All Chapters of Love Again: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
66 Chapters
21 - You Miss Him
Alex's POV; Amos is getting discharged tomorrow, and right now, I'm in my house. I came to get some work done, and hopefully, get proper sleep on my bed. Spending a week on the couch in Amos's hospital room isn't doing my back any good. But the funny thing is, all the girls are here. Apparently, Amanda, Phoebe, and Audrey were in the neighborhood, and Sia just happened to be with me, so they came over to join us. Right now, I'm eating in my dining and the girls are in the living room with Sia. Phoebe has a problem, and she's really pissed about it. "I just can't believe it! " She screams out of the blue, causing me to jump a bit in fright. "Oh, you better believe it girl. No man is faithful. You're even lucky you caught him before the wedding. My advice, call it off. Don't tie yourself to any man. They all don't know how to keep their c**ks to thems
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22 -Feed Me
Alex's POV; Amos got discharged today, and I'm happy to help. He got a nurse though, but I have decided to stay at his place to help him fully recover. I still feel bad about the fact that Damon put him in his current condition, and that too, because of me. I can't leave him like this. I fear that his condition is worse than he makes it appear. He didn't let me know what the doctor said had happened to him, and there's no way on earth the doctor will tell me what his patient has asked him to conceal. The fact that he still has a bandage around his face, and still can't make some oral movement without grunting in pain, also makes me scared. He constantly feels head pain, is still limping, and a few more little but worry some issues. "I don't see why you have to be here, Alex. "He says as I help him into his bedroom. "There's already a nurse here. "He
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23 -It's Only A Matter Of Time
Ava's POV; I'm walking elegantly behind Damon with my clipboard strapped tightly to my chest. A lot of days have passed since that one special night I shared with Damon in his bed, and the way he treats me now has changed drastically. He can't look straight up at me anymore, and he gets nervous around me. I've taken this opportunity, and have kissed him several times after that wonderful night and also done some other intimate things he neither turns down nor regrets. He never asks for them, but he never turns them down, either. And that's good enough for me. it means he's indecisive of what he wants, and for him to be indecisive about me, it means I stand a chance against his puny soon-to-be ex-wife, Alex. Oh, I can't wait for the day he'd sign the divorce papers! I crave another time like that night. To see Damon look at me with desire, and call my name in desperation, begging for my attention. "Morning ma'am, "A red-haired lady greets me, a
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24 - Please Come Back
Alex's POV; I've been very busy the last few days, and my work as a designer has only been bringing more to my plate. Right now, I'm on my way to a deport spot, to get the fabrics that were delivered for me. I never thought much of getting an assistant to help me with my work, as I was not yet that big in the fashion industry, and I wasn't doing enough to need a P.A However, after joining Amos's fashion house, things have taken a sharp turn in the opposite direction. I'm either running from one official meeting to the other, picking up my personal fabrics and materials, getting my designs done, helping the company with its new fashion line, hanging out with the girls, taking care of Amos, and dealing with my divorce issue. To be honest, it does bother me that Damon hasn't called, or bumped into me in the past few days. What if he's moved on? What if Ava is doing much more than sitting idle? What if I'm underestimating her, and she's keeping up with th
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25 - What Would Have Happened?
Alex's POV; I watch in horror as Damon's car zooms off. "So, you think you're tough huh? " The tattooed face man questions me as he pulls me off the bed I was kneeling on, and harshly throws me to the ground. I scream in fear and pain as my knees make contact with the hard, wooden floor. The man who had left the room earlier comes back in with, a long, green rope. He hands it over to the other man and he smiles at me devilishly. My sobs and tears increase as I stand up and begin to run around the room begging them to spare me and not ruin my life. One of the men takes hold of my shirt and rips it. Causing my once perfect blouse to now look like an unbuttoned shirt, and allowing my black camisole to come into view. The tattooed man walks over to me and throws a heavy slap across my face "Behave! Don't make me hurt you! "He barks, and I cry in pain and horror as I lay on the floor between these three monsters. My brain has abando
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26 - No One Else's Say, Matters!
