Semua Bab A little Bit of Faith: Bab 21 - Bab 30
77 Bab
Chapter 21
*Faith POV* The stream of sunlight glares in my eyes as the wind blows through my partially propped open window. I groan reaching for my phone to check the time only to realize I had shut it off last night. I roll to my back and take a deep breath as I click the power button and wait for it to come back to life. Within a moment my phone vibrates twice. 2 missed alerts from Izzy. nothing from Cameron. I scoff at myself and my wicked train of thought. Why would I ever imagine that Cameron would reach out? And why do I even care? I can't help but tsk in disappointment at the message. Izzy thinks he took it too far. That's what he thinks I'm upset about? Men are so dense, they just assume we are not perceptive at all. I can still clearly see the way he shuffled and tried to hide from Angela when she came in like he was so embarrassed to see me. A little tear stea
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Chapter 22
The doorbell rings and I call down to Mia telling her the cash for pizza is on the entryway table. I can hear voices downstairs in a low hush and the door shut as I come bounding down the stairs. My wet hair perched on my head in a messy bun with an oversized stained sweatshirt and some spandex shorts underneath. When I put my foot on the landing I teeter and almost fall over when I see who is standing in my foyer.  “Cameron!” I say shocked. Looking over to a confused and mildly amused Mia. “What are you doing here?”. “I need to talk to you.” he chokes out slowly as his eyes travel the length of my exposed legs and up to the old ratty high school football sweatshirt. I cross my arms and try to hide my pleasure at the way his eyes are devouring me even in my disheveled state. “About what?”
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Chapter 23
*Cameron POV* I groan sitting up trying to find the source of the knocking that pulled me from my slumber. I hear a quiet tapping on my door and leaning up to check the time on my phone. “Yeah?” 4:36 am. Holy shit. really?! “Cameron, Your mother is here.” Says one of the butlers.  “Ok,” I grunt as I swing my legs to the side of my bed tossing my blankets back. The cool air swoops in, making me shiver as I hop up from my bed. With a little added speed I walk to my closet tossing on a pair of sweatpants and my black hoodie. I grin a little thinking about how the last time I had this hoodie on Faith was in my arms. I wish it still smelled like her.  Slipping my feet into my plush slippers I walk out of my room and
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Chapter 24
7:15 rolls around and I sit waiting near Faith’s locker. I check my watch every 5 minutes hoping she shows up soon. She skipped her run club this morning and I have to see her before class today. I've been waiting for 2 hours just to see her face. I know I can't talk to her about this, not when she is struggling with her own things, but just being around her seems to have a calming effect on me. I'm finding myself growing more anxious and worried about my Grandma and angry and murderous about the manipulation Angela and her father are pulling off on my family. How am I literally stuck in a relationship with the world's biggest gold digger? I hear a fake girly giggle and my blood runs cold. Angela. Shit. I start to walk hoping she won't see me. She chats away about the new birthday present I am supposedly getting for her to confess my undying love. I toss my hood up over my head and pretend to be getting i
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Chapter 25
Walking past the workout room for the 3rd time this week I quickly peek in looking for Faith. The past two days she has skipped her usual running club workouts. Thankfully I was able to see and speak to her all week as Cameron but she still refuses to respond to my messages as Izzy. Thank God there are so many different apps for messaging and calling people and that I had the foresight to use those in place of my real phone number as Izzy. It was much less stressful giving her my number as Cameron knowing she wouldn't be able to discover my secret. At least not based on messages and phone calls. Berry and Mariah come out of the weight room holding hands and giggling, narrowly missing my nose with the door as it swings open. I can see Faith on the leg press machine through the swinging door. I take a deep breath adjusting my hoodie and wiping my sweaty palms on my gym shorts as I walk in head slightly down
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Chapter 26
*Faith POV* I can't help but feel like I'm on cloud 9. I'm actually friends with Cameron, Izzy likes me, I mean really likes me. And though I have feelings for Cameron, knowing Izzy feels the same way I do for him is enough to make me think about a possible future with him when he finally reveals himself. It’s weird how this year has turned out so far. Here we are a few months into senior year and I’ve kissed 3 different guys, gone to a party, had several mental breakdowns and made two new guy friends. Oh and Noah came back. I can slowly feel myself opening up, letting people in. ok not very many people and both of them are secrets, but hey it's a step in the right direction. I mean I'm going to have to be friendly at college if I want to make it through I suppose, We will just call this all a learning experience. I try to keep the smile from my face as I wal
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Chapter 27
The bell dings as I slip out of the janitor's closet, closing the door behind me softly. Twice now I have sought out the solitude of this closet. I might as well move in at this point. I spent the better part of the last 50 minutes trying to make sense of what was happening with dad. Should I tell Mia and Noah? Do I call mom? I have no idea how to handle this and I hate even more that I'm starting to care. I pull out my phone as I stare at the screen trying to contemplate which move is the right one. Is there even a right move in these situations? A hand comes flying into my peripheral vision right as it lands softly on my forehead. Looking up startled my eyes settle on the corner of the lockers that are right in front of my head.. I gasp looking up and following the long muscular arm to see the hand belongs to Cameron. He offers me a confused and concerned look as I step back from the corner and he remov
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Chapter 28
“Faith,” My mother says softly as she opens the door. I blink rapidly trying to clear my eyes as I find her in the door frame. “Yeah?” I respond groggily, reaching for my phone to check the time, but not finding it I ask. “What time is it? “It’s 7. I thought you might want some dinner.” I nod in the dimly lit room not knowing for sure if she can see the movement. “Are you feeling better?”  “Sure” “You’re Dad called.” She states simply. “Ok.” “He told me what happened at school this morning.” I stopped searching for my slippers and looked at her. I understand that they talk. Regardless of what went down, he is my father and
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Chapter 29
*Cameron POV* I let out a raging yell as I punch a pillow on my bed. I've been trying my hardest to not break out the massive window overlooking the pool with my desk chair. Why the hell is she still here? Is it not enough that she has to ruin Father's life with her ridiculous spending and infidelities but she must now stick her recently fixed plastic nose in mine?  She has been here for a week. That's 4 days longer than she normally is. And it's 4 days too long. I continue to replay the conversation we just had in my head. ‘Anything Angela wants, you give to her.’ I didn't realize that she actually meant whatever she wanted. A whole week of family outings where I have to play the perfect loving boyfriend lest my poor grandmother bear the brunt of it. It's so insane that I can’t wrap my head around it. This kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life. High
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Chapter 30
 *Faith POV*  The school is covered in painted blue signs warning me of the impending doom happening at the end of the half school day. Pep rally day. The day where everyone gets to cram into the gymnasium, scream loudly, and cheer for the cheerleaders and their sultry dance moves. It's great really, I mean who doesn't love to watch Angela prance around like she runs the world. Oh, yeah. Me. I loathe this stupid stuff. What does any of it have to do with life outside of this stuffy place? Berry walks up to me as I stand next to the sign staring at it with all my vehement hate.  “If you’re not careful the paint is going to melt right off that sign and onto your shoes.” he jokes and I turn my disgruntled gaze towards him. This jerkface made me run an extra 2 miles today and then made me add extra weights to my reps and I didn't even have Izzy the
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