Semua Bab The Butterfly Knot : Bab 21 - Bab 30
42 Bab
Chapter Twenty One | Tongue Tied
❀ Kate ❀ Five hours ago, Virginia Beach “Dude—what the hell was that!?” Tristan’s dumbfounded voice trailed close behind me as I hurried back to The Oceanfront Inn, head held high despite how desperate and lost I was feeling inside. “We're never going to hear the end of your little stunt back there! You were so close to winning this thing! Why would you throw it all away!? What came up, exactly?” He wasn't wrong; I effortlessly sailed into the women's finals without breaking a sweat, and had been the talk of the beach all morning. Not a single one of my competitors wanted this as badly as I did, so I was anything but surprised to find everyone gaping at me in astonishment as I formally backed out and abruptly left the scene. Turns out my heart just wasn't in it like I thought it was. Not anymore. You’re doing the right thing Kate; Just tell him
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Chapter Twenty Two | What Should I Do?
◦◦ Sawyer ◦◦ The next morning “’re being serious!?” Erin’s amused smirk slowly disappeared as she let what I just blurted out about Kate’s heartfelt confession fully sink in. Leaning forward with brazen energy, she whisper hissed inches away from my indignant face. “Dude why didn’t you lead with that? Now I feel like an asshole!" I mimicked the sassy expression she wore only seconds ago before throwing my hands up helplessly, and swallowing with nervous distress as she eased back into her seat. “Well that’s all great and everything else but um, yeah. Did you think I was fucking with you or something? Me, putting forth a shit ton of effort at nine in the morning for a joke? What a droll notion. You know very well I don’t just jump out of bed at this hour for any minuscule thing. Also, lead with what!?&nb
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Chapter Twenty Three | Exit Stage Left
❋ Erin ❋ My wildest dreams have finally come true; How did the universe KNOW I wanted some hunky Italian man’s scorching hot coffee romantically splashed all over my poor breasts, with an audience here commemorating the moment? I could officially die ‘happy’ now. “Cavalo! I didn’t see you, Miss. Please accept my sincerest—” A deep, concerned voice cut through my internal rant like a hot knife slicing into butter. The husky and foreign sound of it alone was enough to make my already restless knees buckle. Watching that captivating pair of lush lips maneuver their way around at least fifty different apologies, I momentarily forgot about my own pain and swooned a little. I’ve always been a sucker for gorgeous Mediterranean types, man or woman, and this one didn’t disappoint my eyes the way he had my brand new silk camisole. It was soaked with triple shot e
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Chapter Twenty Four | Life Goes On...Or Does It?
◦◦ Sawyer ◦◦ I have dearly departed Motina to thank for my unhealthy shopping addiction. I’m not sure how it started exactly, but knew I shared her penchant for all things new, luxurious, and expensive since the touchy age of fourteen. While I’d been awkwardly stepping into my sexuality and forever trying to hide the persistent odor of booze on my breath, mother’s presence at our estate became scarcer than ever before. She usually rushed back into Naples a couple days prior to father’s return from whatever business he was handling, eagerly inviting me into their massive master bedroom so she could show off her limited addition handbags and custom spun silks. I always wondered what it felt like to be loved by someone the way Motina unconditionally loved her expanding wardrobe. Though I enjoyed looking at and touching what was handed over for me to admire, mom’s flowery feminine tastes didn’t match mine. The numerous stacks o
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Chapter Twenty Five | Heaving Through Impaired Lungs
❀ Kate ❀ I ran like demons from hell were chasing me. My feet became a blur after some time, hardly recognizable as they slapped against the sleek black belt with ferocity. I wasn’t paying attention to anything else happening around me at LA Fitness, focusing on numbers and numbers alone. How many calories I was burning, how good it felt to expel my stored energy; Watching my heart rate steadily climb. I hadn’t trained this hard since meeting Sawyer, not even for the competition I backed out of, and man were my sore muscles feeling it. Cursing under ragged breath, I quietly vowed never to miss another pre-planned gym session again. Especially not to sit on my ass and eat fattening ice cream at one in the afternoon, with someone who obviously didn’t take me seriously. After suffering from last night’s embarrassment, I only wanted to do one thing; Run, and I was. Running, running, running m
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Chapter Twenty Six | Follow The Leader
