Semua Bab Ouija Board: Bab 41 - Bab 50
155 Bab
Chapter 39
That evening, a young girl came to Isabelle's house and introduced herself as Anna White. Isabelle had recognized her from a photo of Mrs. Jennifer. She immediately escorted Anna to her room which was on the first floor, right next to the television room.Luckily Anna is quite good at taking the hearts of small children. So that in just an instant he could become familiar with Emily. Isabella only dedicated Anna to working as a babysitter, not to other jobs. At night, they eat dinner together.The time was 12.05 am, and Isabelle again had difficulty falling asleep. She picked up a book and read it while hoping for sleepiness to come soon. But what she thought was wrong. Almost a quarter of the book's contents had been read, instead of being sleepy, he was getting fresher. Even though tomorrow she has to work.Isabelle put the book down and turned on the television. There are no interesting broadcasts, she just watches random television shows.Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Emily is standin
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Chapter 40
I've visited several offices, hoping they'd open a job opening for me.  In fact, everything is not as expected.  They refused for various reasons.  I wanted to give up, but that was impossible.  Considering my dwindling savings.  I also don't want to rely on Carlos' money.  He only gave money out of pity.  Totally unreliable.  Besides, if it weren't for Emily, I wouldn't have taken any money from him.  I stopped the car at a gas station.  Refuel and stop there for a while.  One what?  I have visited three companies.  There is one vacancy left, but this is not an office, but a factory that makes pickles.  It does not matter.  Like I said, if this could really provide for Emily and me, I would.  I started the car again.  Head to the factory.  The car is moving at a moderate speed.  I reached the place in the afternoon.  Confidently meet the HRD of the factory.
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Chapter 41
I visited the home of an employment agency.  She channeled women who wanted to work as caregivers for both the elderly and children.  'Knock Knock'  A woman in a maid uniform came to open the door.  "Hi, how I can help you?"  "Hi. I want to meet with Mrs. Jennifer."  "Have you made an appointment with him?"  "Sure!"  "Okay wait a minute."  She closed the door and left us.  Soon the woman returned.  "Come in. The madam is waiting."  "Alright. Thanks."  She guides us to a room.  "She's inside."  "Thanks."  'Knock Knock'  "Come in."  I opened the door and entered her room.  Looks like a room like a private office.  I introduced myself again and explained what I meant.  Mrs.  Jennifer handed me a book with a list of women who had registered as caregiver
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Chapter 42
ANNA  After finishing breakfast and Isabelle going to work, I cleaned the kitchen and dining table.  Emily, I don't know where the kid is now.  Maybe playing in her room.  I washed the dishes we used for breakfast.  There was the sound of Emily laughing as she ran to and fro upstairs.  This is my first day working here.  I have to be the best I can be.  Actually, I didn't want to work as a babysitter at all.  This is not what I dreamed of.  But with the economic situation not getting better, I had no other choice.  Having a mother who was drunk and a father who never came home, made me feel sick living in that place.  I once rented an apartment and lived with Judy.  We paid for it together to ease bills and rent.  It didn't last long.  Judy had to move to another place to continue her education.  I can't afford to pay the rent myself.  "Ha ha ha ha!" &
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Chapter 43
ANNA   "Where am I?"  she asked.  The girl looked around.  There is no one except her.  There are only shrubs and trees.  She kept looking around as she walked forward.  "Hello. Anyone here?!"  she shouted.  But no one answered.  "What the hell is this place?"  She kept wondering in her heart.  Guess what this place is.  She saw a building in the enter of the forest.  A building with faded colors.  Anna walked closer.  She looked at the building curiously.  Thinking what stupid human would build a building in a place like this.  Footsteps walked up the stairs in front of the building.  Slowly but surely, she touched the handle on the double door in front of her, then pushed it gently.  Dark.  Drawn in the room in front of her.  There was no one there but her.  "Hello! Anyone here?"
