Semua Bab Earth Has Fallen: Bab 41 - Bab 50
54 Bab
Chapter 41: Time Crunch
Tristan: Chris's body, at least what the infected wolves didn't chew off, is sitting against one of the walls of the ranger station. His chest is ripped open and so is his head. His left arm is missing and both his legs are nothing but bones. "Holy shit," Bailey says when she sees Chris's body herself. "The wolves really went crazy on Chris." "Poor bastard," Rebecca says. "That's not right," I say. "Yeah," Bailey goes on. "That's not right. I hope Chris was at least dead before they dug into him." "Not that," I say. Looking around some more, I then approach the front door of the ranger station. With the wooden plank ready in my hands, I peek in. "Son of a bitch," I say, lowering the plank. "I was right. Fuck. I hope I wasn't but I was right." "What," Rebecca asks. She and Bailey walk up to my side. I step aside to show them what I've found. There, in the ranger's station, is a blood-covered floo
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Chapter 42: The Other Half
Rebecca: Wiping the blood from Bailey, looking for the bite mark, I look up when I hear growling. "Go," Tristan says, pushing me and Bailey. "Go. Go!" Holding Bailey in my arms, I run toward the sewer. Reaching the hole, I hold her with one hand while climbing down. Tristan covers us while I climb down. The second he can, he jumps down the hole and pulls the cover over us. It's not even a full second before we hear scratching and sniffing from the other side. "Son of a bitch," Tristan says as we climb down. My foot hitting solid ground, I step back and listen as Tristan jumps down himself. I listen to Tristan as he fumbles around for his lighter. It takes him a minute or two but finally, we have light. "Hey," I say, snapping my fingers. "Bring that light down here. Come on. Come on!" Tristan drops to his knee and shines the light in front of me. It's a small light but it's better than nothing. Digging through my pack,
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Chapter 43: Seeds of Chaos
Marcus Fellow: "Hello," I say, shooting a civilian a quick wave. The civilian nods his head back as I continue my daily patrol. Walking through the marketplace, and then through the housing section, I finally stop at the motor pool. The same two guards from before see and immediately drop their weapons. They open the gate for me and I walk right through. "Thank you," I say with a salute. Once through, they close the gate and go back to guarding. I walk through the mostly empty motor pool before finding Jacob. At least, half of him. "Hey," I say, tapping the side of the military jeep. "You busy?" "Yeah," Jacob says, pulling himself out from underneath the jeep's hood. "Kind of. We have three jeeps but only one of them barely worked. This one is close but I'm still missing a few parts." "Too bad you couldn't have talked to that Tristan guy before he and his family left," I say. "What? They're gone? Wonderful." "Not exactly. They've gone to the other sections of the bunker." "Th
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Chapter 44: The Wolves Den
Marcus Fellow: "What's going on," I yell as I enter the marketplace. No one answers me. Instead, everyone seems more focused on what is happening in the center. The people of the bunker have left their stalls and all are crowded around something. "Excuse me," I say, pushing my way through. "Excuse me. Move!" Grabbing two people by their shoulders, I push them aside and come face-to-face with Jim standing on a person. The man Jim is standing on had bruises on his face. His nose is bleeding and he's moaning weakly. He tries to push himself up but Jim stomps on him, slamming him back down. "Stay down," he shouts. In Jim's hand is what looks like a bottle of water. He rises the bottle of water above his head like it's some sort of trophy before drinking the whole thing. He then throws the empty bottle at the man. "Jim," I shout, running up to him. Before he can notice me, I tackle and push him off the man. While he screams and fal
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Chapter 45: Help from Above
Tristan Harlow: Climbing up onto the roof of the command office, I crouch down and look around. I think about which directions the wolves ran and which directions the noise came from. I see some nearby wolves running through a line of destroyed buildings. "They seem to be heading to the west side of the bunker," I think. "That must be where Rebecca and Bailey are. Son of a bitch." As I watch the wolves run for a few seconds, I see them group up with some more wolves in what looks like a rundown hut. The pack grows bigger, and from where I'm crouching, I count at least ten wolves in total. "Fuck," I cry. "10 wolves. 10 infected wolves. All heading to Rebecca and Bailey." My instinct is telling me to run. Every bone in my body is telling me to just turn around and run. I see myself leaving this death trap, getting back in the car, and driving the hell out of here. However, despite all the voices turning me to l