Damon's POV; I'm driving Alex back to her house in the silence is my car. She's very shaken by what happened a few minutes ago, she's covered with my jacket, and is just staring silently at the road. The cops gave her permission to go home after they assigned someone to fix and drive her car back to her house. I pull up before her house, and she looks up at me. The emotions in her eyes mixed and jumbled. There used to be times when I could see through her like clean water. But now, I have not the slightest clue what's going on in her mind. "Thank you. "She says to me before getting out of the car and leaving my jacket on the chair. I look down at the jacket in dissatisfaction. I somehow, for some reason, was hoping she'd take it with her. I don't know why, and I have no candid reason or explanation. I just wanted her to take it. I stare at her as she slowly makes her
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27 -I Blame Myself
Ava's POV; I'm making my way through a store with a semi-full basket in my hand, thinking of what next to pick into it. I ran out of beverages at home and decided to use my weekend to shop for some. I stop in my tracks when I suddenly hear a familiar voice. "What do you think you're doing? "The voice questions lowly. "I want some coffee. "A male voice replies. I take a step closer to the self from which I'm hearing the voices on the other side, and carefully pull out a box of cereal. My gaze lands on Alex, and the guy she went on a date with. What's his name... Ah, yes. Amos. "You want coffee!? "She questions him in alarm like a mother, and he nods like a child. "Not with those head-splitting migraines you complain about, you don't. "She replies and the man pouts in return. I watch them pick some beverages into the basket Alex is carrying, an
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28 -Motherhood
Alex's POV; I grunt as I open my eyes to the bright shine of sunlight in the room I'm in. I've been bunking at Amos's place for the past few weeks, hoping he'd get better. We've been going for checkups, and his wounds have healed up pretty nicely. However, he's still limping and complains of constant headaches which the doctor told me would go away soon. I open my eyes and my vision lands on the beautiful ceiling of the guest room I'm in. My brain notes the sound of my phone ringing, and I realize, that's what woke me up. I grunt lazily again before running my fingers over my eyes and picking up the cellphone. I squint my eyes to help them adjust to the brightness of my phone's screen. Once my eyes and phone screen make peace with each other, I see it's Audrey's caller ID. "Hello? "I call into the phone on picking the call. " Alex? "Audrey's worried voice calls, and my forehead creases. " Yeah? "I reply. Wondering what could po
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29 - My Daughter
My Angela Canelo Audrey's POV; I get to my house with Angie tugging at my arm. I had a long day at work today after my morning in the hospital with Amanda and the girls. I had to take a break from catching bad guys, just so I could go pick my baby up from daycare. She may be five years old, but she's still my little angel. My Angela. "Mommy? "Angela's little voice pulls me out of my head. "Yes, honey? "I reply as I place her bag and lunch box on the dining table. I'm worried about Amanda, and her words keep echoing in my head. "What's a daddy? "Angela questions as I begin to pack the curtains in the living room up, and my heart freezes. I freeze with my heart, and my hands stay suspended before me. I've never made mention of the definition of the word to her. I always told her I'm her mommy and daddy. Sure she hears the word on TV from kid shows, I read the word to her from books, but I
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30 -Life Of A Writer
Sia's POV; I am busily typing away at my computer when I pause to read what I have written so far. I smile at the loving manner in which the male lead of my story confessed his love to the female lead. I blush heavily for her and give a warm smile at how happy she is going to be. I dump my back against the backrest of the chair I'm on, as I look outside my window. Just then, two people, I presume to be a couple, walk by, holding hands. I'm staring from my room's window, which is upstairs. So, they don't know that someone is spying on them from above. I watch the lady laugh at the things the man is saying, and I smile again. "Isn't it funny? "I question my ginger cat, as I stare back at my computer. It is funny... It's funny how in all my books... Most of them actually, I make my characters find love and find the ones who will spend and share their happily ever after forever with them. Whereas, I, the writer have never felt the love of someone
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