Все главы He Was My Comforter (English): Глава 31 - Глава 40
•29-Misis Delrama
(Cami POV) *Limelight Bar* "What the hell Cami? Get ready to drink." Zaneah stopped my attempt to drink more strong wine from the glass I was holding. "I think he intends to taste all the wine that's why." Roden teases. "Arghhhh it's still noisy." I waved my hands. "You think you'll be quiet if you get drunk and we're at a bar," Zaneah added. "I'm just in the restroom," Roden said goodbye and stood up. "Are you okay? Can you do it?" Zaneah said slowly standing up. I just shook my head and took another glass of wine. "Awwww wait!" I called the two as they danced their way to the restroom. I got up to go out because I seemed to feel hot, and dizzy and I was having trouble breathing. I really drank too much! What is happening in my life? "Arghhh, watch out bitch!!" Pushed by the woman I bumped into. "Sorry. I'm sorry." My face lifted as I apologized. The face of one of his companions was familiar. Yeah, Stella Toralba! "You still have arrears with me and you haven't recove
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•30- Useful Wife
(Cami POV) I was surprised when he pushed me onto the bed!! "Now sleep. Tomorrow makes yourself useful as my wife." Dylan turned away from me and went out the door. Is he a psycho? Forcing me to marry him and humiliating me like this? What did I do and I still fell for him after many years? My face suddenly became hot because of the tears that started to fall. I felt a mixture of joy and excitement now that I saw him again. But there is some nervousness because it seems like a lot has changed in him. I don't know him anymore. He's not the Dylan he used to be. He is ugly and cold. *** *tomorrow* Wooooh good morning! It's a new morning to stretch my body, eat delicious food and wander around the city now that I'm married and rich I don't have to work. I smiled. I'll just email Nate my resignation letter! After I washed and brushed my teeth, I got dressed and went downstairs. It's a big house. Still very stylish! It's obvious from the design and uses. "Goodmorning. This is w
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•31-Bravely Say I Love You
(Cami POV) ***Gabe calling**** Oh Gabe, why are you just now feeling it? "Hello, Gabe?" "Cami, why? Why did you marry him?" It opens immediately. I only answered with a whimper to Gabe. While walking away from Dylan. "Where are you? I'm coming!" Gabe spoke on the other line of the call. The concern was evident in his tone. I just sat on the side of the road on the far side of the hotel. What will happen to me? Later, I was surprised by a luxury car that pulled up in front of me. Gabe came down from there in a hurry! "Cami! Damn! You don't know how worried I was about you." He picked me up from the air and put me in his car. "Geeeeeeee." I cried hugging his neck. "Just cry it out to ease the pain in your heart." Gabe politely leaned me against his chest and signaled his driver to leave. *** (Dylan's POV) I rushed out of the building to follow Cami but she seemed to disappear very quickly. "Hey, where are you going?" Stan asked me, who was outside talking. "Did you noti
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•32-Gabe Montero
(Zaneah Lynn POV) "What got into your head and you met that Del Dero, Zaneah?" Stan yelled at me. He turned his back on me but I could still feel his anger. I wiped the tears that didn't stop. This was the first time he yelled at me and it was really surprising. It's my fault why he's angry. We talked about nothing. "Stan, I already know that it wasn't the Reds who ambushed Ethan, but the Rubicunds," I answered weakly. "I do not care!" The strength of his scream made me back away. He turned and approached me. Stan's eyes are shining but I can still see a little worry in his eyes. "What if he treated you badly?" He weakly promised. "Nothing bad happened to me Stan, so, "Damn! I don't want to see you talking to or going near that Del Fero, at school or anywhere!" He said cutting out what I was about to say. I just shook my head. He turned his back on me and walked out. "Stan, Aiden, and Dylan are innocent here. Let them go. Please." I call He looked at me and I couldn't read
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(Cami POV) I'm holding my phone as if waiting for someone to text or call. For someone alone and not chosen like me, who can worry about me?I opened my I*******m account.I casually swiped at the screen and looked at my news feed, but there was tension in me when I saw Gabe's post. He was at the beach, obviously on a date.I know it's hard for him that I'm probably already married to Dylan, but even if I'm the person he loves, he'll still find someone better than me, like Stella. I know Stella loves Gabe so much.She's not giving up on him. I love Gabe too but I know he loves Stella and I'm already married to Dylan so Stella bravely rushed to me before for Gabe and I don't dare to fight for Dylan and fight for my love even though we're married us. I feel so pathetic. I opened my phone again because its lights were off for a while I was stunned. Dylan's pictures were viewed in the gallery.I was just looking at his eyes in the picture. I held my breath. Why did I choose to love him
