Lahat ng Kabanata ng Once Upon A Luna: Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
68 Kabanata
Chapter Ten
Rose"So she kicked you out?" Harriet loudly slurped her tea as she leaned over the counter of the bar. I rolled my eyes at her as I continued to slice up the pineapple in front of me.It had been a few days since I visited the ethereal realm. It felt like an eternity. Each day seemed to go by slower and slower. I had only told Orion about Selene sending me away; that was until this morning when a mop of curly hair appeared."Pretty much." I sighed as I tossed the spiky crown into the bucket I used to deliver my mom fruit and vegetable remains for her compost bin."Dang, you must have pissed her off good, Rosie Posie." Harriet obnoxiously snorted before looking down into her cup. Maybe Harriet wasn't the best choice for a sounding board about what happened."Honestly, I doubt there is any reason to worry about it. Maybe mating a blessed wolf is something spiritual or a huge deal for her?" Harriet shrugged her shoulders." was odd t
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Chapter Eleven
Rose   Days turned into weeks, we still had no new information on Mister Clay, and I still hadn't been brave enough to go back to the ethereal realm.  I wanted answers, of course, but I always chickened out anytime I had decided to see Selene.  Who was this new blessed wolf?  Were there others?   A couple of times, I thought about trying to trigger a premonition about this new blessed wolf.  I knew it wouldn't work, not unless our paths were weaved together in some fashion.  Since the demise of the Fallen Moon rogues, that was one thing I had figured out.  All of my premonitions around that time were tied to me in some way.   The fire, Pru getting kidnapped, Leto getting marked by Hades, going inside the map to see the church camp, and even Iris
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Chapter Twelve
Rose Sweat slowly dripped down my body as I dodged Iris's foot. I didn't have time to think about anything as I blocked Harriet's fist. I slightly groaned as I rolled away from them. It had been like this all training. Honestly, it had been like this for a while. I wasn't the strongest or the fastest fighter, but I could dodge and block. That was only thanks to my premonitions. The girls seemed to make it a game to see who could land hits on me. It may be fun for them, but I didn't find it enjoyable. "It's supposed to be a free-for-all, not everybody gang up on me," I grumbled as I scrambled to my feet to tackle Iris to the ground. "Where would be the fun in that?" Harriet grinned as she swung at Heather. Iris tried to wriggle her way out from underneath me, but I just stayed sprawled out on her, watching Harriet and Heather go at each other. "I'm not a couch." Iris groaned as she tried to roll out. "Yeah, let's call it here." Damian's
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Chapter Thirteen
Rose Orion's nose scrunched up in a sour look as he pushed the edge of the envelope down to look at it. "What does she want?" "I have no idea. To find that out would require me to open it." I sighed as I dropped it into my lap and finished sorting the last mail pieces into their respective piles. "Well, open it." Orion pushed, but I didn't really want to open it; not yet as least. "I'll take Alastor's mail up to his office." I ignored Orion's furrowed brows. As I stood up, I handed Orion his mail and pressed a kiss on his cheek. I tucked Lorraine's letter in the band of workout leggings and scooped up Alastor's mail. "Rose, open it," Orion called after me, not in a commanding tone, more of a concerned way. "Not right now, okay?" I smiled at him as I climbed the stairs. I rarely came upstairs in the packhouse; it felt lonelier than the first floor. It was probably best that Harriet and Alastor were up here by themselves most of the time
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Chapter Fourteen
Rose My damp hair clung to my shoulders as I sat on the floor of my room, painting my toenails a velvety dark blue. I hated taking the time to paint them, but my toes looked better peeking out of strappy shoes with a nice color on them. We still had almost an hour to go before we were supposed to meet up at Marie's. After Orion and I were done...showering, I just slipped on a pair of comfy shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. I had no desire to be dressed up for any longer than I absolutely had to be. Also, there was a chance my laziness would make it where someone else would make choices for me. A loud and obnoxious knock came from the door. I almost dropped my tiny paintbrush at the noise. Orion brushed his teeth in the bathroom, but his head appeared and yelled, "Come in!" "Is it safe? Are you done humping?" Harriet opened the door with her hand over her eyes. "Ugh, Harriet, stop being so dramatic." I groaned at her. "We have clot
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Chapter Fifteen
Rose Alastor's words from last night lingered in my mind all the next day. No matter what I did or where I went, they were there. I would have never guessed out of all people, Alastor's voice would be the one that would haunt me. The worst part was that they were technically my words, and he was using them against me. I never realized that my words had stuck with him after all this time. Then again, I never really knew what was going on in Alastor's mind. I sat on my bed, sucking on the inside of my cheek as I stared at my bedside table. My thoughts drifted to the last day I saw Lorraine. It was eight years when she declared she wanted to go out and see the world. She was twenty-two and sick of waiting to meet her mate. She had gotten special permission from Alpha Dane to leave the territory for an extended amount of time. If I had known that was the last time I would live with her or see her; maybe we would have treated each other differently.
