Semua Bab Happily Never After: Bab 51 - Bab 60
539 Bab
Chapter 50
Aaron I knocked on the door for several times, but Emily didn’t open up. I stood up and call my mu, “Mum, I think I might need your help with Niles for a few more nights, things have been a bit messed up at home, I need to calm Emily down first.” I talk once my mum picked up the call.   “What happened?” she asked.   “It is a long story, I will tell you about it later.” I said as I cut off the line.   I walked back to our room, “Emily.” I called up to her. “You better open it up or I will break down the wall.” I told her. No answers. I decided to bark in. “What the hell are you doing?” she shouted.  
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Chapter 51
Emily I woke up and starting to prepare breakfast, just made some pancakes and smoothies I smiled as I felt arms circled around my waist and a kiss landed in my left shoulder, “good morning wifey.” Aaron said. I touched his face and turn my body around as I kissed him on the lips, “good morning. I made you breakfast.” I said. He smiled, “I know. Thank you.” He said. I nodded my head. As we both sat down to have our breakfast, I realized that he is still not ready for the day, “are you not going to work?” I asked him. “No, we are going to spend the day together, right?&rdquo
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Chapter 52
Aaron  I typed away in my phone. With a picture of Emily working, looking so serious. I have never really confirm to public about my marriage. All that the media know is when the wedding ceremony and engagement. After that I never told anyone about it. All the media know was me dating Gemma, and my sudden marriage. But I never reveal anything since then. So I decided I want to show my wife to the world.  [A woman of my dream. Crazy to think how far we have come and to see where we stand now. A year ago, I married this beauty, I never post anything about my marriage cause I don’t want people to consume about my private life since I am not a celebrity. But here I am posting about my beautiful wife. When we got married, I was a dumbass. I don’t deserve her. But she gave me a chance and gave
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Chapter 53
Emily I heard Aaron opened my office door again, he went out to buy lunch for us. “Do you saw the post Gemma posted?” He asked me. I nodded my head. “Don’t mind her. She is just acting up.” He continued as he took out the food as set it on the dining table at my office. Again I nodded my head yes. “She can do as she wants.” I said.  He stopped doing what he did and looked at me, “I must be blind in the past.” He said. I shook my head no. “She lost her way to become Mrs. Eduardo. I do not blame her. But I can not promise she can live a happy life since she started the war with me.” I said as I walked up to Aaron.
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Chapter 54
Aaron “I am gonna say that I ended things with her but she didn’t accept the facts and start to fuss around about the matter. But I think I should be confirming about Gemma was still in my life earlier on my marriage. If not that would definitely be her comeback in deceiving me. Cause I took a role too in hurting Emily by letting Gemma to be with me after the marriage.” I said. Emily looked at me, “but it would get you a trouble too..” she started. But I cut her off, “cause that is what I did. I can not just put all the blame to her, it takes two to tango.  And I hurt you a lot, I guess that is the most rational decision I can make.” I said. My dad coughed lightly, &ldq
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Chapter 55
***   Emily   Aaron and I decided to leave Niles for a few more nights with his grandparents while we both going to deal with this whole mess.   “I am so happy to have my grandson for a few more nights with me.” My mum in law said.   I smiled as I looked at her, “sorry to trouble you.” I said. She nodded her head straight away.   “Nah, you are not at all. As what I said I love having Niles around. So I am really Ok with it.” She said.   “Let’s have our dinner,” his dad said.   We all then eat
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Chapter 56
Joseph I was so furious with Emily. I supported her all these times. But this time I really am not agreeing with what she suggested. It is not like I do not want her to destroy that woman, Gemma.  Of course I am so happy to see her standing on her own again. But this is not what I expected. I expect her to take revenge on both Aaron and Gemma. As that two people are the ones who hurt her the most.  Especially that Aaron. He thought that he could just hurt my sister, manipulated her to get back together with him again then act all heroic to destroy the homewrecker that once he was so in love with. Acted like the woman is the one who manipulated him to do so. Which is I know clearly not right b
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Chapter 57
Joseph I drove to Emily’s office as soon as I arrived the receptionist welcome me, “young master Fransisco.” “Is Emily here already?” I asked her.  She nodded her head, “yes, young madam is already at her office.” She said. I strode all the way to the lift that lead me to Emily’s office. I opened her door and walked in. She lifted her head to look at me, “hey, good morning. Have you had your breakfast?” She asked me. I nodded my head. “Emily, what is on your mind? You can’t be sure about it
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Chapter 58
AaronI just dropped Emily to her office and now on my way to my office for my press conference. "I hope what I did is right. It is for Emily." I muttered. Once I stopped because of the red light. I type a message, "you better stop doing what you are going to do, or you are going to regret it. Soon." I send the message to Gemma and started to drive again.It took me about half an hour before I got to my office. After that I got down from my car after I cut off the line from my secretary telling that the journalists have been waiting for me and asking how long would I need them to wait for.I walked in to the entrance of my office and saw there are already lots of journalist that is already waiting.I heard fuss once they saw me.“He is here. He is
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Chapter 59
“My main and own reason is, We had a son together, and seeing my wife in that state at that time really tore me apart. I just wanted to spend the rest of my life make it up to her. And today is my way to protect my family too.” I answered them. “I wondered why would your wife wanted to try again with you Young Master Eduardo.” A journalist stated. I feel my blood started to raise. So I decided to end the press conference right there. “Well, I thank you all for being here. That is all that I can tell you. So it is clear that yes I dated Gemma, but we have ended things in a good way, so please Gemma, do not disturb me and my family again. Thank you.” I said as I stood up and walked away to the elevator. ***
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