Semua Bab Cirque du Lune: Bab 11 - Bab 20
55 Bab
Chapter Ten
OliverThe door to the caboose slowly creaked open, allowing a cloud of musky dust to slip out, contaminating the air. I glanced over my shoulder one last time at the platform. I caught a glimpse of Richard's hair, beginning to summit over the last stair, and immediately gulped.Without another thought, I hastily slipped into the boxcar. The compartment was dimly lit and the complete opposite of what I thought when Jules said his world of pure imagination. The heavy metal door loudly banged shut behind me. I stepped to the side to let Jules pass by but accidentally stepped on something soft and squishy."Watch where you are stepping! You piece of shit!" A menacing low voice grumbled beside me. Suddenly whatever I was stepping on was yanked out from underneath me. I stumbled to catch my balance after losing my footing."Oh, calm down, Grady!" Jules chuckled behind me as he roughly clasped my shoulder. "Oliver, this is Grady. He is one of my right-hand men.
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Chapter Eleven
Oliver I felt like the air was sucked out of my lungs when I looked into the door frame and saw Elsie standing with her hands on her hips. Her hair was rolled in foam curlers with a white silk scarf tied around them. A peach satin and lace teddy skimmed the top of her thighs. A white silk kimono robe had slid off of her shoulders, resting in the crooks of her elbows. She was the most beautiful sweet patootie I had ever seen; she didn't seem real, even with the rollers. I was sure my jaw hung ajar as soon as I had caught a glimpse of those pale milky thighs. I no longer felt the needle piercing through my skin. As soon as I saw Elsie, the world seemed too slow, and I let my full attention fall on her. When did I become such a sap? As I let my eyes wander up to her face, I found a sour expression. Why did she look like that? Shoot, I had goofed up and stood her up this morning. She probably thought I was a nogoodnik now. I had forgotten about her between the bo
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Chapter Twelve
Oliver As the words left Elsie's lips, the lights flickered momentarily as the sound of rain falling down plinked throughout the train. Elsie pulled her face away from my ear and looked up at my face expectantly. I didn't react, though; my face was as still as a statue. It was as if time froze for me. I didn't know what Elsie meant; she wasn't a wolf. Her actions were starting to bother me, nicking away at the wall I was keeping up. Why was she so dead set on me not being here? Why couldn't I have a place here? What did I ever do to her? My world had been ripped out from underneath me just a couple of hours ago. My only real friend in town was dead, and the man I looked up to had accused me of murdering him. I had nothing. All I had was Jules's hand reaching out to me. He unknowingly pulled me out of a dark and lonely place. He was giving me a chance, giving me a glimmer of light, of hope. Elsie studied my face, searching for something, maybe just try
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Chapter Thirteen
ElsieI knew as soon as I saw that kid talking to Jules after the show, things weren't going to end well. I saw the excitement in Jules's eye, the same one he got when he would find a new rogue werewolf with skills he could make a buck off of. It was the same look he got when he found Birdie hiding out in the woods, abandoned by her pack. I swear it was like dollar signs were popping out of his eye sockets.I didn't get one thing though, why did Jules get that look about this random human? What was so special about him? What did Jules see in Oliver that I didn't? I didn't see the money.The first time I set my eyes on Oliver was in the river. The twit was lurking behind some rocks and startled the troupe. I've never seen a human run so fast before in my life. I almost felt bad for him, especially with Grady there. Grady wasn't a pretty wolf, that was for sure. If people thought he was menacing in human form, they would defecate themselves if they caught a glimps
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Chapter Fourteen
Elsie   I refused to move from the floor until I heard Rosemary's door snap shut.  It burned me up that Jules had taken Oliver to Rosemary.  I understand that she used to be a nurse before joining the circus, but that was years ago.  Now she was just a broad who danced around on her mate's back in the center ring.   From the outside, it probably looked like Rosemary and I were just eggs to each other.  That wasn't the case; we had our reasons.  She was blaming her fall from grace on me instead of opening up her eyes to reality.   When I joined the circus, Rosemary was the big finale.  She used to eat up all the attention Jules gave her, but that didn't last.  Rosemary met her mate about a month after I joined.  Thomas was a lowly pack
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Chapter Fifteen
ElsieI spent a few hours hiding away in Shirley and Carl's compartment. Shirley was two years older than me, and she was my best friend. She was loud, confident, saucy, sassy, and demanding. Past her rigid exterior, she was the most maternal person I knew.Shirley was the one who found me half-dead on the bank of a river. She was the one who convinced Jules to take me in. He couldn't see my face behind the bruises, blood, and mud. Shirley was the one who cleaned me up and helped me adjust to my new life without my mate.Once upon a time, Shirley was the daughter of an Alpha, but now she was rogue just like me. Ironically both of us were rogues because of love. I was a rogue because of Clyde, and Shirley was a rogue because of Carl.Carl was just an average human who liked to play with more ways than one. One day he accidentally wandered onto Shirley's pack's territory. He was captured and would be slaughtered in front of the whole pack at dawn.
