Semua Bab My Omega Slave: Bab 31 - Bab 39
39 Bab
The ball
Savannah's pov We arrive at the eagle eye pack just after 7 pm, the ball has only just started but is already full, there are 4 different packs here plus the eagle pack members and already everything is in full swing. The ball has been set up outside under a huge stylish canopy, there is a massive dance floor set out with round tables around it, a stage has been placed at the very front with a long elegant table set on there for the Alpha and his family, there are two bars one on either side of the canopy and a DJ set up in the corner. It is beautiful and it looks like it's going to be a good night. "Shots!" Shouts Mia as soon as we enter the ball, I love this girl. We never fail to have a good time no matter where we go, she heads for the bar and we all follow her and we order 6 shots each and sex on the beach cocktails, the guys order shots to and whiskeys. We down the shots at the bar and take the cocktails with us to find our table, it takes a hell of a lot to ge
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Noah's got mates?
Theo's pov It's 11.30 and this ball has been amazing, I am having a great time. I've not been to a ball or party since I lived at my own pack and I forgot how much I loved them! We guys are drinking well but the girls are drinking even better. I've lost count of how much they've had but they are having so much fun who cares! Their safe me and the guys are watching over them so why shouldn't they enjoy their selves? We've also been watching over Emma, Jay has been to see her 6 times tonight even though he should be working and every time he turns up she looks genuinely gutted and uncomfortable when he's talking to her, I don't think he's realized that we've noticed but we have and it won't be forgotten. We're all sitting around the table chatting and laughing, Savannah's sitting on my lap and it's doing nothing to calm my raging cock. She has no idea how sexy she is or how much she turns me on all the Time! I need to distract myself so I force my attention bac
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Nate's angry
Savannah's pov I wake up feeling groggy, opening my eyes I can't see a thing I'm in complete darkness. There's something covering my eyes and all I can feel is vibrating underneath me and I soon realize I'm in a car or van maybe, I think I'm in the boot and we're moving shit! I try to move my hands and legs but they are tied, I start panicking and screaming but it's muffled by the gag that's tied around my mouth. My heart is pounding as tears begin to roll down my cheeks and my palms get sweaty. I try linking Theo but it's not working we must be too far away. I start hitting out with my hands and legs just hoping for some miracle when the vehicle suddenly stops, fuck I'm scared! I hear the door being opened and seconds later I feel big hands grab me and pull me out of the boot, I try screaming again but I get slapped across the face. "Stop fucking screaming, no one's going to help you!" that voice sounds familiar....before I can think about it anymore I'm rou
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Where's my girl?
Theo's pov Everyone's sitting here in shock Mia and Josh mated with Noah, honestly, none of us saw that coming. They didn't accept each other in front of us but Noah took them both outside to talk and he didn't seem angry so hopefully, that's a good sign. "He won't reject them!" Luna Sophia voices. "No, he won't my love, another daughter and son for us, how exciting!" Alpha Jake answers her and I love how they accept everyone regardless of the situation. "I know another 3 sons and 1 daughter in 1 month it's amazing!" She's honestly beaming. I'm gutted Savannah missed that she would have been beside herself with happiness for her best friend and brother. As I'm thinking about her I realize it's been a little while since Mia and Emma came back from the toilet and Savannah still hadn't returned so I decided to go make sure she's ok, she's pretty tipsy so maybe she's not feeling well. I arrive at the bathroom I know she'll use but there's
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please save me!
Theo's pov We've been searching the grounds for over an hour, Beta Kyle, Gamma Sean, and their mates are also helping with the search but no one has found anything and I'm barely holding on, I want to smash everything in sight but I know I can't, as much as I want to fall apart I know I can't, it's my turn to be the strong one for my mate now and if I have to go to the ends of the earth to find her I will! ''everyone meet back at our table straight away!'' Alpha Jake sends out a mass link to everyone searching. Alex, Emma, and I race back to the hall praying she's been found but she hasn't, she's not there and within 5 minutes everyone has returned to the table. ''Alpha Jake please tell me you have something?'' I don't waste any time in asking. ''We haven't found anything yet but Alpha Scott has just informed me that he saw savannah and Callum together outside the bathroom earlier this evening and the time he give me is the same time we all se
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Back where you belong, with me!
Theo's pov "Baby let's get you out of here and then we'll figure the rest out ok?" She nods to me as I notice she's tied by silver chains and I use all my strength and pull them apart, the silver burns my hands to fucking pieces but I don't care, my girl is free and that's all that matters. I pick her up and she groans out loudly in pain and I swear I'm going to tear that mother fucker apart! Alex and Jake cover me while I carry Savannah out of the building. We step outside and it's a fucking war zone, there are wolves fighting, bodies sprawled across the floor, blood and guts spilling everywhere but thankfully it looks like our pack is winning. We keep moving quickly towards the road at the side of the house where we have a van waiting for us. Alex whistles and Mia opens the door and I can see the relief on her face that I have Savannah but her anger at her injuries soon takes over. I Gently place my baby in the van and kiss her head before leaving her with Mia, Emm
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1 week later..
Savannah's pov we've been back home for a week now and so far I've not been allowed to do anything, aside from my wrist I am completely healed but do you think Theo will have any of it...nope he won't. That being said I do find it cute how attentive he has been with me but on the other hand, it's been a week with no sex and I am starting to go stir crazy. I know he's worried he'll hurt me and at the beginning I got it but he won't hurt me anymore and when he gets back from training I plan on making sure he knows just that, that's another thing I miss training, to go from training every day to nothing is hard, hard and boring! a new thing this week is me throwing up every day. At first, I thought that maybe I had stomach flu but I'm starting to wonder if maybe it could be more so seeing as Theo won't let me go anywhere yet I spoke to Emma this morning and asked her to pick me up a pregnancy test and I will know by tonight if its the stomach flu or not. Speakin
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Emma's free
Alex's pov I'm all done with my training sessions for today and heading back for a shower before I meet Emma to go to Walmart, it may be a small simple thing but any time I can get with her is fine with me. My feelings for her are growing and it's getting harder to keep them inside but I have to, now's not the time to be confessing my feelings towards her when she's currently in a relationship with a wanker like Jay. No, I need to finish getting my plan together fast and get her away from him, maybe in a few months once things calm down I can tell her but for now, I ain't telling anyone. Training is taking up a lot of my thinking time right now so that's actually a huge help in distracting me from thinking of Emma. I know I'm working the warriors to the bone right now in class but I have to, last week when we fought for Savannah I seen too many warriors caught off guard because they weren't prepared and I won't let that happen again! I spoke with Jake about it and it
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2 months later. Savannah's pov "Savannah baby are you ready?" Theo calls from the bedroom while I'm hiding out in the closet. "No, hardly anything fits me and anything that does fit me makes me look like an elephant!" I shout out to him. I'm 2 and half months pregnant and with werewolves only being pregnant for 6 months I'm almost halfway through then add in the fact that I'm having twins and you've got an elephant-looking wolf like me! "You look, beautiful baby!" Theo appears by the door looking as handsome as ever. "You have to say that your marring me next week!" my hormones have been all over the place this past week and Theo bless his heart is always so patient with me. He's honestly the best mate anyone could ask for, anything I want is never too much for him. "No I don't have to say, anything princess, I promised to never lie to you and I intend on keeping that promise, your absolutely beautiful and I can't wait for you to be my
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