Lahat ng Kabanata ng THE CONVERSION: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
57 Kabanata
Comfort has been through a lot. Moving from one relationship to another has toughened her character. Situation moulds our lives. It can break or toughen us. Here she received Rob into her life again. Is this a wise decision? What effect will he have on her.? Is there any future for the duo? Let us wait and see. It is important never to rush into a relationship. My opinion. But some connection can be love at first ..and can last. What works for others may not necessarily work for you. You see some ladies exhibiting aggression towards men, it's as a result of the things surrounding them. Some have been jilted several times. While others have been indirectly affected through friendship, abusive relationships.  There is the need to have emotional intelligence and manage your life in such a way that it would not hurt others.
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“My heart longs for you Rob. I missed you so much. I’ve been thinking of you every day”. Those were the thoughts going on through my mind when I was jolted to reality by my niece, Debbie who had come visiting, intended to stay for the weekend. ”Hey sis, what’s going on with you. You look lost in thought. Is it a man? You better let him know before another lady on the lookout, grab him from you.” Debbie said jovially, demonstrating with her hand. I decided to open up to her, after all, it’s a girl thing. “Let’s have girls talk sis.” Debbie sat on the bed with me. I pursed my lips, thinking deeply it was right to tell her. “Come out with it sis, I’m all ears I’m itching to have you gist me about the guy, is he handsome, rich, and spoilt?” she said anxiously, looking into my eyes as if the information were all there. “Babe, you like gist, hang on, I’ll let it out,” I said feeling
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“You have an angelic voice and you sang so beautifully today. It was ecstatic, I felt lifted to the very heavens, and my heart was rapturously filled. That was pure heaven on earth. Thank you sister for allowing God to use you.” This was the note my pastor, who was not married sent to me after I sang a special number in the church. Debbie, still keeping the note gave it to me I read through it and I felt something was wrong. “What was wrong with this note?” Debbie asked to test my ability to discern. I replied that I cannot lay my hands on it from the note but I felt he had an ulterior motive. “You are very right sis. I’ve been through a lot sis. I was led on by this pastor. Don’t forget he was single then but now married to the right woman.” She continued her story: “that day, on a Sunday. I was moved to sing a song, one of my favourite hymns in the Church.” “When Jesus comes to reward his servants.”
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“I’m Debbie Lawanson pastor,” I said with fear and trembling. Looking at his eyes, I could see he almost believed I’m the rein –incarnation of the other woman he had wanted to marry. The whole place immediately looked eerie for me. I almost ran away. I stood up to go out of fear now but he grabbed me and told me not to leave.He hugged me so tightly, I was hurting, I told him to leave me but instead started crying, “Please, don’t leave me, I’ve missed you so much.” This is hallucination, why this for heaven’s sake. I asked myself. At last, he left me. I was breathing so fast, I could hardly speak. Then he spoke soberly. “I think I’m imagining things that are not real. Please do forgive me, Debbie.”We both sat down to eat the meal in peace. He told me not to stop coming especially during weekends to assist him in cooking and cleaning the place. He finally allowed me to go that day. Strangely, I f
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I have discovered that a lot of people need help in relationships. My pastor was no different. He wants to settle down to marry but he is yet to come to terms with reality. The reality is his fiance is dead and can never come back again. He needs to be sure of the right one to take to the altar. I was musing how to help my pastor since it was becoming clearer that I can not marry him, I'm into his life to fulfill a particular purpose. I kept on wondering how to talk to him in a strong way to change. His ministry will be destroyed by women who have no destination, no goal, no purpose. They are to pull down and crumble the plan of God. They are in biblical terms called Delilahs, Jezebels. My eyes were just opened to see he was drifting to hell unless he changes. Having seen my role properly, the next step is to strategize on how to execute it. Having a relationship with another does not necessarily translate into a marriage. You may be a special instrument in the life of such person t
