Semua Bab A Castle Adventure: Bab 31 - Bab 40
46 Bab
I have no idea when I will be question
"I don't want my mym to tell your mother on where you are and I have no idea when I will be question at all. Mrs Sprocket has informed me that Luke has confessed that he planned to kill Prince Willem and Ayers so he can have you as his wife. But just dawned on him that you will not marry a murder. He took the knife from his parents home without their knowledge and he placed it in his suitcase."  Belle Rose couldn't believe on what she was reading and she knew that she has to show the Beast the text. Belle Rose place her phone on the bed-side-table and she got some sleep as she doesn't want to make the wound any worse. Belle Rose woke up at five minutes to twelve and she sat up in bed as she place the pillows against the headboards to make herself comfertable. The bedroom door opened and the Beast stride into the bedroom with Mia, Cora, Mila, Luna, Aria, Madison as well as Abigail. The Beast could tell that something is up as he saw Belle Rose's face was white as
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Belle Rose wants to show her parents
The part-time doctor took some time to think and he asked. "Belle Rose, have you been walking around this bedchamber?" Belle Rose nodded her head and she replied. "I have been walking around the room but I have been taken my time as I don't want to rush and make the injury any worse." The part-time doctor knew that Belle Rose is speaking the truth and he questioned. "Is it alright with you that you show me how far and how much of walking you have done in this room?" Belle Rose nodded her head and the Beast gently removed the duvet away from Belle Rose. Belle Rose slowly sat up and she gently swing her legs off the bed. The part-time doctor walked around the bed as Belle Rose slowly stood up and she stride towards the chair. The part-time doctor watches as Belle Rose carefully sat down in the chair and he as well as the Beast strode over to her. The part-time doctor knew that Belle Rose is taking one step at a time and he spoke. "I see that you want to take your time and you
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Belle Rose hope that she can walk to the bedchamber that the Beast is using
Belle Rose nearly dropped her phone and she saw the Beas was about to leave the bedchamber as she asked. "Can you stay because I want to show you the text that Fatima has just sent me?" The Beast turned his head and he stride over to the chair. The Beast knelt down next to the chair and Belle Rose showed him the text. The Beast read the text thrice and he knew that he has to let Belle Rose's grandparent to see her. The Beast stared at Belle Rose and he spoke. "I am going to let your grandparents to see you and I hope that they can distract your parents as well as Ayers. So you can get to the bedchamber that I am using without being spotted and being stopped as well."Belle Rose nodded her head and she felt relieved that the Beast is allowing her grandparents to see her. Belle Rose hope that she can walk to the bedchamber that the Beast is using without being spotted and stopped by her parents as well as Ayers. Belle Rose knew that she has to ask Fatima on when she is getting
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The part-time doctor knew that he has to perform surgery
The head of the household rushed into the bedchamber, and the Beast ordered. "Ask the part-time doctor to come back and inform him that the wound has reopened as there is blood coming out." The head of the household quickly left the bedchamber as the Beast lifted Belle Rose in his arms, and he gently carried her to the bed. Belle Rose tried to remain calm, but the pain was getting too much for her. The Beast gently placed Belle Rose on the bed and undid the dressing gown. Belle Rose turned her head away, and she squeezed her eyes shut. The door opened, and the part-time doctor ran into the room. He aimed for the bed as the Beast moved back, and he strolled around the bed. Belle Rose gave him her right hand, and he took hold of it. The part-time doctor saw the pyjama top was soaking with blood, and he very carefully lifted the top-up. He saw blood coming out of the wound, and he placed a pair of gloves on. The part-time doctor got some bandages out, and he pre
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Belle Rose's emergency surgery
Belle Rose nodded her head, and the bedroom door opened. The paramedics strode into the room, and one of them had a look at the wound. Belle Rose held her grandmother's hand as the paramedic had a look through the injury, and he spoke. "The wound is deep, and can you tell me how long the blade of the knife was?" Belle Rose let go of her grandmother's hand, and she showed him how long the blade was. His partner gave Belle Rose some oxygen, and he asked. "What is Belle Rose's blood type? Any medical history? Is she on any medicine?"Beth shocked her head, and she spoke. "Her blood type is A+, she is not on any medicine, and she has no medical history. This injury is her first, and I am her grandmother." The paramedics knew that Beth was speaking the truth, and one of them went to get the stretcher. The other paramedic informed the hospital that it had been classed as an emergency, and he placed an IV in Belle Rose so she could have painkillers.Beth took hold of Belle Ro
