Semua Bab Running into Mr Billionare : Bab 41 - Bab 50
89 Bab
    -+-+-+-+----+-+-+-+-+-+-+++--+---+---++--+--+- "Ms Brooke are you alright?"  These were the words of that man who was the reason behind all the struggles. I didn't say anything, didn't even look at him. He came, the door which was in good condition was broken now, resting on the floor, and he has a bag in his hands. Now, what does he want? Has anything left for him to say? If he came here to apologise to me then he already apologised to me. However, it doesn't matter to him if I forgave him or not!  "What do you want Mr Jensen?" I was still in sleeping mode, my head was still resting on the table and I was still hungry, my empty stomach was growling like a lost cause. "Why didn't you leave yet?" He raised his eyebrows, so sceptically that it could make a thrill to an ocean, While I was just a girl. "I could have asked you the same question," I looked away. And why
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    -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+++++-(++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-- Why is he behaving as he is slaughtering me as a pig gets slaughtered before being murdered? His eyes had some mystery in them, oh maybe they were more mischievous. He has something in his mind, and what could it be?  "Ms Brooke, I think you have learned your lesson, it isn't good for you to continue your work here. I don't want  people to make statements that I, Blake Jensen ask her soon to be fiancee to work under his nose, that is inappropriate for both of us,"  So, I was right! He was doing everything so that he could ask me anything whatever he wants!  What a jerk!  "Oh I forgot to mention one thing, our engagement will  be in two weeks, so prepare yourself according to that and stop working right now!" He was damn serious at that moment, his jaw was clenched as he switched his personality from one person to another in a
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    -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-- The aura around the lavish hotel was strange, the wind was flowing in every direction making me struggle, even more, it was so early in the morning and so cold. How can someone be up this early????  For heaven's sake, it's six in the morning, and I am trembling either due to cold or to fear.  The most horrifying thing is that two bodyguards are guarding the entrance of the hotel, they were in black clothes and they had a gun around their shoulders. For a moment, I gulped, thinking about what would happen if anything goes wrong? Will they kill me???  This could be my last possible day on earth. However, I have to do what needed to be done, so I took a step closer to the entrance, my heart was beating fast, I was sweating in this cold weather, and my hands were trembling due to fear. "Your pass, Ms.?"  What pass? Was I supposed to bring a pas
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  -++++-++-+++++++++;--+-&-+--+----------++- When I heard his voice, a shiver went down my spine.  It was cold, dark enough to scare me out. Regardless, I was confident a minute before but now? I am hyperventilating too much! Who is the new landlord?  Why his voice sounds familiar, and why I cannot remain calm?  I took a step even closer, he was still outside the window, wearing a royal blue trench coat, his shoulders were broad, and his hair was were, he must have showered a minute before.  His room didn't have enough lights to put some glint on his face and the aura around him was dangerous to me. "So, what took you so long, Ms Brooke?" He uttered again. It was more of a command than. Simple context to make me believe that he is a human after all!  "Who are you???? And how do you know?" I uttered in my shaky voice. I was getting goosebumps, and my head was still spinning d
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    -+-+-+-+-(-+-+++-+-+-(-+-+++-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+ The house which was with me when my father left me, the house which was with me when I was all alone struggling to meet my end meets. the house which was with me when my mother became ill, the house which was with me when I was broke, then some house that gave me and my mother a  roof.  How can I let go of that house???  No, I won't  He wants to get engaged, right? Then let me get engaged to him. And if he is expecting something precious from me then I must tell him,  I am going to insult him in every possible way. "So what do you think Ms Brooke? " he walked again while looking at me from head to toe. I wasn't wearing anything to expose my skin still he had the guts to stare at me. "I am ready," I tried to say, but it came out as a whisper only.  The chaos of my life has started becoming worse. The
