Semua Bab The Body Thief: Bab 31 - Bab 40
56 Bab
Complete Manifestation
For the next two days, Hera managed to keep herself on her toes, despite her despair and her stupidity now crashing over her, telling her she could not and would not pass over and over again. She was not meant to be there in the first place. It would have been a rare feat to even accomplish a passing score when all the time she’s studying, she was preoccupied with the thought that she couldn’t understand a thing while scanning and dreading the day her doom was to come. She almost always wished for the sun not to set whenever it hid in the mountain, exploding the horizon with gold and orange rays, the night slowly taking over as she grabbed her hair, throwing her book against the wall, and crying for not wanting to fail but not being able to study well enough.It didn’t help that students were exiting the Amphitheater with slumped shoulders and eyes swelling with tears. She didn&rsqu
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“Tina had gone mad, ain’t she?” said a girl whose blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, watching as Tina Goldstein passed by them and sat in an opposite chair in the Filling Realm, eating rather fast without a care in the world.A girl sitting next to her narrowed her eyes. “I think so, too.” She nodded, as though it settled the matter. “Have you heard to what she did to poor Merinda when she pranked her two days ago?”“Oh, yes, I did. Why shouldn’t I? It was a big scandal, ain’t it? The League was almost involved, but they did not, hadn’t they? They, too, are acting pretty weird. Usually, what Tina had done would merit her a reputation the likes of Janna’s sister, yet she did not. But I do think no one had forgotten how she had almost killed Merinda with nothing but a pen.”
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On the last day of the midterm exam, Hera was to wake staring at the canopy of her bed, smiling a little as she felt for her body, realizing almost at once that she’s still inside Trina. She sat upright, chuckling when she saw the same frames and sticky notes on the stickered wall.Somehow, she felt bad because this would mean she wouldn’t be able to take the exam. She knew, though, that the League would have to consider her, for she was confined in the Hospital Wing. Although she’s weirded by the idea that her own body was in a state of comma, yet she’s wide awake here in Trina’s body, she couldn’t help being indifferent with it, especially when this was the very thing she wanted from the start: escaping the accursed fate her body was born with. She glanced in the mirror for a second or two, pursing her lips.
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The news about Tina facilitating the last day of the exam with the League traveled faster than she could reach her dorm. Speculations and rumors immediately bloomed and everyone that had known Trina was banking on her to become one of the League itself. It was, after all, what happened when the League started to give out the task to outsiders that they themselves were doing. In this instant, what Trina had done to the poor Merinda and even her supposed madness was erased in a jiffy, as though she didn’t just attack her own friends, as though she had not almost killed anyone. Everywhere she went, students were whispering, pointing at her. Some were braver than anything she’d expect that they would stand in front of them and ask her if what they thought was right. Of course, because of the League’s gesture toward her, the knot to Hera’s patience had become rather thin and anyone who dared to go near her got a resounding snap and a threat if she could help it. “Hera or
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Ticking Time
Hera woke up with a loud gasp, breathing heavily as though she just surfaced from the deepest of ocean. She stared at the canopy for a moment, unaware of where she was and why she was breathing, trying to define what it was that brought her back to consciousness. It was until a stabbing pain crushed through her heart that she sat upright, her hand clenched on her chest, all thoughts now replaced with a nagging superiority of fear. She looked down at her shaking hands. It struck her as something unfamiliar, strange, and she remembered it wasn’t her hand but Trina’s.  “I’m still not back?” she whispered, gulping as she arched on her back, groaning ever so loudly with yet another stab of excruciation wrapping her heart.  Lying back down, she bit her lips, trying not to think what would happen i
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Yara's Greatest Mistake
Mastering body-thieving was a dream come true. But being able to escape the life and the body Hera’s been accursed with was beyond her reality. Even after it happened, she was hunted by the fact that she had to go back, that death was the cost she had to pay with the desire to leave the destiny she’s been born with.So cruel, so unfair, but nothing less than she expected. That’s how life worked. Everyone was given a path they’d have to walk through and defying it was a noble yet futile act. Perhaps it’s about luck or a criterion of which she’s yet to discern; one way or another, someone was to be born with fortune as their middle name. It just so happened that she got the end of the stick, and so, the legacy with which she inherited was nothing more than a residue of flaws and a punch of misery. She 
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A Terrible Past
Standing by the window, Hera watched the rain splattered by its glass, following its trail as it slid down the gutter. Somehow, she’s trying not to look at her reflection in it, for in the surface of her eyes, she could see the clip so vividly, playing seamlessly as though never wanting to be forgotten. It’s been over a day, yet the horror and anger circling her sister’s orbs remained ever-clearer. It looked as though even when a millennium passed, that picture of a terrible fate would not fade away. It was something she could not chew. Every time she’s reminded of it, she just lost her grip on herself, and everything that’s near ended up lying helplessly on the ground, broken to pieces. Most times, she imagined what it would feel if she could just run her hand through
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A Terrible Past 2
The tent’s only source of light came from the pea-size flame dancing in the candle and the biggest of the moon that had been raised on the horizon that year. Hera followed the dance of this fire, the breeze of the wind caressing her whole being as what Mang Kanor had said echoed inside her head. She didn’t want to perceive her mother other than the picture of what she should have been, but every time she contradicted herself, the memory of her mother yelling at her father who’s doing nothing but to apologize spiraled in her thoughts, never-ending.“Happy birthday, Hera,” said her mother, the widest of smiles caressing her lips.It’s been over an hour since she arrived. Thousands of times she questioned her about the whereabouts of her father, but she’d only
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Hera woke up abruptly and was greeted by the darkness of her dorm. There was something about its eternal shadows comforting each corner that serenaded her soul. She couldn’t understand what it was that she came here for and why she was opening her eyes despite not seeing anything. It took her quite some time to realize what it was that she really felt and another moment of pondering why she sensed filth in her existence. Breathing heavily, she listened to the patter of the rain outside, dancing into the rhythm of the heaven’s emotion. In a way, it synchronized with the depth of her despair, fitting so perfectly well into the gap of her own puzzle. She thought it was imprudent of her not to heed its song, for in the tune it drummed to the surface laid the rest she always longed to grasp. With her mind still echoing the memory she
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Once Hera went out of her dorm, she was greeted by Kioven who was sitting cross-legged beside the door, his palm facing his lap, his eyes closed. Hera was fazed for a moment, frozen in her track, her mind couldn’t quite process what he was doing there.  Blinking rather rapidly, she made to move past him, but she stopped once again when he spoke. “You went out at last.” She didn’t know if she should feel relieved that someone was waiting for her to come out in the open or disappointed that life was yet again giving her a reason to see a ray of light. Truth be told, she’s tired of misreading the signs. One moment it seemed that she’d be able to grasp and grapple all of her fears and in the other, it just seemed to be the only real thing.  “Are
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