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It was not an easy task we embark on. I was now seeing why God chose me for this noble task. God can use anyone and anything. I suggested we should see some of our members he had slept with to appease their anger. We met one of our deaconess, a highly respected member of the Church, a leader of the women. She welcomes us Into her house with enthusiasm. She had been a widow for three years. Her husband was a committed member before he passed away. She married at age twenty-two. She is still very young but matured spiritually to lead the women. Pastor a little bit uncomfortable, started with an apology for misleading her. "I took advantage of your vulnerability, knowing you had just lost your husband, a dear brother, and friend to me. I betrayed your love and confidence in me. Find it in your heart to forgive me, please. " The pastor apologized. The Lady, our beloved deaconess broke out in weeping, shedding tears of repentance, "You were not to be blamed, pastor, I was the one that th
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I knew I was pregnant for my blackmailer. As soon as I discovered that I had taken in, I informed him immediately before my dear, innocent husband arrived. I met him in his office, I mean my pastor, my blackmailer." Good morning Pastor, I'm here to inform you that I missed my period sir"  He replied in his usual arrogance, "And what is that to me? "  I screamed at him "I'm pregnant for you! that is the meaning. You are a father a single one at that. When I was resisting you, you ignored and vowed to destroy my marriage and I had no choice but to comply because I never want to lose my husband." He laughed and told me to get rid of him. He left in deep annoyance. I had to devise a plan on how to get my husband to sleep with me. I made sure we were able to sleep together every day for almost two weeks. Turning to the pastor, she said "I'm glad you can know that my last child is your biological daughter, get that into your skull. You wicked man, you have no conscience at all,
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Helena was a cute little angel, nineteen years of age still in the University. She is the only child of her mother and was born out of wedlock. Her mom had spoilt her silly. In her own words, with impudent face told me, when I asked her how she got involved with her pastor said," I'm a lady that gets whatever I want. I get whoever I'm interested in, including my pastor. I do not just strike at my victim, I look for a loophole even as tiny as my little finger,".Snapping with her fingers to drive home her point. I noticed that the pastor calls me his wife when we joined his Church years back. When I grew older he continued. Clocking eighteen, my mom took me to his house for prayers because he was extremely busy in the office but he gave us another appointment, telling my mom to bring me later in the day. My mom told me to go on my own, saying that I am of age. I got there and he prayed earnestly for me. I left, but on the way, I started developing a strong desire for my pastor. So I t
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The clergyperson is back on track spiritually and the next job for me is to help him get a good wife. I am taking it step by step. But you, Comfort will be wondering how I get into all the stories. It is to tell you to beware of relationships. Rob is just like the pastor, going about with so many ladies and causing a lot of havoc all over the place. You need to know the purpose of your coming as one. It may not be for marriage, not necessarily. It may be that you are to help in the life of the other. Ability to recognize the reason for coming together for a relationship is important to both of you. Having listened intently to my story, think deeply and decide what you are called to do in the life of Rob. "Thanks, Debbie, you sure made my day. I never knew that I will learn so much from you kid sister. You are amazing. Rob is a no-go now. I will fulfill my purpose in his life. We can never marry at all." I told Debbie. Now looking back, I felt sad inside. I needed a
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Comfort had gotten the message, there is a purpose for her relationship with Rob. He needs Comfort's help not as a wife but as a friend. She took up the challenge, though both of them wants to be together it's not the plan of God. "His transformation is my purpose." Comfort thought to herself. Rob was tired of his wayward life. He had hurt so many ladies and he wants to change, if only Comfort would accept his proposal, then he would change. Those were his thoughts. Man proposes, but God disposes is a true statement because Gods, thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are quite different from ours. Rob called to inform Comfort that he was coming to Nigeria to see her. Comfort wondered why he wanted it. He sounded desperate on the phone. He landed and came to see her in her sister's house. They were excited to see themselves. Rob spoke, pleading with Comfort passionately."Comfort, please I need your help, my parents gave me an ultimatum to marry. They want to hand over
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