Semua Bab Invisible Mate( Mate Series Book 1): Bab 21 - Bab 30
68 Bab
Chap 20: A glimpse into the past - Part7
Flashback continues...The coward rogue neared the Pack border with the dagger in his hand, where he could see the other rogues were fighting the Blackwood Pack members. Except for four rogues, all were dead. Even those four were severely injured and would die at any moment. Alpha Shawn was fighting a wolf, and the next moment, Shawn had snapped his neck. Finding an opportunity, the coward rogue attacked the Alpha and pierced the dagger onto his back. Shawn winced in pain, turned around, and smashed that rogue's head on the tree, killing him instantly.All the attackers were dead by now so, Shawn and Matthew returned to the Packhouse. They went to the safety room and informed Clara and Lea through the mind link that it was safe to come out. Clara opened the door and hugged Shawn. She was relieved to see that he was fine, but Shawn felt dizzy and fainted in her arms. Shawn was immediately taken to the pack doctor, who informed them that Shawn
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Chap 21: A glimpse into the past-Part8
Trigger Warning: This chapter includes graphic descriptions of violence involving adults and minors. Reader discretion is advised.Flashback continued...Shawn and Matthew were astonished by what they discovered when they reached the spot. Clara held a bloodied dagger in her hand while Emelia lay on the ground in a pool of blood. Chris stood there like a statue, stunned into silence.Shawn dashed towards Emelia and held her. " Mom, What happened? H-how?" Shawn was lost for words. For anyone who saw the scene, it was clear as day that Clara had stabbed Emelia, but Shawn didn't want to believe it. He still hoped that he was wrong.Emelia tri
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Chap 22: The Aftermath
Adele was in tears when she heard about Chris and Liam's parents. She could feel their pain. Maria faced Adele and said, " After that day, Shawn had changed completely. The caring and loving Shawn died along with his mate and had turned bitter. More than the death of his mate, he couldn't digest the fact that the person he trusted the most had betrayed him. Also, his best friend had been killed by his mate."Maria thought about the day when the pack members were shocked to see their Alpha carrying his injured mother to the pack hospital. While the Doctor was checking Emelia, Maria asked Shawn about Clara. He looked furious and replied coldly, " She's dead."Maria was stunned at his reply. Before she could ask anything else, the Doctor checked E
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Chap 23: Adele's vain attempts
Adele tried to contact her friend Sera, but she was not reachable. She even contacted her Martial Arts Academy, where she met Sera to know her address, but Sera had already left that house a short while ago. After learning about the moonstone and Samara, Adele spent a lot of time researching them. She didn't understand why, but she felt the instinct to be prepared for the inevitable. On the other hand, Adele made many attempts to get close to her mates. She approached them to make small talk on several occasions, but they didn't show much interest.She even enquired Maria about Chris and Liam's likes and dislikes to get to know them better.Chris was a foodie who loved to try new dishes. Despite Adele's lack of cooking skills, she learned how to make Chris's favorite dishes from Maria. Instead of appreciating her effort, Chris ridiculed Adele for trying cheap tricks to get on his good side. On Liam's 25th bi
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Chap 24: Unusual Pregnancy
Liam was silent for the entire drive to the Silverlake pack. As they reached there, Adele asked him, " Won't you come inside?"" No, I got to go," said Liam indifferently.Adele wanted to insist, but Liam didn't even look at her, so she signed and opened the car door. As soon as she got down, she gasped in pain and clutched her stomach. Liam was suddenly worried and was beside Adele in a flash. He held her and asked, " What happened?" He looked at Adele in concern but was surprised to see her smiling.Liam was confused when Adele said excitedly, " The baby kicked." She took Liam's hand and placed it on her stomach.Liam felt the baby kicking and was ecstatic. He couldn't describe the feeling. A smile came to his lips, and he moved his hands around her stomach, trying to feel his baby. "How does it feel?" asked Adele looking at his smiling face. He looked so handsome she wanted to kiss those lips." That's our baby," Liam said dreamily when Adele
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Chap 25: Conspiracies
