Semua Bab The Brothers CEO: Bab 31 - Bab 40
53 Bab
Book 2 Chapter 1
JONATHAN'S POVI hated Valentine’s Day. The day always sucked. Well, they didn’t always suck, at least not when I was with Tilly. But the day she left was the last year that I had a good Valentine’s Day. I typically avoided this day, spending my day busy with work or making my way to the bottom of a bottle of whiskey. This year, however, I couldn’t do that.Jake had invited all of us siblings to Chicago. He was planning on surprising Amalia with a marriage proposal. He wanted all of us there, along with Amalia’s mom and dad. Amalia’s sister was heavily pregnant and couldn’t travel, and dad was not feeling great, otherwise the night would be full of family. Jordan was even supposed to be joining us after dinner.I am doing this for Jake. I repeated to myself over and over again. I was happy for Jake. Hell, I had even been there when he picked out the ring, but that didn’t mean that I wanted to be here. Vale
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Book 2 Chapter 2
Tilly’s POVTilly/Maddie are the same person. It might be confusing at first, but it will make sense soon enough!I got up early, like I always do. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Over the years, I had refused to cut my hair, but I had dyed it black when I came to New York. I had tried several different colors, but I found that black was most different from my original hair color. My light blonde hair had been long gone. I had refused to cut my hair, deciding instead to wear it pulled up in a bun or braid most of the time. I found that this allowed for me to change my look without actually having to cut my hair.I had touched up my hair last night. It was a Sunday night ritual at this point. I touched up my roots so that the blonde wouldn’t show. I had even colored my eyebrows in an effort to completely change my appearance. I had also mastered makeup application skills, using contour and highlight to change the shape of my nose and cheekbon
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Book 2 Chapter 3
I exited the elevator and stood not moving, holding my box of belongings.  The head of HR, Willow, was leaving Jonathan’s office and gave me a weak smile and a sympathetic nod.“I have made it clear to Mr. Langley that this is his last chance with an assistant. We won’t be subjecting anyone else to his behavior if he can’t act appropriately with you. Let Emma know immediately if anything is off. I haven’t been able to get anything out of the other assistants who left.” Willow whispered to me before turning to leave. I nodded at her and headed into my office. I placed my box down.Instead of unpacking my things and settling me in to my office, I decided to go check in with Jonathan. Maybe it was my own curiosity to see how Jonathan would respond or maybe it was just my desire to be close to him again. Whatever it was, I found myself walking to Jonathan’s office.“Mr. Langley?” I called to him from the doo
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Book 2 Chapter 4
The week overall went really well. I was pleasantly surprised by how things went with Jonathan. By lunch time on Friday, I was feeling pretty confident that Jonathan was not the only problem when it came to his assistants.  He definitely was part of the problem, but was not the only problem when it came to his problems with assistants.I decided to take risk and ordered Jonathan sushi for lunch. He had always liked it, but for an assistant, it was a bold choice, especially if you didn’t know if your boss liked it. I decided to use my insider information to my advantage.Lunch arrived and I headed into Jonathan’s office with it. I handed him his lunch and he made a face.“Is it not okay?” I asked, standing off to the side of his desk. For a moment, I was concerned about disappointing him.He shook his head. “Sushi is great. I am just trying to figure out how you keep making such good lunch choices.”I couldn&
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Book 2 Chapter 5
JONATHAN POVA sense of relief washed over me, and I wasn’t sure why.  There was something about Maddie that drew me to her. Because of this, I was sure that I was treating her better than I had any of my other assistants. But I spoke the truth when I told Maddie about the bad assistants I had. There was a string of several who were just not good and lacked basic skills to be even a decent assistant. The one decent one I had was more interested in getting in my pants. I nearly let her give me a blow job in my office before I came to my senses and stopped her. She went crying out of my office and I fired her immediately. If that made me an ass, then so be it.Maddie was different. She knew her stuff and was able to adapt to my moods and needs. Even when I got upset following the meeting regarding the project manager, she just rolled with it. She knew I wasn’t yelling at her and didn’t respond by getting upset, like one of the assistants did when I
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Book 2 Chapter 6
