Semua Bab Dancing With Danger: A Mafia Romance: Bab 31 - Bab 40
49 Bab
Fated Miracles
Sitting here in the darkness, there is a little piece of me that is slowly dying. I have never felt such a connection with a woman before; I cannot bear to be away from her for one second. Yes, I have had my share of women, but none of them comes close in comparison to Lexi.As long as I hear that machine beep, I know that there is still hope for us. When she opens her eyes, I know that the first thing that I shall do is go down on my knees and beg her forgiveness. After that, I will open my heart and soul to her; I will express the love that I feel in my heart for her.I know; there is that absolute certainty that she shall soon return from where she is. So I take her soft hand into mine and gently squeeze her palm. There is a smile that grows at the corner of my lips; the comfort of her touch leaves tingles on my skin.Then from nowhere, I find my hand wandering to her lips, and I do what I have been craving to do so, I touch them. I run my thumb across them.
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Life In The Rearview Mirror
…Lucas POV…It has been two days…The longest two days of my fucking life!I have been sitting at her bedside for each ticking moment, praying that she would open those big brown eyes but nothing…Nothing has happened.The swelling has not gone down, and the Doctor is starting to hover around like a fucking fly. I know that he is nervous and far beyond scared to tell me of his concerns out of fear that I might just shoot him. Well, the man will be damn right, for if he does not do anything soon, I am going to run out of patience.And running out of patience is these nurses that are beyond fed up with me ordering them around. So with much convincing from Colton, I have stood from my chair very reluctantly with the purpose of leaving Lexi’s side for what is going to be one agonizing night. After what was a half
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Memories Left Behind
…Lucas POV… In less than an inch of a second, Colton rushes over to me and stops me from entering the room. There are what seems to be one too many Doctors and a nurse standing around her bed. The sight pierces my eyes like the sting of a sharp knife, and in an instant, my knees give in, and I topple to the floor with a loud thud. Colton catches me just as my head is about to crash against the wall behind me, “Fuck, Lucas!” He growls as he lifts a body that does not want to move. “Don’t you also go…” I do not give him one second to finish that sentence, “Is she…?” The words cannot leave my mouth; I am too damn scared that it will become real if I say the words. So it is with pleading eyes that are starting to puddle with nothing but tears that I look at
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Crushing On My Friend
Right now, life is uncertain.Yes, I know who I am, but for the last six years, I do not know where I have been. It is not only terrifying, but at the very same time, it is exhilarating to know that perhaps I can start a new life for my old one might have been really shitty.Though something tells me that the twenty-seven version of me is exactly the person I wanted to be for as it stands now, I am still firmly under the belief that I am still stuck in that hole where I have been buried under for years now.But I have come to a sense of acceptance over the past few days that life is what it is, and it will not be sunshine every day, so we will take this as it comes.And come, well, that is this Lucas that will be taking me home today. Now I have been told that I live with Savanah and that I have been for a few years now. Well, that is something that I canno
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Blurred Lines
It is Lucas that is there to catch me as I am about to crumble to the floor. With what seems to be almost all the strength that I have left in me, I pull tight onto his shirt as my body shudders while the tears come rolling down my cheeks.From underneath his breath, I hear him mumble something like, “I lo...” Nah, I think my mind is just deceiving me, for my heart is breaking. Of course, I will want protection from the man that I know I can count on in my life.And it is this man that pulls me back and sits me down next to him on the edge of the bed. There is something about being so close to him that sends a rush of adrenaline racing through my veins. It feels as if I am floating on top of the world whenever I am in his presence.This is going to be a problem for me.So as I am just about to stand up from the bed, he pulls me back, and much to
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Breaking The Rules
I am watching a very nervous Lucas staring at me with eyes begging me to change my mind, but the man only drops his shoulders as he sees that I am not going to back down for one minute. Am I making a rather rash decision in the nick of time?Fuck yes!If Lucas did not stop me earlier on, he would be naked in my bed now. I can still not shake this incredible attraction that I feel towards him. But I will need to accept that nothing ever happened between him and me and that it will not happen either this time around.So with very reluctant steps, I follow Lucas to his car. Now, if you think that a woman can sway her hips with absolute seductive torture from side to side, well fuck, you have not seen Lucas Lucero and his goddamn fine piece of ass.He has just turned up that heat again.These are going to be the longest days of my life.Let us hop
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Glimpses Of What Is Real
The moment that kiss started, Lucas knew that he was crossing a line. I have never seen a man drop anything in his life so fast before. To say that he left me hanging in a spectacular way would not be a lie. He exited the room before he could even have a blink of a second to change his mind about leaving.So the air between us has been a bit tense. He has been trying his level best to avoid me as much as possible. But what he does not realize is that I need him now more than I have probably even done before. Perhaps coming onto him was not the best thing I should be doing at this moment, but I feel so fucking lost and vulnerable.I wish he could understand that right now, he is my lifeline, and he is busy taking that away by playing hard ass. I know that he wanted that just as bad; I can see the way he looks at me. He thinks that I do not notice that look in his eyes.
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The Mistakes We Make
…Lucas POV…“Stop!”I hear Lexi’s voice echo to every corner of the room while she pushes me away from her legs. As I rise to my feet, I look at her with fear in my eyes that she has remembered the very thing I wish that she would forget, so with much hesitation, I sit next to her and take her chin in my hand, “What is wrong baby doll?”She looks at me and only shakes her head while there are tears that are starting to build in the corner of her eyes, “Why are you doing this?”“What do you mean? What am I doing?”She only but shakes her head as the tears start to trickle down her cheek, but the minute I try to pull her in my arms, she only pushes me away, “Are you only doing this because you are trying to make me forget?”“No, baby doll. I am…” t
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Your Biggest Mistake
…Lucas POV…There is a suffocating grip over my heart as I make my way back upstairs and glance over at the fucking goddess that is lying in my bed. There is nothing more I want than to have Lexi locked in my arms for the rest of the night, but unfortunately, something has come up, and I have to leave.I know that parts of her might be mad that I did; she always used to hate when I disappeared off into the night. But this time is it different, I know we both said that it would only be for tonight, and tomorrow we will be back to being friends.If she only knew the real fucking truth.But I am not the man that wants to remind her of what a jerk I really am.So I lean closer to her ear; my breath is short and rapid as I rest my lips against her warm cheek. I watch her chest rise and fall; she is far off into a deep sleep. The Lexi I know
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Claiming What Is Mine
…Lucas POV…They say a man’s life flashes before his eyes when he is staring death in the face; well, I say it is bullshit. All that is staring me in the face are the barrels of four Rugers. Now, did I foresee this happening? Well, of course, I did not come here to have a goddamn tea party. What was a casual exchange of threats has now only stepped up one level to where I am about to have my head blown off. Yet, Sloane underestimates my determination.I have come too far and too long to where I am; there shall be no one that crosses me. Now, if Sloane does not want to listen, then I shall kindly remind him again.“You can go right ahead and blow my brains out as much as you like, but you will return my property.”Well, now if I thought that he would listen, it only makes him more furious. With somewhat of a slight tremble, hi
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