Semua Bab Where Love lies.( A Mafia's obsession and CEO's ❤): Bab 11 - Bab 20
75 Bab
Chapter Eleven
     “ Hey, hey baby that’s enough now, it’s never too late you know. We could go visit your mum today if you want but I don’t want to see you cry again.”“ I had promised her that I will be coming over this weekend to see her.”“ Then that’s settled, we will go there by the weekend to see her and maybe bring her along with us to come and stay over here till after the wedding. What do you think?”“ it’s perfect. but what about her job, will she agree to leave her work and come with us?”“ Now you don’t have to worry about that leave it to me I will find a way.”My mood lightened up immediately. “ you are the best baby!” I jumped on him and we started locking lips so passionately and the next thing he was all over me. His hand lingered as he pulled my Night gown off leaving me unclad in bed while he unhooked his belt and unleash
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Chapter Twelve
“ Wow Babe, is this your room?” He said while his eyes browsed around the my Bedroom.“ Yeah.” I mumbled.“ Hey! I know you are feeling nostalgic right now but you going to have to be strong for your dad. I don’t think he will be happy seeing how sad you are returning after quite a long time.” He cupped his hands around my face.“ thank you for your support babe. I kissed his palm. I am here today all because of you.”“ I am happy to be of help to you. Now quit thanking me and let’s unpack your things, I will be sleeping in a hotel tonight to give you some space to catch up with your mom and mend your broken bonds okay?”I smiled baffled at how understanding he is. “ Andre Baby, you are a Gem of a person and I am lucky to have you as my man.” I gave him a warm kiss on the lips and embraces him tightly.After wards, he helps me put my things in the closet and
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Chapter thirteen
 If only wishes were roses then perhaps my mom’s would have come to reality but the opposite happens on the next day. After the heart to heart conversation with my dear mother, I slept next to her in her bedroom and the following morning while I was sound asleep she’d already woken up and prepared breakfast before she left for work that morning.I opened my eyes to find the bed empty but I wasn’t surprised or worried because I was quite aware of my mom’s work schedule so I quickly freshened up after I left her room to mine and got dressed before coming down for a heart warming breakfast. It is still wonder to me eating what my mom prepared with her own two hands, I never knew she was a good cook all these while.As I was busy having my delightful breakfast Andre knocks on the door but I was too intent with my meal I had to ask him in by yelling “ Come in the door is open!”.He opened the door and proceeded in. “ Bab
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Chapter fourteen
“ Yeah, he would chase us around the block with a mop stick, we were so naughty back then.” I giggled.While we were catching up and laughing at our old memories, holding each other’s hand innocently. a flame of fire is lighted when Andre walks in on us.“ Oh hey Babe! This is….”“ Let’s go!” He took my hand and was about to drag me out but I forced my hand off his to clear up the misunderstanding he might be having.“ Dre, can you hold on for a second. What are you doing? Alberto is just a friend of mine. ““ Yeah man chill, Hailey and I are…” Before Alberto could finish his sentence, Andre drags him by the collar.“ If I hear you utter a word I will make sure you don’t speak for the rest of your life.” His voice shrude and vile as he glared at Alberto. He then pushed him away.“ Andre, what are you doing? You are getting thi
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Chapter Fifteen
I left his office to the bathroom where I cried my eyes out pouring out my emotions and after I washed my face and applied some make up to cover up the bruise on my eye.I spent the rest of my day at the clinic helping out doctor Stimson with the children's treatment and consultation after which I lodged in a motel for the night but I made I a mistake of not contacting my room mate Rosalie, I was exhausted about the things happening in life I just want to lay down my head for a little while, alone in my world.I passed out after some moments of retrospection. Waking up the next morning by Non stop calls from Rosalie, I took my phone and slide my finger across the screen to answer it.“ Rose, what’s up?” my voice sounded groggy.“ Hailey, what’s going?” she sound upset.“ I don’t understand what you mean.” I was confused.“ Your fucking Fiancé has been here since four in the m
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Chapter Sixteen
 I sat down obediently.“ Hailey, in as much as you are an employee in my clinic, I still regard you as my own daughter and that’s why I'm going to give you a piece of advice, My dear if you have any future plans with that man who just left here a while ago, I advice that you sit down and think it through before taking any step further or else you might end up making the biggest mistakes of your life. They say you don’t judge a book by it's cover and maybe what I just witnessed might be a misunderstanding but you know the contents of this book and I believe you will make the right choice.”I was speechless for a while, I didn’t know what to say or which step to take. I stood up and thanks him before I left his office.While in my office, Doctor Stimson’s words and the strange lady back at the garage were stuck in my mind . “ Could it be true what they said about him. I pondered. Yes he does have an ill temper but ap
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Chapter seventeen
      Firstly, I went back to the hotel to get my things and I headed back home from there, I had no idea what I was thinking but one thing I was certain is that I do not want to stay in a relationship with Andre Any longer and I don’t want to hide from him in fear either.I returned home later that night and went straight to my room, no words to my room mate Rosalie as she stood there and watched me proceed to my room.All night I couldn’t get a wink of sleep but I managed to come up with an idea. Deep within I don’t know if what Summer told me was true but the only way to find out is not to run away but to keep showing him that I do love him so that I can get closer to him but this time it won’t be for any other thing but to find my way out of his life for good.I got up and got ready for work. I left for work a bit late and once I got to work while in my office I picked up my phone and I went on calling Andre. It rang on
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Chapter Eighteen
     “ Hey Andre, you don’t have to get me anything I am not feeling hungry.” I forced myself to talk calmly “ Oh no babe, you need to eat. Remember you weren’t able to have your breakfast earlier this morning so that’s why you need to force yourself and have something even if it’s a little. For me please.”“ if it was for you then I rather starve to death. I could hear the voice in my head. Alright, why don’t you get me some berries and chips, that’s what I feel like having right now.”He ran out quickly to get what I asked him without hesitating for a second and before I know it he came back with all the chips in the world and bags of different berries, including the ones that I have no idea existed.The following day, before I could get out of bed, André has already prepared breakfast and picked out new clothes for me to wear for our visit to the doctor
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Chapter Nineteen
    “Ma'am, I will applying some lubricant on your abdomen it might feel as little cold on your skin okay?”“ okay.” My voice frail as I laid there with my eyes shut.He pressed the tube and the Jelly poured on my tommy down to my lower paunch, he then used the sonogram Instrument and gently pushed it against my lower stomach and carefully ran it up and down, while monitoring the fetuses heart beat..“ did you see that Mrs. Rodriguez, there is your baby.” He pointed at the image on the screen, I slowly opened my eyes and as soon as I saw my growing child, I got so emotional. Andre clenched on to my hand while we watched our baby’s movement.“ Is it a he or a she doctor?” I could hear Andre ask next.“ the gender can not be detected yet Mr. Rodriguez. Your wife is still in her early stage of the first trimester but by the end of next month we will be able to tell the sex of the ch
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Chapter twenty.
I heaved a sigh and slowly shook my head. “ how far is he willing to go and this time he is playing with Destiny.” “ what do you think. Do you like it?” “ yyeah. It’s nice.” I sputtered. “ Louise have this cradle set up in my son’s room.” He ordered the made. Hearing him being specific on my unborn child’s gender made me uneasy so get up “ I have to use the restroom” I made up an excuse and left him there on the bed while I entered the bathroom. I went straight to the sink, turned the water in and splash it on my face. I was feeling suffocated all o
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