Somewhere at a faraway place in the dark forest, a voice yelled at the top of her voice, " Each one of you is f**king useless. You have attacked the Blackwood pack so many times but have not yet managed to lay a scratch on even a pack member, let alone the Alpha and Beta."All the rogues present in the forest shivered at the intensity of the voice. The dark aura emanating from the voice was infectious. It gave a feeling of something vicious."T-They are e-extremely powerful, Mam," one of them managed to stutter." They are powerful? Or more like you are all cowards. I am always surrounded by people who can do nothing but whine and give excuses. How I wish I could be free, I would have taken care of each one of you," she spat with venom in her voice." Please calm down, Mam, we are doing our best, " replied the man who was holding the moonstone in his palm. " Is this your best? Did you manage to find Sybil and her daught
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Chap 26: The Birth
Liam was fighting the rogues who were relentlessly attacking him one after another. Nobody bothered Adele, who was watching around her closely, being alert. Liam killed quite a few of the rogues, but they seemed to be increasing in numbers.Adele was frustrated. " Why do these rogues always attack us? Where in the world do they find so many rogues? This situation seems similar to what Maria said. Do you think it's her?" she asks Alexa." I am sure it's her. We have to be prepared," says Alexa.Suddenly, one of the rogues starts banging on the glass of the car's passenger door, trying to smash it while Adele feels a contraction coming and cries out in pain. " I can't shift now, but I need your help, Al."" You don't have to ask," replies Alexa. Adele had closed her eyes, waiting for the contraction to pass. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, trying to control her pain while the rogue had managed
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Chap 27: Celebrations and Resentments
It was celebration time for the members of the Blackwood Pack. For the first time in the past 15 years, Chris and Liam genuinely looked happy. A party was arranged for the newest members of the Blackwood Pack. Chris was so excited he decided to send an open invitation to every werewolf who wished to attend and bless his kids.Adele was skeptical about the idea as the recent attacks had convinced her that something was not right. She approached her mates and asked, " Do you think it is a good idea to invite everyone?"" Why not?" Chris asked." Are you not worried about the attacks?"" Our pack is well secured," Chris said confidently." But don't you think it's unusual being attacked so often?" Adele said, being careful about her words. She didn't want her mates to know that she knew about their past. Chris glanced at Liam, who looked worried and replied through mind-link, " It's happeni
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Chap 28: Insecurities
" You have got competition," Archer said with a smirk." What do you mean?" asked Chris." I thought you were Liam's only love, but that's no longer the case," said Archer. He observed the change in Chris's expression and aggravated him even more. " He seems to be taken by his mate. It's true nobody can fight the pull of a mate bond.""No," said Chris, a bit offended. " Liam was just concerned about Adele."" Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" asked Archer.Chris clenched his fist in anger, and Archer continued, " You look jealous."" I am not jealous, " Chris said calmly, trying to control his anger." I can understand your jealousy, but I' am confused about something."" What?" asked Chris." Are you jealous for your lover or your mate?" mocked Archer." Are you looking for a beating?" spat Chris. Right then, Chris saw Liam argue with a guest. He rushed towards Liam, who was speaking to someone, " Why have you come n
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Chap 29: Whom to trust? - Part1
For the next few days, Alpha Smith continuously pestered Liam to come to his pack for the training, and finally, Liam agreed to go for a week. Chris was not willing to let him go, but Liam convinced him, saying it was only for a week. Even Adele was unhappy as she had just developed a bond with Liam, and him leaving for a week did not sit well with her. Also, Chris seemed to be annoyed with Adele for the past few days, and she didn't know what she had done wrong for him to behave so cold towards her. After Liam left, Adele tried to approach Chris, but he either ignored or just replied in single words as if he was not interested in talking. Adele was so irritated by his arrogant personality; she didn't want to go near him, but Alexa always persisted in reconciling with her mate. In her frustration, Adele spats at Alexa, " Don't ask me to go again; he's so rude. What does he think of himself? " " Ahhh... Co
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