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Chapter Sixteen
Rose"Dear baby sis,"I hope this letter finds you well. I know we haven't spoken in quite a while, but I need your help. Please read this and not just crumple up my letter and throw it away. I wouldn't blame you if you did, but please don't."When I spoke to mom last year, she mentioned that you had been kidnapped by a group of rogue wolves because you were a blessed wolf. She said you killed a witch, and to be honest, I thought mom had lost it. It sounded like she had gotten the real world confused with one of your silly fairy tales."That was until Austin reported something to Alpha Daughtry, and he then went to the council. They confirmed that you are indeed a blessed wolf, and you were kidnapped. I guess mom hasn't really lost it, at least not yet."I still see you as my kid sister. You are still eleven in my eyes. It's hard just to turn that off, you know. I forget that over the years, you have grown up. You are the Luna of a pack, afte
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Chapter Seventeen
Orion How many more times could I answer this phone and answer the same questions? Part of me wanted to kill Damian. It was his fault that Clementine felt comfortable enough to waste my time. Before I found Rose, I never involved myself with pack members. If I wanted some fun, I would drive a good hour or two away and find someone who had no connections to my pack. When you mix business with pleasure, it gets messy. Messy for you and the others around you. I have to keep reminding myself that I am Clementine's Alpha, and I cannot rip her head off, but if my phone rings one more time, I will tell her off. After this hell of a day, I would be talking to Damian regardless if his lovesick leech called again. I shouldn't have to babysit a grown woman. I always go out of my way to be there for my pack members whenever they need me. Until today I had never had someone so blatantly ignore the fact that the pack doesn't revolve around them. It's days like this
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Chapter Eighteen
Rose   "I can't believe you are going without me,"  Harriet grumbled as she threw herself on top of my bed.   "Well, someone has to stay here."  I pushed my hair out of my face as I looked up at my best friend.  "You just had to go and be mated to the pack's beta."   "We will just blame Alastor then."  Harriet sighed as she rolled over onto her back.  "So, who's all going anyways?"   "Orion and I are going to figure it out as soon as he is done talking to Brigid."  I folded a shirt up and slipped it into my suitcase.  "I thought you came down to help me pack, not wallow."   "I'm not wallowing."  Harriet hissed as she
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Chapter Nineteen
RoseIn the early hours of the morning, we left Black Moon. The sun had barely wakened up; only random lazy beams of light were lit our way. I had a weird feeling as I climbed into the front seat of Orion's SUV. I couldn't put my finger on it—something in between saddened and afraid. I think leaving my pack caused the melancholy, but the unknown ignited the fear.***Good luck, Rosebud. Give Lorraine a hug from me and tell her to write me more.*** My mom's words were the last mind link I received as we rolled out of our territory.My mom wanted to come with us, but it wasn't safe since we didn't know what was happening. She just wanted to see her eldest daughter again. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a tiny seed of jealousy rooting in my heart. I couldn't blame my mom; part of me knew that I was blessed in a sense. I had my parents all to myself. They were with me, in my pack, just minutes down the road. If I needed anything, they were just a mind
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