I had spent the last several days avoiding Jonathan. I did my job and that was it. The regular conversations we had during lunch or when I brought him reports and files had all but stopped. I had solidified my decision to ask Emma to come back and work with her after the retreat. I would talk to her about it as soon as we returned. I loved working for this company and wanted to stay here as long as I was in New York, but there was no way that I could stay here working for Jonathan.I couldn’t take the hiding and the pretending. At least if I worked with Emma, I wouldn’t see Jonathan every day. I didn’t sign up for being his assistant and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I also couldn’t be thinking about who Jonathan was doing what with. It wasn’t my business, but I could not help the way that I felt. It wasn’t just jealousy that I felt. It literally hurt my heart.On Monday it had looked like he wanted to say something about what
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Book 2 Chapter 7
I woke up early to ensure that I could get in and out of the bathroom before Jonathan got up. I started the coffee maker and checked the fridge, pleasantly surprised to see that it was well stocked. I remembered how much Jonathan liked French toast. The cinnamon raisin bread in the pantry would be perfect for it.I took all the ingredients out and got cooking. I turned on some music and started making breakfast. I was moving to the music, singing along, just enjoying the morning. The sausage was cooking, and the French toast was nearly done. One of my favorite songs came on and I sang long, getting lost in the music. I turned off the stove and went to get two plates. I turned back to the stove, putting sausages and a few pieces of French toast on each plate. I pulled the warmed syrup out of the microwave and added it to the table. I was still singing along to the music when the sound of a chair moving pulled my attention.“Holy shit, you scared the crap out of me
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Book 2 Chapter 8
I took a deep breath and opened my bedroom door. Jonathan sat on the couch, a glass of whisky in his hand.  I stepped out and closed the door, walking towards Jonathan. He didn’t look up as I approached. He appeared to be staring at the coffee table, his jaw clenching and unclenching.I took a seat in the chair across from Jonathan. I pulled my legs up close to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs. I could feel my body shaking. The emotions coursing through me were just too much for me to sort out.“What the fuck, Tilly?” Jonathan seethed, his words coming out like fire. “No word from you for six years and you show up, hiding yourself as my assistant?”I flinched back at his cutting words. “It’s complicated.” I replied, realizing that the words were not going to help at all.  He responded as I would have expected.“Complicated? Please enlighten me as to how it is complicated. It was so c
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Book 2 Chapter 9
JONATHAN’S POVI watched as Tilly went to bed. I had been waiting for this day for so long and now that it was here, I had absolutely no idea what to think. I believed everything that she told me, I really did. I didn’t doubt that something significant had caused her to leave like she did back in college. And as much as I wanted to go into her bedroom and be with her again, my head was all over the place and I didn’t know what to think.“She told me some messed up shit, Jake. I believe what she told me but, damn, she has gone through more shit than I ever would have imagined.” I sighed, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees, my hands on my head.Jake sat on the chair across from me, Amalia taking up the spot on his lap. “It must be some bad shit if she was disguising herself. No one would do that for the hell of it.” Jake stated, running one of his hands through his hair.I nodded my head, taking a deep breat
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Book 2 Chapter 10
It had been weird spending the day as Maddie. Not weird or strange because I did it, because I had been doing it on a fairly regular basis, but strange because I had never been Maddie around anyone who knew who I actually way. In many ways, I didn’t want to be Maddie anymore. It would be nice to just be Tilly again.As the last meeting of the day wrapped up, I contemplated if it was at all possible to be me but just not look like me. People at work might think that it was strange that I suddenly had a southern accent, and maybe I couldn’t lose that, but I couldn’t overlook the fact that it would be very enjoyable to otherwise be Tilly. I couldn’t get rid of my disguise, at least not until I was certain that the threat from my dad had passed. It did make me wonder if and when my dad was stopped, if the actual threat would stop. He implied that there was a hit out for my life, but I honestly wasn’t convinced that my dad just wasn’t trying to
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