Semua Bab Betraying Myself: Bab 41 - Bab 50
60 Bab
41. Abandon the Family (Part 1)
"Bear, you're burning it."I gawked at the pan and the smoke evolving out of it. Instantly, Dhruv turned off the gas and poured water on it.Guilty smiling, I moved back. His back was tense as he threw the burned omelet in the dustbin and turned to glare at me. I surrendered my hands in the air.I was trying to cook an omelet. I thought it wouldn't be that hard. Just some vegetables, cracking the egg and mixing it together and then putting it on the pan."It was your mistake." I pointed my finger at him.Scowling, he opened the sink tap and started cleaning the pan. I opened my mouth in surprise. He didn't lie about cleaning the dishes himself. According to him, he couldn't waste mon
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42. Abandon the Family (Part 2)
My hands rested on his shoulders and his hands were on my hips, clutching it lightly. I took deep breaths to control the rhythm of my heartbeat. It beats too fast nowadays."How about you tell me why are you wearing a skirt today?" I gazed down at my skirt."Because it's hot today." I hated this weather. Sometimes it was hot and sometimes it was too cold. Like for today. Sun had decided to come out of his shadows and torture me."I hate your skirt.""Why?" I glanced at it again. It was a knee-length floral skirt. It was one of the best I had in my wardrobe. Seeing the sun, I had thought it was the perfect time to wear it.It had been such a long time since I wore a skirt.
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43. Hold the Moment
"It's better," Piyush spoke from behind. I step aside and let him see his artwork. The day was finally here. Fashion show. Dhruv was looking at the other model and helping her adjust the dress while I was working on another one. Sweat embed my skin, excitement coursed through my veins and fear remained. I never saw the work at the backstage. I used to think it was fun but how wrong was I. People running here and there, some yelling in their mics and some yelling at each other.  Since I and Dhruv were Piyush assistants, we were helping him with the dresses and the dresses we made. The fear was worth it. Seeing someone wearing your design made you feel top of the world. No doubt Mrs. Malhotra had made some changes in them, trying to make it match with other designs and improve it. Yesterday was the first day, I saw Piyush anger. It was directed on Dhruv for ditching again. It
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44. Tears to Drown
Trailing from one person to another wasn't something I was fond of and this was what Piyush was doing. He trailed us from one person to another, introducing us to the influential of the industry. Every time Dhruv and I shook hands with any person, Dhruv eyebrows twisted in annoyance and a mocking look became his veil.I didn't know if it was from Isha or his family or just, out of annoyance. Figuring him out was tough.The party was on full stream. Chatters, soft and plain music and fashionable dresses embarked the night but all I could see was Isha's glare on me and Dhruv's shifting glances to her, making my gut twist in an ugly manner. Even if he and she had a daughter together, had a past together, I didn't want him to glance at her.I stared at the wine in my hands. I wasn't allowe
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45. Unspoken Reality
Pain lashed, gripped and swallowed me. Breath rested in my throat, refusing to leave.   Ugly twisted turns resumed in my stomach as things started revolving around me. I clutched my head tightly and forced my feet down.  Hands caught my arms. Looking up, Piyush stood there with a confused expression. "Everything okay?" "I'm not feeling okay. Can I go home?" I was glad I didn't sound weak. Sounding weak was like breaking the armor. For the first time even after wearing my armor, I felt powerless.  The music faded in the background. The glitter of the world didn't please me anymore. The only thing I desired was isolation. He nodded, with thin lips and frown. Breaking the hold, I started jogging, instead of taking the elevator. There was a ball growing in my che
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46. Pain and Anger
I stood with a nervous smile playing on my lips, and fingers fiddling with each other. Dhruv's back faced me as he listened to his friend.  I would tell him today. I took a deep breath and smoothed my hair again. That kiss meant something, right? It had been two days since he kissed me. We hadn't talked about it yet. Maybe he was shy and had no idea what and how to talk about it. If he couldn't then I would talk and confess my feelings to him.  "Dhruv." With a quick swirl, he faced me with a huge grin. I loved his grin. He flew his hands at the back, sending his friend away. "How come you didn't call me rabbit?" I arched my eyebrow and we both started walking to the class. In ninth standard, our sections were changed and he complained to his parents to put him in my class. At the same time, I too did to mine. Next day we both
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47. Betrayal and Forgiveness
Heartbreak was poetic. Whoever said this was a total loon and had never took a journey of ugly pain. Heartbreak wasn't poetic. You couldn't write words on it or even think of the rhyming words because all your mind could see was the intense pain swirling in your fragile heart. It wasn't about being awake late, thinking how to express your pain in words or music. No, it was being enclosed within four walls, and having that ugly cry, and blaming yourself where you went wrong. It was having fun with your friends and then out of nowhere feeling this ache in your heart and loosing interest. I had started sounding pathetic. But this was what happening to me since a week. I would get up, get ready, go to college, then to studio for my training classes and then go home - ignoring my parents. I didn't want to ignore them. They were all I had, but they didn't put any incentive to talk with me, so I too ignored
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48. Disappointment and Belongingness
Closing the car door with a thump, I started the ignition and flew away from the lies, and tried to create some distance between us. Words were whirling through my mind, each one striving to gather my beloved attention but I paid attention to none. The only thing I wanted was to forget his words and move on from them. He was bluffing. That's what he did. But the words looked too real. I hated words and the power they held.  Pressing my palm on the steering wheel, I leaned my head back and shook it.  You're your biggest betrayal. I didn't know why I was paying attention to them then Ajay's word. He insulted me. Clearly shoved it on my face and I said nothing to defend myself. I thought about all the previous memories I had, realizing I rarely defended myself when those filthy words were
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49. Time Travel
Dhruv's POV:-"Alina, grow up." That were my first words when I saw her from the Ipad camera. She scowled and shifted the view to her face, obstructing the view of her Minnie mouse PJs.My one hand covered my mouth, suppressing the chuckle and looking back innocently. The sound of Ria's snoring was well heard in the living room—or I should say a room."Shut up, Dhruv. It's you who says it. Kabir loves them." Removing the hand from the mouth, I chuckled and adjusted the Ipad again. "You're lucky today is your birthday or else I would have sent you to Cornucopia."I laughed. Her warning never changed, and instead of making me scared, it only made me laugh at her. She needed to change the warning.
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50. Whoring Around
Music drowned my thoughts, relief poured my veins and nothing bothered me anymore. I missed that feeling. Living in a world of no care, being forgotten, and leaving your past behind. I didn't care if it was wrong. All I cared was to be selfish and be careless.Dhruv snatched the packet from my hands and I scowled at his face.I took the vodka shot, and gulped it one go."How much did you take?" I shrugged his hands off.Like anybody care."Not enough to die." I smacked my lips. I slipped my finger through his arm, letting my nail trail a path. "Such a pity.""Where have you been for two days?"
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