Semua Bab SECRET WOUNDS BOOK 1: Bab 31 - Bab 40
61 Bab
The cookies were placed on a very low fire in one of the wide pans and covered with a hot plate with some coals on top. This was done so that both sides would cook evenly, turning the cookies whilst half-cooked would make them lose their cookie shape.Suzie watched as her Ma got up for the second time to go and check on the baking. Following, she peeped into the pan and inhaled the sweet aroma of the pastry. ‘I think are ready now. They are brown.’ Lau
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Looking down at her Ma, Suzie hiccupped, bursting again in hysterical laughter. ‘Very funny, indeed,’ Ma said, following her daughter in fits of laughter. Tears ran down their faces. This was how Sean found them when he entered the house.***‘Oh my! How did all these chickens manage to escape? Suzie did you or your brother tamper with the locks of the cage?’ Sean puffed as he ran behind the hen, balancing one under his left arm. After a few strenuous runs, he managed to capture or rush most of the hens back inside the coop. H
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He looked closely at the item, it looked exceptionally large for a button. Where did this come from? This was not his. Maybe Abby’s or one of the kids. He placed it in his top shirt pocket. He will ask Abby about it later. Things seemed to be escalating sooner than he expected. He was nowhere close to getting the full amount of money. It had been only three weeks since Tomas was home. He doubted he had acquired much either. Sean would have to find another way of getting that money for now. Just a
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Sean was not one to ask for help, so after wrestling with the decision for a few days he swallowed his pride and paid the man a visit. He sighed recalling that day.The bastard had kept him waiting for half an hour. Walking cockily into the shop, Bringo motioned for Sean to follow him to the back door.‘So,’ he began, ‘A small bird told me that your brother has found himself in some trouble.’ Sean recalled saying. ‘I don’t know w
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***‘Good morning, Mrs. Montgomery. It has been some time since we have seen you on this path.’‘Hello, Mr. Popo.’ Yes it has been a while. How are the girls doing? I heard that the madam has been under the weather. I hope that she is back on her feet.’‘Oh yes. She is much better’' responded the fierce looking, heavy built, middle-aged man peering at her through beady eyes. ‘She gave us a scare. For a while we thought
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‘You should use a scrubbing brush on it, not your hands,’ Mrs. Lambert continued. ‘For the life of me, I don’t understand why you want to use your hands on such rough material. At your age, you don’t know how to wash jeans. If you continue this way, the process will drain you, and to make matters worse, you have no size, eventually you will finish. You need to eat some more dasheen and yam to put some meat on those bones. Too much rice and pasta not good you know.’Fautina ignored her and started on a skirt, lifting the material in the air and slapping it down hard on a nearby stone. The suds splashed,
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Sean placed her right foot down and started on the left. ‘I know she is facing a few challenges with the boys, but it should be the children’s fathers’ responsibility. I tell you, once she sees me, she automatically becomes an invalid. She also has a lazy bone because there are women who will get up their tail and not wait on a man to do everything. How would it look if I don’t help?’ He sighed. Shaking his head Sean continued. ‘Recently poor Richard has been feeling the strain with his bad leg. She calls on him often. I am glad that I do not live close to Christie.’‘Well,’ Abigale responded when she able to get a word in, ‘Based on the conversation I overhead at the health
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It was a blue and white packet with individual, smaller soft packages the size of a blue soap inside. Pulling out one, she opened it. It was a sanitary napkin. She recalled seeing something similar by Lorain. She fingered the material. It very soft and absorbent. She wondered if it was made out of cotton. She slowly brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply. It had a light floral scent, almost of fresh flowers.‘I see that you found the package that I left you.’Suzie jumped. Placing a hand on her chest, she turned and found her Ma hovering at the door of the room. She looked a bit unsure
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Returning to the house, Sean increased the wick of the lamp, flooding the room with brightness. He walked around the room, slowly retracing his steps. He was checking to see if the perpetrator had left anything behind which would give him a clue. He checked meticulously between the nook and crannies of the room. He found nothing. Picking up a few cushions that had fallen to the floor during their struggle, he placed them back on the chair. Sean took a last glance around the room to ensure that nothing was amiss. He returned the lamp to its rightful place and went back to the bedroom. As soon as he sat down, Abigale stirred and croaked, h
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Before Sean could respond, Lydia sashayed into the room dressed in a short, white dress with her feet bare. Her hair was dropped; Sean could see droplets of water clinging to the ends of her hair. It looked like she had just come from the shower. Involuntarily, images of the last time they were together flooded his thoughts. Sean felt his heart trip in his chest. He felt ashamed, and wondered what she was thinking. The longer he stood there, the worse the feeling got. The air in the room had suddenly turned humid and he felt his throat constricting. He had to get outside now
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