◦◦ Sawyer ◦◦ Later that same evening “....I just think it’s funnnny...” I drawled, leaning toward Erin’s shell shaped bathroom mirror slightly as I applied an even coat of cherry lip balm to my pout. “I’ve never met someone so flighty before; Seems like Kate always chooses the difficult route and honestly dude I’m tired. We’re running in circles at this point. If she doesn’t give a fuck, why should I? Why is it always me paying for shit I never asked for!?” “Mmmmmmm.” Erin glanced up from painting her right pinky toe, and I caught her humming in thought when I turned to the left for some validation. Perched at the end of her modern porcelain soaking tub, she screwed the top of my favorite coral nail polish (the one I let Erin borrow a few months ago) back into place and exhaled heavily. I could practically feel pity floating in the air as she did so. “Go eas
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Chapter Twenty Seven | Lesson Number One
♬ Blythe ° “So...Sawyer,” I started with a calm smile, chewing the bottom portion of my lip in thought as she poured her third shot since we’d settled at a community table, beside a round built-in ceramic hot tub. The dusky air was calm all around us, save for a light salty breeze making it’s presence known by stimulating my nostrils. Her curious blue eyes shifted in my direction for a brief second before returning to their post; A rather large clay glass used for hammering tequila like I’ve honestly never seen before. One forearm resting against the table, I watched Sawyer’s slender fingers tap lightly in my peripheral view as she eased back into her chair. When addressing someone, I like to maintain eye contact. It’s respectful. “That’s my naaaaameee...a damn stupid one too if you ask me.” She slurred with a sarcastic giggle after a moment. Lifting her shot glass up, the beautiful tow-headed blonde began to laugh obnoxiously. “I mean, what girls do
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Chapter Twenty Eight | Difficult Choices
❀ Kate ❀ Two days later “Thanks for swinging by on such short notice, Kate. We know you’ve got a busy schedule.” My dad’s tight smile was on full display as he stepped aside so I could stride into the familiar foyer. Dressed for business as usual, his violet J. Crew suit wrinkled some with every movement. It must’ve been a long day for him, too. “I’m sure you’re as ravenous as we are.” Feeling plainly clothed as always in my professional paternal figure’s presence, I smoothed out the front of my ivory Adidas thin long sleeve while he continued rambling about what we were having to eat. I’d just gotten back from a three hour LA Fitness visit, and was ready to lay into some chow—ravenous was an understatement. A sickeningly sweet wave of freshly baked cinnamon rolls rushed forward, making my stomach growl. We used to have them for breakfast every Sunday morning when Amanda was still alive; Now they make a rare appearance a
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Chapter Twenty Nine | Look What You Made Me Do
◦◦ Sawyer ◦◦ “...Take a shot with me?” Kate’s best friend asked without really asking. I could tell by that urgent tone, and cocked an eye brow in response. Though there wasn’t much of a chance to object—Almost immediately after placing his order, a heavily made up bartender slammed two mini clear glasses in front of us on her way to another rowdy table. My gaze lingered on the scantily dressed redhead’s retreating profile for a second. She seemed vaguely familiar at first sight, but I wouldn’t be surprised if every bar keep in Naples knew who I was. I hop around town searching for a good time often enough; It’s just I’m never sober for long so it’s not like I’ve ever remembered the names of anyone who served me. “You drink vodka, right? Or was it whiskey? Rum??” Tristan squinted his eyes shut and drummed a few fingers against his head, trying to recall. The blundering performance he was putting on amused me, so I threw him a bone with a friendly—albeit tight— smile.
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Chapter Thirty | Disloyal Disposition
❀ Kate ❀ I really should take a trip to the supermarket tomorrow after work. Peering at the scarce contents of my icebox, I selected my last mini container of garlic hummus and pre-sliced celery sticks to serve as a late dinner. I normally wouldn’t eat after seven at night if I can help it, but exceptions exist for a reason. Midst all the drama that took place at my parents and later on with Tristan, food was the last thing on my mind. Until now, because I could no longer endure the intense hunger cramps seizing my stomach with a vengeance. I’d hardly grazed since lunch— before training. Leaning against the cheap ceramic tile of my counter, I shakily tore into the little hummus cup and swirled a hearty amount of creamy goodness onto my neatly cut celery stalk. I stared at the white popcorn ceiling as I chomped away without really tasting anything, finally deciding I liked the way my living space looked since Danica picked up her
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