Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
31. Trouble In Paradise.
Lily's POV.  The next day, Ryan comes to my apartment but Lady gives a warning bark. I calm her down and let her know that Ryan is part of the family. She sits aside but still looks at Ryan for sometime. "I came here as soon as they left." Ryan says and kisses me. "Why?" I ask teasingly as I go behind kitchen island. "To check, if you are okay or not." Ryan says as he follows me and I raise my brows at him. "Like this." I say as his hands go up my thighs. "I have to check thoroughly." Ryan says as his hands reach its destination. "I would be late for work." I say as I try to control my moan. 
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32. Falling Apart.
Lily's POV.  I look at the time for the tenth time, Ryan has yet to arrive. I made so many things for dinner. I made his favourite grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup which has croutons too. I also made his favourite salad of vegetables and corn and also some mozzarella sticks. For the main dish, I made lasagna bolognese and for dessert we will have brownies which I brought from Emma's house. I also arranged romantic music along with lights just like Ryan did once for us on our two months anniversary. I even dressed up in his favourite color and the dress which I wore the first night in Vermont. The first night we took one step ahead. The night I lost myself and found a new me in his arms.  As I feed Lady, I hear the jingle of keys and stand
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33. Art Of Distraction.
Lily's POV.  "Listen carefully. I was with Ryan yesterday and he told me that he is getting back with Freya and soon they are going to announce their engagement." Vance says and I am shocked to my core. He is getting engaged. "But we have to stop it as I heard Freya talking to someone on the phone." Kathy says. "We should stop their engagement because you heard her talking on the phone. Why?" I ask. "Freya was talking to someone saying that as soon as their engagement is announced, not only will his father come out from the edge of bankruptcy but also she will get enough funds to invest in her boyfriend's company too." Kathy says. "But isn't her boyfriend Ryan right now?" I ask in confusion.&n
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34. Finding Clues.
Lily's POV.  We get inside the elevator and I act like I don't care who the hell he is. Ryan has no right to be jealous and upset when we don't have any relationship between us anymore. I feel uncomfortable and hot at the same time as I am standing beside Davis. I am starting to hate elevators nowadays as they remind me of not doing so many things. I hold on my breath and stay stoic as we go down. But when we get off Davis gets a good look at Ryan. "You are Ryan Anderson. Hi, I am Davis. We met at the wedding." Davis introduces himself. "Hi." Ryan says politely. "And you know Lily." Davis says. "Yes… I do. So where are you both going? Maybe I could drop you both." Ryan says. "No thanks. We are going out on a date and I know you won't like becoming a third wheel." I say with a smile.&nb
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35. Truth Unfold.
Lily's POV.  I look at Freya as I eat cookies and say, "Hey, Freya. What are you doing here?" "I am here to talk with you," Freya says as she enters my apartment. I gently close the door behind her and ask, "About what?"  "About the fact that how much I can ruin your life if you don't accept my deal, I am going to offer you now," Freya says as she folds her arms and looks at me haughtily. "What?" I ask as I raise my brows at her. "I want you out of my way. I want you to go away somewhere for some time till I get married to Ryan. I will give you as much money as you want if you leave." Freya says. "Why should I leave? Ryan already broke up with me?" I ask. "Because if you don't, next morning you would be on the front page of every newspaper. Your name would be in the dirt and
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36. Unexpected Happenings.
Lily's POV. Next day, I go to live with Emma for two days just so I don't cross paths with Ryan and also because I was not feeling that well.  "Hi, Lily. Look Ethan, your favourite aunt is here." Emma says. "I think you are forgetting but I am his only aunt." I say and see Ethan rush towards me. "Aunt Lily, look what I made for Eve." Ethan says as he shows me the scrapbook he made. It has pictures of us family with names under it and some moments we had on different holidays. I did this for Ethan once just like Lucas did it for me. It is like a tradition in our family.  "It is beautiful and you are on point in some pictures." I say as I show Emma a picture of Lucas cooking a meal for us which Ethan tagged as 'Reasons we shouldn't let Dad in the kitchen.' We laugh at that and make fun of some of them. It really made some of my da
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37. Secret Lover to Fiance.
Lily's POV.  I blink my eyes open when I feel drops of water and look up to see the dark sky then Ryan comes into my view. I slowly sit up by his support and drink some water he brings for me. "Looks like my proposal really made you swoon just like Vance said." Ryan says as he sits beside me. "Is there any possibility that I was dreaming all of that?" I ask. "Nope." Ryan says with a small smile. "Okayyyy." I say as I try to understand what happened earlier. "You should know this first before you answer that this was not spur of the moment decision. Guess girls aren't the only ones who weave dreams." Ryan says and I stop breathing for a second. 
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38. Normal Day.
Lily's POV.  We took his car to the restaurant where we had our first date. Our regular host congratulates me when he sees the ring on my hand. When he goes to offer complimentary champagne, Ryan denies it. So, the host promises us to give dessert to congratulate us. I look at Ryan who is looking at my ring finger like he still can't believe that I said yes and we are engaged. I smile at him and shake my head when he looks up and he smiles nervously. "Believe it. We are together." I say as I kiss his hand. "Not until we are at the altar." Ryan says. I giggle and say, "Well that could be arranged if we call Richard and inform him about it." "Well that is one thing I am dreading t
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39. Melodious Heartbeat.
Lily's POV.  Ryan and I take his car and leave the building. I duck in the seat when I see my brother entering the garage. We were just saved by a second. "When are you going to tell Lucas?" Ryan asks. "Maybe the weekend before your parents' anniversary." I say. "Why then?" He asks. "Because if I tell him now, I fear he might spill the beans in front of Richard." I say. "Okay." Ryan says. "We will do one thing. We will invite my whole family to have dinner with us on that weekend and I will tell him. Great idea?" I ask. "Whatever you say, dear." Ryan says as he kisses my hand.
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40. Supportive Siblings.
Lily's POV.  We go to the hospital afterwards and I literally jump in excitement when Dr. Miller tells me that we are having a boy. Ryan grinned at my silly reaction and kissed the side of my head. "Well everything looks good but you have to keep up with your diet and have to add a few more things and remove some of them." Dr. Miller says and writes down the name of a nutritionist we should meet. She also tells me to be careful and not overdo anything other. I nod along on her every word but when she suggests I should eat chocolates daily, I literally want to kiss her. Ryan and I just exited her cabin with a smile on our faces. But my smile soon fades away when I see Richard and Heather in the distance. They have yet to notice us. 
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