Semua Bab Scars Between Us: Bab 31 - Bab 40
72 Bab
CHAPTER 31: Misfortune's acedia to disappear
TRISTAN POV:“We have to operate or she is unlikely to survive” The doctor informedI was terrified by the news and then I immediately looked at Jaxon. His face was pale, a light drop of sweat forming on his forehead as he had a completely expressionless face.My heart broke at the sight of him. He is really like a younger brother to me and Rosalina is like my younger sister. Seeing them like this is tormenting.“If that is needed please begin the process!” Brandon said making all of us look at himJaxon still did not divert his eyes from Rosalina. It was visible in his eyes that he was painfully guilty. Slowly a drop of shining gloss fell from his eyes. He started to let out his emotions slowly through his tears.I went over to him and patted him on the back but he did not move an inch. All the boys got worried as they escorted Jaxon out of the room with struggle. It’s like he has lost control
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CHAPTER 32: All alew but heart intent
JEREMY POV:Jaxon has been isolating himself for almost 2 months. So we decided to make him refresh his mind with a birthday party but here he was just isolating himself even more.Yunhee and Jaxon had quite a heated argument and after that Jaxon agreed“Fine! But in one condition!” He growled“What?” Tristan asked with an annoyed expression“Do not expect me to go around laughing. I will only attend” He informed“And try to enjoy it too!” A voice spoke from behind.We all looked behind to see Brandon standing there with an unreadable expression. Jaxon gave him a confused face. He took the indication and answered Jaxon.“It’s an order. Again” He said sternlyJaxon looked down. Although his face cannot be seen, we could figure out that he had an upset expression.“I can’t....” Jaxon said with a cracked voice
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CHAPTER 33: Rejoinder of Euphoria
THIRD-PERSON POV:After Jaxon had pleaded to Mae to go and keep a watch on Rosalina for a while, she agreed without hesitation. She entered the room to be greeted by types of medical equipment and the lifeless body of Rosalina laying down hooked up in those.Her heart clenched at the sight of her sister like a friend laying there not knowing what was happening, to drown in her abyssal plain of pain. Rosalina was the youngest among them all so it was sure that they all adored her. Every single person felt guilty for neglecting the younger like that and leaving her all by herself, traumatized and hurt for almost sickening three years.Mae let out a painful sigh as she lightly patted the cheeks of the younger and said "Come back, Rosy...We need you. Everyone here does.... especially Jaxon, he is a mess without you. Don't be so mean... please come back" She said lightly chucklingShe sigh
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CHAPTER 34: Her echt orenda
Rosalina POV:It's a sunny day, the scorching sun hitting my face as it woke me up from deep sleep which I have been forced to take, despite the fact that I had just woken up from sleep after two months a few days ago.I stretched my arms and with a bit of struggle, I got a hold of my crutches to get up to dress for the day. After brushing my teeth and doing all the necessary routine for the morning I went out of the room.Greeted by the tantalizing aroma of food, I flew towards the kitchen. I enter just to have my mouth hang open at the sight in front of me. There was a variety of food for breakfast. Brandon was cooking in an apron very intently."What the fuck?" I say shocked"Seriously? You just woke up and started cursing already? What a sister I have!" Brandon bickeredI rolled my eyes at his comment and went to him while hugging him for the morning. He hugged me b
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CHAPTER 35: Alexithymia due to ineffable emotion
JAXON POV:"Rosalina!!!!" We all looked at the door only to see Kai screaming his lungs out alongside Ivy. Rosalina covered her ears by the amount of noise he was making."If I knew I was going to have to be dealing with a siren then I would have never accepted your offer of being friends in the first place!" Rosalina statedKai faked a hurt look making Rosalina and Ivy roll their eyes at him. They looked at each other for a few seconds until they burst out laughing. However, Rosalina did not laugh and only gave a small smile which turned upside down again. My heart clenched as she was hurt so much that she lost her ability to be able to laugh and a way or the other I am at blame.Kai came forward and hugged Rosalina. She returned the hug with a small smile as he asked."How are you?" "Life goes on.." She said sighingI got a b
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CHAPTER 36: Reverie of the Illusion
JAXON POV:After getting all my stuff, I head downstairs. The door was already open to Rosalina's house so I entered. There was noise coming from Rosalina's room and when I entered, suddenly someone shouted, it sounded like Jeremy."Josephine!!" I jumped at the mention of the name. I ran towards the room. I enter to see Josephine standing there. The moment I step in all eyes focuses on me making me feel awkward. "Look who decided to come!" Josephine spoke looking at me"When did you get here?" I asked cluelessly"Seriously that's the first question your gonna ask after seeing for almost 3 months," She said making a 'really' face"I am sorry," I said walking toward herI hugged her and she hugged back."If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Brandon asked Josephine"Oh sorry for not introducing myself!