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-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+- For the whole night, I couldn't sleep. I was struggling to make myself comfortable enough at the beginning of my new life. The ceiling above was old, making me realize that when things get old, it becomes more confident but when the heart grows old it becomes a stagnant deed in the name of affection. *** I woke up when I heard the sound of the doorbell. It kept ringing and ringing without giving me a second to think. The weather was dictating to me that a storm is about to come. Even though it made me shiver through fear. The banging on the door started heavily. It was 5'o clock in the morning. Even the sun was afraid to come out and shine bright in the sky when I was feeling attacked. Who are they? Thieves? But why? I haven't anything precious with me except my mother. Well, she is invaluable. Then who are they? Why I am not able t
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Y -+-+-+&--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-- Nothing hurts the world  Not even the power  Not even the struggle  Except the will to do certain things. I was hung on his shoulders as I weight nothing, only a piece of meat to him.  "Put me down! Will you?" I shouted, but the man with determination in his eyes didn't listen to me.  We were not in the big airport in the city, instead, it was a private one. There was no crowd, only staff members to welcome him and me,  "I don't want to hear anything," his cold voice came more as a statement. And I hated his guts! He was treating me as if I were an object to him. How can he be so heartless?  I glared at him, hard enough to let him know that I am still a woman who has the power to do anything according to her will. However, he cannot see my deadly stare, not at least now!  Then I realised i
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-++-++-+++--+-+-+-+-+-+----+---+-+-++-++ I didn't let him revert because I knew he was furious his one hand was on my waist that's why in a whisper I let him go and distanced myself from his warm presence. He wanted to hold my hand by taking control of my wrist but I didn't let him do that. A black range rover was there with a driver to welcome him. It was all because of him. And I just a substance to flatter. We got inside while having silence between us. His cell phone started ringing, he looked outside while putting down his sunglasses then I saw his eyes in a while. His eyes were pale as he hadn't slept in nights. What happened to him? And to whom he is talking? I saw his knuckles turning white, and a muscle in his jaw twitching. Is he talking to his girlfriend Sophia?? Or is he talking to his father? I looked outside, to glance at the roads of London. Our car passed nearby Buckingham Palace. Its artistic beauty of it was enough to attract anyone. I wanted to go in th
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- -+-++&-+-++(++-+-+-+-++++-+-+-+-+-+----++-+- I glared hard at him. "Have you lost your mind?" I growled. Yes, I was mad! Mad because he was the one who asked me to accompany him then out of nowhere he decided to have a chit-chat with Sophia. How dare he? He ordered me so that he could make me a laughing stock. And I won't let that happen. If he wants to play with fire then let him play because he doesn't know his hands will be burned at the hand. "Why? I am perfectly fine. Ms Brooke," he cleared his throat but his hands were doing something else. I felt a cold touch through my knees to my upper thigh. It made me shiver from head to toe. What is he doing? "What are you doing? Get off me now!" I uttered. However, it came more like a whisper. It was barely audible to me. "What I am doing?" His eyes were twinkling from amusement, his breathing was shallow. His chest was rising from up to down. So he wants me to confess that his touch was affecting me? On dear, he made me his
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-+-++--+++++++-+-+++-+--+++-++--++---++++ Head held high. Heels we're making noise telling everyone that Ashley Brooke is coming. A girl in a suit is not normal, at least not on the roads of London. Where everyone was wearing laces dresses, and truth to be told I have not expected anything better it is London of course! Where queen Victoria lives in all her glory. Wish I could get a glimpse of her. I want to glance at her, to her royal palace, the royal chariot which gave life to the beautiful artistic culture. I want to see everything with my eyes in a single day so that I can capture everything in my memory. I started walking on the road, my hair loosened resting on my shoulders, telling everyone that I am a woman in Men's clothes. However, I need to analyse quickly how am I going to travel? I cannot walk all day and pretend nothing would hurt me. Neither can I book a cab here, it will be costly for me to do so. Therefore, I need to find a bus station! Though I need to hurry
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