Semua Bab Dark Obsessions (A Devil's Knights MC Series 1): Bab 31 - Bab 40
104 Bab
Chapter Twenty-Six
Bridgette poured them both two very large cups of coffee. She sat his in front of him and then put a little bit of creamer in hers. Once she was done she leaned against the counter and took a satisfying sip. She moaned her appreciation as the warmth from her cup warmed her tired body.  “So if you don’t get much sleep what do you do to pass the time?” He asked, trying to ignore the way her moan sounded as she enjoyed that first sip of coffee.  “Honestly?” She asked, eyeing him over the rim of her cup.  “Yeah.” He said, before taking the first sip of his very strong coffee. “Oh my god! How strong did you make this?”  “I have to make it strong or I wouldn’t be able to function on the amount of sleep I normally get.” She said with a chuckle. 
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
“Margo, why did you pull away?” Kane asked. “Kane, I’m broken and dirty… You deserve better.” She mumbled, turning away from  him. Kane sighed sadly. He wasn’t about to push her further than he already had. Instead he reached out and pulled her into his arms. He rested his chin on the  top of her head as he thought for a moment about what she had said. She saw herself as broken and dirty. That wasn’t how he saw her though. She was beautiful and strong. “Listen to me, Margo. You are not broken or dirty.” He said, causing her to tense up. “No. You’re going to listen to me. You are beautiful and strong. So fucking strong it blows my damn mind.” “Kane&hellip
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Kane listened to him stumble around on the other end of the line for a moment before there was a loud thud followed by cursing. Kane raised a brow as he listened to the young man swear up a storm that he was sure would cause the devil himself to blush. Kane snickered as  he was sure that he heard Dex invent some new ones in the process. “Are you done laughing? I think I broke my fucking toe.” Dex grumbled. “Sorry man. I wouldn’t ask unless it was important.” Kane said, feeling bad for him. “Yeah  yeah. She better be fucking hot.” Dex said. “That’s not all  she is.” Kane snickered, knowing Dex would feel like he had been talking about his own sister when he figured out who h
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Kane sighed in frustration as he looked at his phone. The number flashing on the screen caused him nothing but seething anger and frustration. He didn’t know what she wanted but he had been done with her years ago. He wasn’t about to let her show up and screw up his life anymore than she already had. Kane growled and declined the call before shutting his phone off.    “What’s got you so angry?” Machine asked, coming to sit down next to him at the bar.    “It’s nothing.” He mumbled.    “Are you sure?” Machine asked, eyeing him over his beer.    “Yeah. So what’s up?” Kane asked, turning to look the older man in the eyes.    Kane still
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Chapter Thirty
A/N: So quick note this chapter and nearly every chapter from this moment on will have some sort of extreme violent content. There are notes of BDSM in this particular chapter. I will mark the chapter the usual way just keep and eye out for the *****     “Where the hell have you been?” Digger growled, facing a trembling Ginny.    Her wide frightened eyes stared back at him. Her face was pale and she was trembling with fear. She had been gone for two and a half months before she turned up. Her hair was dirty and stringy. Her clothes had been filthy and parts of her fingers were missing. It was clear she had been tortured.    “What the hell happened to you?” He demanded when she remained quiet. 
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Chapter Thirty-One
“Bridge!” Sammy yelled, running into the house and throwing her backpack on the floor. “What’s up, kiddo?” She asked, coming out of the kitchen. “You know some really weird people. Do you know that?” She asked, looking up at her. “What do you mean?” Bridgette asked, slightly worried.“There’s been men on motorcycles outside my school for weeks now!” She said exasperatedly. “They’re there for your protection.” Bridgette whispered softly. “Oh, because of the people that my daddy knew?” She asked, blinking up at her. 
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Chapter Thirty-Two
A/N: Another explicit chapter. This chapter is nothing but explicit material. Skip it if  you can't handle it.      “So you found her?” Bernard asked, stepping inside Digger’s home.    “She found me.” Digger  said.    “What do you mean by that?” He asked, raising a brow.    “I mean the dumb bitch got us fucking compromised!” Digger growled.    “What did she do?” Bernard asked, frowning.    “She went and showed up at the house where the woman that bought the land was staying.” Digger g
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Chapter Thirty-Three
“Are you sure that you have everything you need?” Kane asked, following her out to her car that was parked at the house in the country.    “Yep.” She said, slinging her backpack onto her shoulders.    “What’s in there anyway?” Kane asked, eyeing the backpack.    “Bugs, a laptop, a burner phone, fake identities, some cash.” She said, rattling off a list as they climbed in the car.    “Are you sure you don’t want some back up?” Kane asked, wishing it wasn’t just the two of them.    “And who would you call to assist us?” She asked, starting the car.    “The club!” Kane al
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Chapter Thirty-Four
Kane paced up and down the hall of the house that Bridgette owned in town. He had been waiting on her to get ready to go for nearly thirty minutes now. They had still not finished their conversation from a week ago and he was getting impatient. He knew that they had left things unsaid and the feeling  that everything could come to an end at any moment was beginning to drive him insane. “Bridgette!  You’re running late!” Kane yelled up the stairs. “I know! Believe me I know! Can you come up here and help me?” She yelled down. Kane shrugged his shoulders and sighed. His heavy steps echoed up the stairs as he made his way up to her room. He looked around and frowned when he didn’t see her. “Where ar
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Kane and Bridgette loaded up the car and on their way without further delay. She grabbed her burner phone and sent a text message to her contact that she was running late. The car ride was quiet as both were lost in their thoughts of what might happen at the meeting. She knew that she was taking a risk meeting her contact in person but she knew that it was something that she would have to do.  They pulled up outside an old abandoned building off of a lake. There was a single car parked outside but no one was around. They looked at each other dubiously before Bridgette let out a frustrated sigh. She was glad that she had the foresight to prepare ahead. She reached into the back seat of her car and pulled out a book bag. In that book bag was a shoulder holster, hip holster, and a sheath for her thigh. Bridgette slipped them on and reached under the back seat of the car. She quickly grabbed her twin pis
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