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CHAPTER 37: Her amnesia His ibrat
THIRD PERSON POV:The gloomy and blueish shade of the reciprocated the feelings of the pouring rain. The thunder was rumbling while the wind howled its objection.Jaxon's brain was frozen. He could not believe what was happening. More like he could not accept the melancholic truth. He was bought back to reality when a bunch of people dressed in white was taking the pale out of the bed.Hurrying over to them, he snatched away the body from their hands as he put his hands defensively around it. To them, it was just a part of their job carrying away the gone. But for Jaxon, he felt someone had dug their hands through his bare flesh and snatched his soul away."N-No you can't take her! S-She is still here," He saidHe put his hands around her body as his fingers tangled into her hair. Her head was placed right near his heart. He was breathing heavily as he clutched onto the figure in his e
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CHAPTER 38: Ferly
THIRD PERSON:Leaves fell off the trees, hitting the lush green grass, as they changed their color to a brownish shade. The cold breezes hit the city signaling winters nearing a comeback. The breezes felt colder than usual for Jaxon. His empty eyes stared at the figure before as she got her check-up done.Everything felt like a joke to him. Everyone around him felt unreal, including his existence which felt surreal. He let out a bitter laugh as he looked at the girl. The room held a tensed aura. Everyone squinting their eyes worriedly as it shifted from the doctor to the girl who remained oblivious.The doctor sighed as he got rid of all the medical appliances and made his way towards the anticipated audience. Everyone slightly flinched as the doctor did. The doctor signaled them to head outside with him and they followed."Jaxon let's go?" Tristan askedJaxon did not move an inch and maintained eye contact with the girl who
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CHAPTER 39: Target to metanoia
Rosalina POV: I entered the campus with a thumping heart while my head rotated around nervously. Hands slightly shaking, I went to look for my locker. With my schedule, everything, starting from my locker number to classroom number was available so I didn't face much problem. After a while, I soon found my locker and got my books out. I headed towards my classroom.There were a lot of students as I entered the class. Some of them were serenely sitting and doing their work while the majority were talking. Ignoring everybody, I went to the empty seat available and started to make notes from the book.Everyone was gossiping while waiting for class to start, in which almost 45 minutes were left. I utilized the time. Suddenly the door snapped open and gasped. I was not at all interested and kept my attention on taking notes."He is damn fine," A girl said in her thick American accentThe enti
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CHAPTER 40: Nigh yet feels selcouth
THIRD PERSON POV:Ill luck is experienced by every single person. No matter how positive or rich one is, bad luck does not let off its chance to leave a scar. However, sometimes bad luck isn't just the way it is. It gives comes in form of karma and when karma clones bad luck, the impact is quite devastating.Jaxon was suffering from the same situation. No matter how much his hands trembled to hold her yet he could not cause once he made her go through the same pain. All the verbal, physical, and mental abuse on her was coming back to him in an emotional form. His heart clenched when he saw her this morning so close yet pushed far away.He was currently heading towards the lift to reach the 17th floor with a heavy heart. His hands shook in pain and fear of not being able to get her back anymore. Most of it being guilt. Flashes of hitting her went through his mind as he regretted every single action he took. Leaning against the wall beside
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