Semua Bab Burning in your Love: Bab 31 - Bab 40
122 Bab
I PICKED up steaks at the grocery on the way in, and light the grill. I bought four, but I swear, I could eat ten. Jasmine’s going to be on to me when she sees me wolfing—heh—these down.Hell, I can’t believe she hasn’t put two and two together already. I guess werewolf is just so far out of people’s minds as a real possibility, they refuse to see what is.I’m speaking from experience, of course.I was so sure my father and Nash had been the subject of some government gene modification or enhancement project. I just never put the wolf thing together. Not even with the memory of my father’s death.Not until I saw it with my own eyes.I throw the steaks on the grill, along with corn on the cob still in the husk. Jasmine comes out and hands me a beer.“I didn’t get Flack. Just left a message. Bryce and Johnson are fine, just restless.”I clink the mouth of my beer bottle to he
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TOM WATCHES me eat like it’s an erotic act. His gaze never leaves my lips as he shovels food past his own.Three steaks.I’m not kidding you. The guy ate three steaks. It’s incredible. He must have the highest metabolism in the history of the universe. Well, how else would hebe able to lift a Harley Davidson over a concrete divider?Spending this time with him is like getting wrangled into a thriller. I’m holding my breath, squeezing my eyes closed, but still enjoying the ride. Loving watching the strong, brave, and handsome hero defeat the bad guys. At least I hope that’s how this one ends.Tom certainly makes me believe everything will come out all right even though logic tells me differently. When I stop and think about how deep I’m into this thing—how meaningless my life may soon become… Well, I can’t think that way. It’s too morbid. Plus, Bryce and Johnson’s lives hang in the
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PAIN RIPS THROUGH ME—A burning, gauging pain.He bit me.I don’t believe it, but Tom flies back and lands onto his ass on the floor, blood dripping from oversized canines.And his eyes.Ice. Blue.Just like the wolf in the stairwell. Like the wolf at the cabin.Cold gooseflesh runs across my arms. No. It can’t be.Werewolves don’t exist.But there’s no other explanation. Tom is a freaking werewolf!And he bit me—the man I would’ve sworn this morning would protect me from anything.“Get back!” I shout even though he’s already retreated. Hands shaking, I grab the Glock from my purse and cock it. Blood soaks my t-shirt around my right shoulder.Flashes of what I’ve already seen run through my mind. Tom’s need to go out alone for night runs. The wolf tearing at the door of the cabin. The wolf appearing in the stairwell while Tom went off comms. It all fi
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OH LORD, what have I done to Jasmine? I wish to God she would’ve shot me.I don’t experience fear. I learned to shunt that into power long, long ago. ButI’m more afraid for Jasmine than I’ve ever been.I hurt her.I hurt my beloved.Jasmine.My mind replays what just happened. How deep the wounds were where they were located. How much blood left her.No, the wounds aren’t fatal. If they don’t get infected, she’ll heal up, even without immediate medical intervention.I stand on the porch and stare up at the moon.What have I done?The strange thing is, I have no urge to shift and run anymore. I’m calmer than I’ve been any night this week. More focused.I climb into the truck we stole to get here. I’ll spend the night here, watching over her. In the morning, I’ll make myself invisible and follow her out, wherever she goes. I can’t leave her
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THE SHOCK of betrayal guts me even though I’m starting to believe Tom couldn’t control himself. I don’t think he meant to hurt me.I run for the bathroom and pull off my t-shirt to inspect the wounds. There are four puncture wounds, a half-inch deep.Could’ve been worse. No major arteries. Not too much blood loss. I definitely feel woozy though.I turn and heave into the toilet. The room spins. Oh God. Am I turning into a werewolf?Will I start biting people at the full moon, too?I stagger to the bedroom and fall down on the bed. My eyelids are heavy— too heavy to keep open. It’s like I’ve had a few too many drinks and I’m passing out still liquored up.Yep, passing out…