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Chapter 44
Anna woke up with a headache.  She don't know how long she had been sleeping with her head down and resting on her knees.  She felt pain in the waist.  She got up slowly.  Realizing that she was still in the same place, she felt panic again.  Her tears were flowing again.  Several times beat the wall with her arm.  She didn't mind the pain.  She just wanted to get away from that cursed place.  Slowly she walked towards the door.  Put your ear on the door leaf.  There wasn't any sound there.  Looks like the psychopathic clown has gone.  She closed her eyes.  Brave herself to dare to open the door.  She tugged at the doorknob with a single pull.  There's no one.  Safe.  The girl stared at the hallway in front of her.  She hesitated to come out afraid if the clown came back after her.  But she couldn't stay in this room forever.  Impossible. &
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Chapter 45
One police car and one ambulance were parked in Isabelle's yard. It wasn't long before two medics came out of Isabelle's house to take the body in a plastic bag. Neighbors gathered to see what was going on. They whispered to each other. Isabelle wept silently. Surprised by what he saw. Anna, her child's baby sitter, died with all her organs out of place and a deep bite on her neck. Terrifying. Karen comes to Anna's house to calm her down. She brought Emily to his house to avoid unwanted things. Meanwhile Isabelle went to the police station to make a report. *** A week after it happened, Isabelle decided to stop working at the restaurant. She again applied for a job in an office with a much higher salary. But she will be very busy, maybe even working overtime. For her being a single parent is not a easy. As long as the money flows smoothly, all can be overcome. Isabelle is looking for someone who can come back to help her take care of Emily whi
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Chapter 46
Stephanie led Isabelle all the way to the courtyard.  Waving to her best friend until Isabelle's black car drove away.  Stephanie came back inside and closed the door.  Emily was no longer in the living room.  The toys in the room were left in a mess.  She shook her head and picked up a large blue basket.  Put the toys one by one into it.  Emily's voice was heard again speaking upstairs.  This time Stephanie ignored it.  After cleaning Emily's toys, she returned to the kitchen to wash the dishes and furniture.  Then prepare warm water on the bat tube.  She took some aromatherapy candles in a box near the bathroom mirror.  Turn it on and soak yourself.  Feels warm and soothing.  Stephanie closed her eyes.  'Tick, Tick, Tick'  Drops of water covered his face.  All she thought was water droplets from the shower.  But she realized that the shower was on her f
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Chapter 47
The car is moving at a moderate speed.  As planned, she invites Emily to stop by the ice cream shop.  A roadside shop that is not too crowded.  The Maura Ice Cream logo is written above the door.  The bell rang as soon as the door was pushed.  They chose a seat near the window.  A man wearing a shop uniform came over to say hello.  He handed Stephanie the menu book.  Stephanie offers Emily what kind of ice cream she likes.  But Emily seems still angry.  She refused to speak.  Stephanie's patience was tested a little.  Honestly, she's not the patient type.  Not wanting to embarrass herself, she chose to hold back her annoyance at the little girl in front of her.  Stephanie ordered a medium sized chocolate caramel and strawberry vanilla ice cream.  The waiter took her order and came back to the back.  Not long after he returned with Stephanie's order.  "Thank you."
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Chapter 48
Tonight they stay at the hospital.  Stephanie is still in the same condition.  Emily fell asleep on the sofa, while Isabelle fell asleep sitting next to Stephanie.  The uncomfortable position and the unfavorable conditions of the place made Isabelle unable to sleep well.  Dizziness struck due to restless sleep.  Isabelle chose to open social media.  Saw some of her friends' posts.  Put react and comments.  She also sees posts in the groups she follows.  Instantly her eyes fell on the post of a young woman with an account named Stacy Kate.  She is looking for a job as a nanny.  It just so happened that Isabelle was looking for a nanny for her child.  She called the cell phone number listed in the post.  The call tone sounded three times, there was no answer from the owner of the post.  Isabelle didn't give up.  Maybe this is the way for her.  She tried to call the number ag
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