruel. That is how he thinks this very place to be. With its thick and made high walls, that surrounds the pride and proud Villa of the clan that is respected by everyone. Their strict rules and ways to follow. The richness of their ways, but having the deep cut and restrain to feel rather than the positive emotions in life is the very curse they are carrying, yet they did not understand.       "I will be, as I will forever be, the one who will love you for eternity. Your twin and not, but your destined one. I will surely find you.”     Now, coming across the path
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     (MONOCHROME)     “WHY?”    Asking, an echoing voice filled the eerie dim place. To the sound of someone typing onto the keyboard and fast, she stopped and looked back, asking once more.      “Which is which? Just what shard of your heart does he owns, Lelouch?”    Counting the days as the time is ticking, the past that is yet to be revealed. The lies that are the truth and the truth that is the lie, are being kept as someone is hiding it and deep, protecting and somehow sheltering the ones to know everything. Yet from that person, another one is trying to uncover its very existence. 
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           (TAINTED HEARTS)            SNAPPING her finger as clocks emerges and surround her. She smiles looking at the mirror as it reflected her jet black eye color. Smiling in content, as she waves raises her hand like harmonizing the ticking seconds of the clocks that surround her. A knock on her room’s door stole her attention. Knowing forth as she had anticipated it all and unto this day and moment, between time, reality and dreams. She snaps her fingers as the clocks disappear, to the dark void that she just dwells in everything slowly vanishes turning the endless void back to a bright room that perfectly pictured a queen’s chamber.             Standing up from her bed
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           (SAKURA’S MELODY)           BEAUTIFUL. Yet more than that. That was the word that crosses Arthur’s mind the moment that he saw the person that somewhat beats the wanting beat inside his heart. Now, and somehow glued onto the top of the wall, he stares and is locked unto the person’s starry night sky eyes as everything in that time and the existence of his world started to slow down. To the wind that blew between them as their eyes meet each other, they both asks.      “You are?”           Both are taken back, as they as
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(DIRECTION OF LIGHT) ON the thickest branch of the big and old Sakura tree, he leans his back on its trunk and sitting comfortably while he is gazing up the bright full moon. Arthur could not help, but laugh and smile for himself and the fate that he crosses and took now. Somehow counting the Sakura flower petals that slowly falling with the aid of the gentle wind and moving in a steady, graceful, and swirling pattern. He reaches his hand, and a petal falls unto his palm. With the bright light of the moon that forms a silhouette of his shadows. He gazes at the petal, where the Maiden’s image draws from his memory. He grasps the petal and quickly. With his palm close and with force, a mix of wanting, regret and hate draws to his face. He leans his head to the tree, then he remembers the clan’s elders’ words that then echo unto his ears like it was just yesterday. “A curse will always be a curse.” The child that should be dead the day that he is born, finally come back to ruin everyt
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           (THE SACRIFICIAL ONE)            DIE! DIE! DIE!            The word and nightmare she lives her entire life for the past eight years and since the day that she learns and remembers that not everything of the world is true and a fantasy.             “Please help me.”            “Please, someone, please help me.”            Covering her ears as she closes her eyes while crouching in the corner of her bed, she is shivering
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           (BLOOD HOWL)           DRIP! DRIP! DRIP!           The sound echoes to the entire mansion as silence is imminent and the storm continues to get worse. To the eerie hallway, to the dim corners, the fast-asleep servants, and the long-running time of the peculiar and particular stormy night. A hum slowly is being heard as a song plays and echoes together with the symphony of the music box that does not exist.            “Die, die, die, just what should I do?”           A little girl's voic
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