Semua Bab Jyotsna and the ghost of the lost traveler: Bab 11 - Bab 13
13 Bab
A death in the village
The karate club had flourished to new bounds ever since Fire sir had taken over. Duelling was still on though nobody got hurt. Fire Sir presided every duel with a keen eye. For two weeks now, they had been practising for their first ever belt. Jyotsna had observed Anwar performing extraordinary feats. Fire sir himself had joined in to applause Anwar’s excellent three feet high round kick. Anwar, Jyotsna and Fire sir had become friends ever since he accompanied them to the hospital wing. Jyotsna had learnt that Fire sir was an orphan, and had served the Kolkata police as an Inspector before retiring voluntarily. He lived inside the school in one of the quarters made for the scullery maid when the school was still a royal fort. He had invited them to visit his dwelling. After the class ended, Jyotsna & Anwar started to follow him. He stopped abruptly so that Jyotsna rammed her head straight into his back. She looked around and saw Fire sir staring at Sabu sir who was talking anima
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Fight & Flight
Mr. Sharma couldn’t believe his ears! Right before his eyes Nelson disappeared and now his father was dead. He couldn’t fathom what fate had befallen on the unfortunate accountant’s family. Grief changed to fear when he realised he was privy to an information that might very well have been the reason for the accountant’s death. For it was just a few weeks ago when Mr. Abraham had met him. His eyes were dark and looked tired. Twice he was heard arguing loudly with Mr. Nandy and on the day his kid disappeared, he had stayed late from work. All Mr. Sharma could think off was keeping Jyotsna safe. He turned off the television and turned to his wife. “Lock the door and do not open until you are sure it’s me”  Mrs. Sharma looked bewildered. “What’s the…” But before she could finish, Mr. Sharma held her shoulders in a tight grip and said, “Do as I say. Do not open the door for anyone! I’ll be back within the hour.” Before he stepped out, he turn
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The Temple Fire
Jyotsna was up at dawn, but somehow she still had a great deal to pack. Her mother dashed around the house looking for clothes and valuables. Her father ran into Jyotsna in the living room, still in his pajamas holding a steaming mug, tea dripping on the floor. Anwar’s mother had arrived to help them. Her red hair floated behind her as she ran around the house running errands. Mr. Jawed nearly tripped over the trunk her mother had jam packed with clothes. At last, they entered a taxi, an old ambassador Padmini, Anwar accompanying them to the school. They had barely driven for a minute when they were back. Jyotsna had forgotten her chemistry set. Two minutes after that they skidded to a halt inside the school administration building. They unloaded their suitcases and their cycles and Jyotsna boarded the third room on the first floor of the girl’s dormitory. Then, she waved her parents goodbye as Anwar stood beside her. The car disappeared around the curb.Jyotsna l
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