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(Cami POV) It's getting cold, my heart is cold, and the heater in Dylan's room is not enough to warm my feelings. Maybe I need more wine. I looked at Dylan who was next to me leaning on the edge of his bed.I wonder if how he treats his girl now every time she's with him. He was supposed to be Dylan's first love too bad because he loved me first. I'm still his first love no matter what. Does it matter? Does it really matter who comes first? We're not the same people as students years ago. I sighed.Dylan turns his gaze on to me, his cold eyes meet mine."You like Gabe right? " He suddenly asked so I was surprised and frowned. He sipped wine while staring at me waiting for my answer. I swallowed. What does he mean?"Hmp, how did you know?" I asked shyly. Yes or maybe I like Gabe. What does Dylan mean? "You told me. When you were drunk, you thought I was Gabe, you confessed. You told me you like me when you thought I was Gabe." He said without reaction. "Seriously?" I almost scre
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*** Tsk, that was terrible, but after what she did I still feel hot towards her, which is unbelievable. The only girl that makes me aroused with desire is her and only her until now. I've tried with other girls but it didn't work, only with Cami and now it's surprising because she's still here! After how many dying years without her? Tsk maybe because of the wine that's why I got so hot. Tsk no, I tried to get drunk but it did not affect my masculinity even though Stan once confronted me with the most beautiful woman. I ended up saying sorry to that girl by trying so hard to put me in the mood but still, I couldn't get hard. But by looking at Cami's cute face my manhood awakened. I'm such a perv after all towards her. "Hey, are you listening?" Gabe asked me. "Eh, sorry, my attention was focused on driving. What's that again?" I asked Gabe. "You said we'll just drink at the bar, I'll just call Theron, Nate, Ian, and the others. What do you think?" Gabe's sugge
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HWMC 36 (Cami POV) I have a bad thought about what will happen! Bad enough for me to escape. Dylan and Gabe are here to confront me! I took a sip of water from the bottled water I was holding, really listening to the chatter of the two who seemed to be arguing. What am I doing in life and all I get is a shame. These two arguing a few meters away makes me so embarrassed. The way Dylan's nose scrunches up looking so irritated, it's like his nose is smoking and his wide eyes narrow looking at Gabe. Like he won't hesitate to kick Gabe's ass if he thinks he deserves it. Totally embarrassed me more. I'm the one with the two in this situation. Fear grows within me. I don't want to be here.I just want to disappear. But I don't know where to go. My clumsiness pisses me off.What should I say to these two? I got a little closer to the tall plants and hid in the dark so I could hear them.I listened carefully. "Hey, wait Gabe! "Dylan grabbed Gabe's arm as he was about to leave and le
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(Enjoy reading) (Dylan's POV) I'll take off the blanket! Damn! I want to kill myself. Cami was also naked and sleeping soundly next to me. "No way! No way. I'm so sorry." I punched myself. "Hey, why are you making noise? It's morning!" Cami exclaimed with one eye open. "Shouldn't you be asking what we did last night?" My manners "Isn't it obvious?" He sighed and slowly got up. "What exactly happened?" "Don't you remember? Didn't you bring me here and we had a drink, you said you would comfort me so I agreed." He shook his head and sighed. "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN BY COMFORT. WHAT I MEAN BY THE "COMFORT" I'M SAYING IS THE COMFORT YOU'RE SAYING!" "Tsk what? I don't understand what you're saying?!" "Cam I'm sorry. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart." I seriously got off the bed and knelt in front of him. "Geez, can you get dressed first!" he ordered me to look away and threw my boxers that he picked up from the bed. "Why did you let me hurt you?" I asked wor
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(Cami POV) My dream wedding is exactly like Gabe's wedding. Beautiful sunny day, blue sky, peaceful sea, light fresh air, the trees dancing slowly as if swaying with the peaceful love song, birds tweeting happily. Beautiful seven-layered wedding cake and surrounded by delicious foods cooked by international chefs. The band slowly played "On this Day by David Pomeranz".And I am wearing a long white beautiful wedding gown and am going to walk toward Dylan and he was looking into my eyes with tears as I walk step by step closer to him. But that was only a dream because the one wearing a wedding gown and walking towards Gabe was Stella. It's a long way from my marriage, Dylan and I. Today is Gabe and Stella's wedding. This is exactly my dream wedding, outdoors, close to nature. I wish I was Stella. If I were her, then this day is my wedding. If I were her, then I was the one wearing the white gown. If I were himI wish I was the one walking in purple to Dylan. Tsk, this is painf
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