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She has to stay here for two to three days
He heard the paramedics saying how long the knife's blade was and could see the knife's damage. His name is Dr Mick Miller, and he knew that he had to inform Belle Rose's grandmother. Dr Miller shone a light down the wound, and he saw a small hole at the back. Dr Miller stared at the team, and he spoke. "There is a small hole at the back of the wound, and I need to see where it is. Shall we slowly roll Belle Rose to her right just for a few seconds, and I can see where the small hole is?"The other doctors and nurses got on either side of Belle Rose. They slowly rolled her onto her right side, and the doctor saw the small hole as he spoke. "I can see it, and I can sew that with a single stitch. But the wound will take a bit longer to stitch, and she has to take her time to recover." The doctors and nurses rolled Belle Rose back on her back, and they hooked her up to different machines. A nurse helped Belle Rose change from her clothes to a hospital gown, and a nu
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Belle Rose's operation
After the nurse, Dr Miller and Beth hopped into the lift. The lift door closed, and the porter pressed the up button. The lift started to move, and it slowly moved up. Belle Rose kept the mask over her nose and mouth. Belle Rose prayed with her heart that her parents and Ayers would not go to Hohenzollern castle while she was in the hospital.The lift stopped on level 2, and the door opened. The nurse, Dr Miller and Beth hopped out as the nurse held the doors open so the porter could walk backwards as he pulled the trolley out of the lift. The nurse removed her left arm so the door could close, and they walked to a pre-surgery room that was available. Beth kissed Belle Rose on her forehead, and a nurse took her to a waiting room.Belle Rose was given general anesthesia by the anaesthetist as a nurse removed the oxygen mask, and she placed another mask over Belle Rose's nose and mouth. Belle Rose closed her eyes, and the nurse took her into the surgery room. They moved
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Belle Rose saw her grandfather
Belle Rose's grandfather, Ben, received the text, and he felt relieved that Belle Rose had survived her operation. He places some of his wife's clothes and toiletries in a bag. Ben put them in his car, and he drove to the hospital. A nurse took him to the ward that Belle Rose is at, and he strolled into the side room.Belle Rose saw her grandfather, and she smiled at him. Ben walked over to Belle Rose, and he held her right hand. Beth strolled over to them, and Ben hugged her. Belle Rose felt relieved to see her grandfather, and Ben gave Beth the bag as he spoke. "I placed another toothbrush in that bag, and I have no idea how I am going to get your clothes, Belle Rose?" Belle Rose knew that her grandfather was telling the truth, and she had no idea either.Just then, the part-time doctor knocked on the door, and he walked into the room. Beth and Ben turned around. Beth and Ben walked away from Belle Rose. The part-time doctor strode over to Belle Rose, and he gently p
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Belle Rose knew that her aunt and family had come to see her
Ben received the text, and he showed it to Mrs Gloria. Mrs Gloria almost dropped her spoon, and she knew that Belle Rose was in a state of shock. Mrs Gloria glanced at her husband and leaned forward towards his right ear, whispering. "Belle Rose had a half of litre of blood taken out of her, and it took four hours for the operation to finish."Her husband, Victor, couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he knew that Belle Rose was alive. They finished their breakfast, and Victoria knew that her children wanted to see Belle Rose. Victoria got her phone out as Victor looked at their children, and he asked them. "Do you want to see Belle Rose and see how she is?"Victor and Victoria's children names are Megan, Theo and Tarzan. They nodded their heads, and Megan spoke. "Of course, we do because we hadn't seen her before she went on the school trip and also see grandma." Victoria knew that they wanted to see Belle Rose, and she texted. "Hi mum, just a quick question, can
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You need to go back where you come from before coming here
Belle Rose read the second card, and she placed the card next to the first one. Belle Rose gently laid back, and she held the toy as she asked. "Who brought the toy?" Megan raised her hand, and Belle Rose spoke. "Thank you for paying for this toy; I love it, and thank you for the cards." Victoria, Victor, Megan, Theo and Tarzan sighed with relief.Victoria glanced at her phone, and her face went pale. She looked up, and Victoria spoke. "I got some news about my worthless brother, unkind sister-in-law and Ayers. But it is not good news and Belle Rose. It would be best if you listened to me right now, and you have to be even braver. It would be best to go back to where you came from before coming here because your heartless parents and Ayers are heading to where you were. The French police are chasing them, and the German Police are at the border. The police officer who questioned you is coming here to pick you up, and we need to find out from the doctors if you can leave here.
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