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I TAKE Scape’s phone and wallet and pocket them. I already searched the men inside the cabin. None of them carried IDs or phones. I need to find their vehicle.I sniff the air. I’m getting better at identifying the different scents around me, and I don’t detect any new humans. I’ve dealt with them all.I check the body of the guy I shot in the trees. He’s dead, no ID.“Let’s get you inside,” I say carefully. Jasmine hasn’t moved, and I scent her fear and shock. I don’t know if she will even let me in that cabin with her, but I have to at least make sure she’s unharmed. The urge to care for her is overwhelming. Once I know she’s safe, that she can safely return to her life and her family, I will leave. I need to get away from anyone I could hurt.“Are-are they all dead?”I smell only death. I nod. Even though the danger is over, my body is still tense. I’m wary of an
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I DRIVE out of the woods with my heart on the floor mat. Letting Tom walk off into the sunrise nearly killed me. I wanted to run after him, offer to drive him someplace, give him a warm meal. But I know he needs none of those things. If there’s any guy who can survive on his wits alone, it’s Tom Dune.It’s probably stupid that I’m clinging to hope he’ll find some solution to his wolf problem and show back up in my life. Even without the wolf thing, the idea would be ludicrous. It’s not who he is. He’s a work-alone spy. A deadly government weapon.He was never going to move in with me and start up a sweet little relationship. He was never going to stick around.And I knew that from the get-go.So, why then do I feel like I just jumped off a cliff and am lying flat on the desert floor below?I grab a burner phone and call Bryce.“Jasmine!” she cries. “Please tell me we can leave this godforsake
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I RIDE my new motorcycle to the metal warehouses south of the train tracks where the Tucson shifters set up their illegal cage fights. I’d made a new ID and taken the first flight I could get to Arizona where I bought this bike. I figure it will help me fit in, to connect with the pack.The truth is, I like the way it feels—the power and speed remind me of what it’s like to shift and run. Which must be why the shifters like them so well.Several motorcycles are parked out front. I park beside them and dismount. I’m itchy about going in. Even in spelill forces, I was a lone wolf. It’s not that I don’t make friends, but I’m not a highly solill guy.Or maybe I hesitate because my heart’s been smashed to a pulp, and I’m barely a shell of a man right now. But I need to go in there for Jasmine, to find out what’s going to happen to her—what’s going to happen to me.I push open the door withou
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I DRAG through the motions of living. Check into the Sheraton. Get some new clothes. Shower. Feed myself.It all feels like swimming through mud.My mind is forever circling Tom. Wishing I’d said I loved him.Wondering where he is. If he needs help. If he’s a danger to others.Did I do the right thing not putting him down?I have to believe I did. His mind and rational thoughts were intact—he just struggled with animal urges. He’ll figure it out.Except guilt gnaws at me.I should be with him, helping him figure it out.The way he helped me.Why did I let him go off alone? He needs me.I force myself to move forward, the way I know Tom expects me to. I make multiple copies of the confession to safeguard it, then log in and file an offilill LIL report on what went down with Director Scape, leaving out the parts about Tom’s wolf problem. I don’t leave my contact information—not yet. I
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IN A MOTEL ROOM, I pull out my tablet to contact Jasmine. I need to let her know she’s safe and what this means. I don’t know how she’ll take the marking thing. If she wants me to stay away, I will. As long as I know she’s safe, I’ll respect herwishes.I log into the secure server we have for messaging, enter my password, and provide a retinal scan.She’s already left me one. I wish I’d said it—you know what I mean. I smile. Then read, I’m going to F with the recording tonight. He should have the authority to ensure everything comes out right before I return.A prickle of fear rolls over me. It’s not attached to any rational thought—just a knowing. Something’s not right. Is Jasmine still in danger?Oh, Lord. How could I have left her unprotected?Fuck, fuck, fuck. I yank electronics out of my bag, plug in my phone, tablet, laptop. I get into the records from Director Sc
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