Semua Bab Second Chance: Bab 41 - Bab 45
45 Bab
Chapter 40
It was 7 o'clock.Parth was still in the bed, in his dream world.Clock alarm was ticking continuosly.He woke up and switched it off and again fell asleep. It was Sunday too.So, nobody was going to disturb him today.After a complete sleep,he woke up at 10 a.m. but still lazing on his bed." Parth...come done..when will you wake up?" Lily wailed from the courtyard." Let him sleep today,Lily." Grandma said," Everyday he wakes early.Its only Sunday that he can over sleep."" ohho... grandma.Its already 10 o' clock.He already had more than enough sleep.What do you want to let him sleep the whole day.?" She said and walked towards upstairs when she didn't get any reply from him.She knocked the door hardly.He got up from his bed and opened the door for her and asked,"Do you want to break the door?"He went back in his bed. Lily entered the room and looked around and said," At least you should clear your room once in a blue moon. How can a human survive in such a messy place?"" I...i can s
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chapter 41
It was monday morning.Parth didn't want to go college today.He was feeling guilty of lying to him.But Ryan was very much excited to go college.He could still remember the sad face of Parth when Kevin didn't come for the movie." How could he do this to him? If he didn't want to come,he should tell him directly.Today i will make him spill out the truth so that he could not cheat him anymore."Ryan was getting ready for the college.He reached the college." Hii! Sweetheart!" Rose waved him, came closer and hugged him." Did you enjoy yourself yesterday with your family? I really missed you a lot." Rose said.She wanted to see his reaction.But he was busy in looking around in the class." what happened? Are you looking for someone?"" yeah..I am looking for Kevin."" But why? Did he fight with you again?"He saw Kevin and Joe walking towards the classroom." I will explain you everything but let me sort out something first with that guy." Ryan said and walked towards him out of the class
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Chapter 42
" What happened to him? I smiled at him but he ignored me." Parth thought.He was amazed by his such behaviour." Anyways,i talk about it when he will call me."Ryan wanted to know the truth.He came in his room and dialled his number." Hii! Ryan! I was thinking about you just."" Hello.."" I know you called me to ask why didn't I go to college today? Actually..."" I want to talk to you now."" Then what we are doing now?"" I mean I want to talk to you face to face not on phone.""Okay..wait for a minute,i come in the balcony."" No..need of it." Ryan said in a very rude way." Then?" Parth asked." In your room.I am telling so that you make sure there wouldn't be anyone in the room."" Please no..i would be in great trouble if someone would find it."" You don't worry about that. Nobody will find it.I will make sure about it."" okay..i will wait for you in my room." Parth said and hung up the call." Why does he want to talk about?From the tone of his voice something is there..Is
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Chapter 43
" Parth! wake up now.Are you planning to absent today also? If not then get up honey. You will be late otherwise." His mom said from the courtyard.Parth looked at the watch,it was about to 7 o'clock.He got up from his bed and directly went inside his bathroom.After getting ready,he came downstairs, holding his bag.He wasn't feeling hungry.So,he didn't wait for the breakfast and walked towards the entrance." Hey! Where are you going without having breakfast" Lily said while coming out of the kitchen.She was holding a plate with food and a glass of water."Ssshhhh...." Parth waved her to keep quiet, came closer to her and said," i am not hungry. Please don't say it loudly otherwise mom would listen it and she would not let me go college without having breakfast. Lily stared at him angrily." please.. please." Parth whinned." Okay..fine but don't forget to have something in the college canteen." Lily warned him." ohh..sure..i will have something there." Parth assured her and left wa
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Chapter 44
It was almost 10 p.m, Parth was lying into his bed, constantly looking at the ceiling." I shouldn't go in the party.Kevin already hates me the most..He had already told me to not show him my face again.. Parth thought." But,this could be my last chance to reveal Rose 's reality infront of him and others and Kevin's life would be saved." One after another contradicting thoughts were racing in his mind." Ohh! God..what should I do? Although he hates me so much,i am still thinking about him." He pulled his blanket all over his head and slept.Next day early morning he woke up,he seemed stressed and puzzled.With his sleepyhead,he came down and took the newspaper and started reading it." Hey! hey! are you alright?" Lily rushed to him and took the newspaper from him and touched his forehead."" what?" Parth got confused.He looked around. His mom, grandma were also staring him surprisingly,even grandpa too." His body temperature is normal.So,what could happen to him actually? Lily said
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