Semua Bab Birth of The Divine One: Bab 11 - Bab 20
26 Bab
In Trouble
As the talk was continuing and everyone was telling about their abilities and why they wanted to become protectors Kei’s turn came to tell his reason for choosing this school. Everyone was curious about his reason because he is a prince so why does he want to be a protector.“Well, as everyone knows that my ability is teleportation but no one knows the extent of my teleportation ability. Let me disclose this secrete to everyone. I can teleport anywhere in the world as long as I’ve been to that place even once in my life”, said Kei.“So, you mean you can’t go to a place which you haven’t visited”, said Sora.“Yes, for me to teleport to a place I have to visit that place first after that I can teleport there any time I want to. And for my reason to be a protector is simple. I want to protect my kingdom on my own and not want to rely on someone else for its protection”After Kei’s turn was don
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Tattered Assignment
English is my second language so, if there's any grammar mistake please ignore it.Kei’s POV:The week was almost over and so was our assignment. Today was our last day working in a team. I and Mizuki went to the zoo area to complete our last detail on the flying boar. It was quite peaceful because Mizuki was completely immersed in writing. An hour went by then Mizuki spoke.“Here you go. My portion of the assignment is complete. You do yours while I’m going to see other animals. There are tons of animals I’ve never seen”, Mizuki said while giving her assignment papers to me.“Fine. Just don’t go too far. We have to proofread the assignment before submitting it”“Okay, I won’t go far. When you’re done call me, I’ll be at the next batch of cages”, saying this Mizuki went away.“This area is quite beautiful considering that there are trees and
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Belief of Peacock Kingdom
“Hey Mizuki before we go can I ask you another question?”“Yeah sure, go ahead and ask your question but it better be one because we are running out of time. Almost all the students have already submitted their assignments so, hurry up”“Are you against our kingdom or some kind of a spy sent by some other kingdom?”, said Kei with a serious look in his eyes.After hearing what Kei just said Mizuki couldn’t contain her laughter and burst out a laugh with tears forming in her eyes because of laughing.“Hahahahaha. What did you say? Me a spy sent from another kingdom. You sure know when and how to crack a joke. Hahahahaha”.“Ha-ha very funny. I didn’t make a joke so stop making fun of me and answer my question. Can’t you see I’m being serious? I only asked you this question because you are very suspicious and are hiding a lot of stuff”, Kei said being angry.&ldq
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A Creepy Person
Mizuki’s POV:I picked up the papers and went towards the teacher’s office. On my way there I bumped into someone and the papers which I was holding scattered on the ground.“Umh…” I said in pain but apologized immediately to the person I bumped in.“I’m sorry. I didn’t saw you because of this pile of papers”.“You don’t need to apologize. It’s obvious that you couldn’t see because these papers were blocking your path of vision”, said, someoneI was gathering papers from the ground when the person I bumped in also crouched down to help me. When the papers were gathered, I stood up and thanked the person.“Thank you for helping me”.As I said thank you, I noticed that the person was staring into my eyes. It was really awkward and weird so I asked, “Is there something on my face?”“Oh! No, no it’s nothing. I di
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The Stalker Has Begun His Work
English is my second language so, if there's any grammar mistake please ignore it.“Are we going to have group study in your room Mizuki?” asked Sora“What? No, my room is not that big which could contain ten people in it”, Mizuki replied“So, then where are we going to study? In cafeteria or some other place?”“No, we won’t study at the cafeteria either. Other students also will be there and it will be noisy. We won’t be able to focus that way so, we will study in the common room. It's big, quiet and has carpet in it. We’ll sit on the floor. This way everyone will be able to help each other.”“Wow, you’re really good at thinking”, Yuki praised.“I can’t sit on the floor”, said Kei.“Why? Is your royal butt too good for the floor or is it the other way around?”, Mizuki replied.“It’s not
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Upcoming Test
Kei’s POV:I rushed towards the women’s toilet and waited for Mizuki to come out. Almost 15 minutes passed when she came out of the toilet.“What took you so long to come out? What were you doing in there? I’ve been waiting for you like ages ago”“Excuse me? What do you do in the toilet, Huh?” Besides, I didn’t even know that someone was waiting for me outside”, said Mizuki with an annoyed look in her eyes.“Sorry for that weird question. It was stupid of me to ask you what you were doing in there”“Apology accepted but why were you waiting for me?”, Mizuki asked“I want to tell you something important. I tried to tell you last night but you were too sleepy”“Okay, you can tell me know”“Not here. There are too many people here. Let’s go outside the building”, I said to Mizuki while pulling her out of the buil
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A little talk about organization
English is my second language so, if there's any grammar mistake please ignore it.Mizuki’s POV:Finally, my turn came. Mr. Jacob gave me the question sheet. I was nervous a lot before seeing the questions so, I took a deep breath to relax myself then I looked at the question paper. Most of the questions were the ones that I studied last night while the rest of the questions were new to me but I wasn’t all blank. I did know something about those questions which I could write but I couldn’t understand that why was everyone’s face turning blank.“Do they not know anything about these questions but these questions involve elementary class concepts”“Everyone’s question sheet is different from other students so cheating is not possible. Everyone should focus on their questions”, said Mr. Jacob.“No, wonder everyone looked like their soul got sucked out. My luck, I got easy que
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Mr. Sully Flare
Mizuki’s POV:The next morning, I woke up all fresh. I took my daily herbal tea and changed into uniform. It’s time to go to the cafeteria to have a healthy meal. As soon as I opened the door of my room I was blocked by a tall body. I stepped back to see who was blocking my way. When I looked up it was a tall man with sleek long black hair tied in a ponytail with shiny red eyes.“Another red-eyed vampire. I thought they were on the verge of extinction. How come there are so many red-eyed vampires roaming on the school grounds? Look I don’t care who you are but let me tell you one thing I am not joining your useless organization so, leave me alone and stop popping in front of my room one after another. It’s getting really annoying and all of you are getting on my nerves”, Mizuki said being furious at the man who was blocking her way.“Ahem, ahem. My apologies for blocking your way like this miss but let me assure you that
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English is my second Language so, if there's any grammar mistake please ignore it.Mizuki’s POV:When we reached the battle arena the other class was already there along with their teacher. Other class students were looking at us with hostility.“Why are they looking at us like that? Have we done anything wrong to them?” Sisi whispered in Yuki’s ear.“No, we haven’t done anything wrong to them. They are looking at us like that because we are the top class of this school and for some reason, they despise us for it”, Yuki whispered back in Sisi’s ear.“Stop whispering in each other’s ear and pay attention to what Miss Harmony is saying”, Jones said to both Sisi and Yuki.“For these competitions, you are again going to work in a team and the teams will remain the same as they were during your mid-term selection test. But the rules are a bit different. In th
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The Rival Class
When Miss Harmony was busy with Mr. Roper both classes had started to introduce themselves. Kei’s POV: “Guess I’m again stuck with you as a team and here I thought that I would never end up in a team with you again” “I thought that too but what can we say. Well, we have to work in a team to get selected and to be one step closer to our dreams and goals”, Mizuki replied. “Well can’t argue with that. Anything for our dreams and goals” as I said that Mizuki and I shook hands for temporary peace. “Wow! I can’t believe that you’re both not fighting again and even shacked hands”, Jones said with a taunt in his voice. “We just made a temporary truce to win the competitions nothing more. Besides we learned our lesson of not working in a team which resulted in injuries and bruises so, there’s no need for you to be so cheerful or to make taunts”, Kei replied We were chatting with each other about how we will win the competitions when som
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