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Chapter 46: The Vegetable Garden
Rebecca: "Rebecca," Tristan yells. "Rebecca!" I stop running and turn around. Looking up, I see Tristan shouting my name. "Rebecca," he yells. "Section 7! Section 7! The garden!" "The garden," I repeat. "Where is it!" Tristan points to his left. I nod my head and run down an empty street. When I stopped running, I accidentally gave the infected wolves time to catch up with me, but with Tristan covering me and Bailey from on tops of the buildings, we somehow managed to make it to Section 7. Running through the broken gate and underneath Section 7's sign, I see the garden immediately. Giving it everything I have, I break through the iron double doors before slamming them shut. The infected wolves jump onto the iron doors, but thankfully, they stay closed. My lungs are on fire. My legs and arms are sore. I'm choking on my breath. I swallow my spit to dampen my sandy, dry throat. Falling onto the floor, I stay there for a
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Chapter 47: The Climb
Rebecca: I dig and dig through the dirt until claw marks are everywhere. When I dig up the last plot of dirt, I show Drifter a small handful of seeds. "This ain't much," I yell from the vegetable garden. "But I think it's more than enough," Drifter shouts from on top of the nearby building. "After this, the people in that damn bunker will trade with us."' Drifter shoots me a thumb-up while I nod my head. While I put the seeds into my pocket, I look around. The whole garden is still surrounded by those infected wolves. They're just outside the iron gate, watching, staring at Bailey and me. "We managed to get the seeds," I think, "
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Chapter 48: On Fire
Tristan: As I slowly push the manhole cover up, I look out and scan the surrounding area with my pistol. Thankfully, I don't see any more infected wolves. "It's clear," I say, looking down at Rebecca. Rebecca nods her head and I push the cover off entirely. Throwing it to the side, I climb out first before turning around to help Rebecca up. Wiping her sweaty forehead after climbing out of the damn hole in the ground, Rebecca looks around and sees a very familiar forest with red smoke everywhere. "I can't believe I'm going to say this," Rebecca starts, "But I've missed this place." "You know what? So have I." I take a few seconds to enjoy the peace and forget about the damn sound of howling and gr
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Chapter 49: Takeover
Tristan: As the soldiers open fire on me, I keep running while keeping my head low. "Crap, crap, crap," I shout as I run for my life. Having to jump left and right as bullets hit the ground and throw dirt into my face, I reach the city and turn a corner. Crouching down as the soldiers keep shooting, I cover my head. "Ahhhh," I scream, squeezing my head in between my hands. As the gunfire dies down, I look around the corner and see the soldiers all reloading. They switch the empty magazine for another magazine and run toward me. "Crap," I shout again as I look around. In what looks like a small neighborhood with makeshift houses, I turn around and see myself against a small house, not even half my height, made from sheet metal and broken wooden posts. I look through a nearby window and see
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Chapter 50: The Escape Plan
Marcus Fellow: Pushing Rebecca and Bailey into the empty apartment room as fast as I can, I turn around and slam the door shut. Grabbing a nearby plank, I place it underneath the doorknob. "Marcus," Rebecca says as soon as I turn around. "What the hell happened here? I mean, we weren't gone for that long! A few hours at most!" "Yeah, well," I say, putting my handgun in my back pocket. "A lot happened in those few hour--" As I walk toward the kitchen, a sharp pain kicks me to my knees. I cry out and slam my hands over my stomach as I drop down. "Marcus," Rebecca yells. She runs to me and helps me back onto my feet. As she helps me up, she must have noticed the bloody bandage around my stomach. "Okay seriously," she says, lifting my shirt up to see the bandage. "What the hell happened here?" "It's that damn soldier's fault," I answer. Taking in many deep breaths, I limp over to an old, rusty table and chair in th
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