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Chapter Sixteen
Oliver"How long has he been out?""I think about an hour.""What are you going to do when he wakes up?""I have no idea.""Better figure it out.""I know."Voices slowly started to register with me. Where was I? I was on something soft, but how did I get here?I focused on the last thing I remembered. What was I doing? I was in Jules's car...but why was I there? Elsie...Elsie was there. I felt the fear and confusion burrow in the pit of my stomach.Without thinking, I groaned and opened my eyelids. I wasn't in Jules's car anymore, that was for sure. I wasn't sure where I was, though. I was about to sit up when I heard a voice."Better think quick, Elsie; he's awake." A familiar voice spoke, but I couldn't place who it was.I turned off of my side as I sat up and locked eyes with Elsie. As soon as I saw those hypnotic eyes, the memory came flooding back to me. She had turned into a wolf. I scrambled backwar
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Chapter Seventeen
OliverMy first morning on the train, we pulled into a station on the outskirts of Philadelphia right after the sun rose. The train was alive with energy as I pushed open my curtain. Everyone was thrilled to get out and be free from their confinement. I threw my feet over the edge and wriggled out of my bunk."Morning, Oliver," a woman with brown hair squeezed past me. I had no idea who she was. I couldn't even tell you if I had met her before. I wondered if she was a wolf or a human. Eventually, I would figure who everyone was and what they were."Mornin'," I grunted as I glanced up and down the aisle, searching for Grady's intimidating shadowing. I finally spotted him and snaked my way through the crowded corridor until I came upon him."Come on, kid." Grady nodded his head towards a door. Before I had a chance to say anything, Grady was already departing the train. I hastily jumped after him.I was terrified knowing that Grady was a werewolf, an
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Chapter Eighteen
Oliver"Unfortunately, my Alpha accused me of killing my mate.""What?" I spat out. What kind of confession was that? Jules was acting nonchalant and, like that fact, was funny. He kept proving to me that I never would know what he was thinking. Our brains worked in entirely different ways."Yeah, I was only twenty when I lost her. It happened in the middle of winter; we had just had a snowstorm earlier in the day. She used to love to run in the freshly fallen snow. My mate, Odette, and I went for a midnight run. We got separated in the woods. No matter how hard I searched for her, I couldn't find Odette. I couldn't even find her tracks in the snow. It was like she had disappeared without a trace. When I went back to the pack and told them she had vanished, they, of course, helped me look for her. The Alpha of my pack happened to find Odette's body at the bottom of a ravine. Someone or something had attacked her. She was barely recognizable. Her blood stained th
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Chapter Nineteen
Oliver The days began to slip away like sand between my fingers.  I started to find my rhythm in this place.  My days were filled with dirt, sweat, and a good heaping tablespoon of anxiety.  I kept my head down and worked hard.   I met other humans in the troupe.  There weren't many regular humans.  There was only a handful of us who weren't connected directly to a wolf.  The humans were in charge of mainly running the food stalls or being a roustabout.  I was the abnormality; I stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest. Jules gave me a real job.  I was with Grady.  I made the rounds up and down the train a few times a night and circled the tents with him.  We lapped the freak show tent the most during perfor
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