Lahat ng Kabanata ng His Caged Princess: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
88 Kabanata
31. Moonlight Adventures
The City of Odairo was bustling with life, glowing brightly, the sound of music, laughter and chatter filled the air, the delicious smells of freshly cooked food wafted by one’s nose. Lanterns hung from the carts of the vendors. Strings of fairy lights and lanterns crossed between the buildings, illuminating the night sky. The Ehlesaar flag in its colours of white, silver, and charcoal grey hung proudly, streamers in the same colours mixed among the lanterns in celebration of the royal wedding decorated the city square . The storm from earlier had cooled the humid weather down considerably and the moon shone brightly in the now clear skies. Vendors selling all kinds of food and drink were scattered around, tables spread outside with men and women of all ages sitting around. The Inns were alive, the doors wide open, the sound of roaring laughter and drunk men filled the air. Other vendors sold clothes, jewellery, or souvenirs with the Ehlesaar crests or small figurines of the newly
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32. Under The Night Sky
They strolled along passing by more stalls and even a puppet show before the sound of a rather rhythmic song getting louder caught Layana’s attention along with another food stall. “I want to try those fritters,” she said pointing to another stall, after all, she did not have dinner and with all the commotion she had forgotten to eat. “I really don’t think you should eat anymore,” Declan said, earning a frown as she stood there, hands on hips “My reason is because your stomach is not used to such heavy or spicy food princess nothing more, no matter what size you are or become I would still love you,” “Oh…” she said blushing that she had misunderstood him, then waved him off “Doesn't matter I have a very strong stomach, do you not know, I rarely get ill, and I can eat like a pig and a horse put together,” He chuckled lightly, placing a hand on her stomach, “Ok Angel, as long as you don’t get ill,” he said not able to say no, he hadn't seen this side to her before and he enjoyed it.
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33. A Painful Promise
Layana awoke to someone calling her, the sun was high in the sky, shining through the sheer curtains that hung from the canopy of her bed. “My lady are you not well?” A concerned Rina said bending over the bed, Layana’s eyes widened remembering everything of the night before, “I'm fine just tired…” she said a blush gracing her cheeks, Rina bowed her head “I have run you a bath your highness, your father wishes to see you after lunch,” she said, Layana nodded, as Rina’s gaze fell to the marks on Layana’s creamy neck, her eyes widened as she looked back at her mistress in shock, before lowering her eyes. “What is it?” Layana asked “N-nothing my lady,” she said bowing deeply, as she hurried off “I will go set out your clothing…” Layana got out of bed, it was around 11 am deciding to visit Cordelia after she was dressed. Getting out of bed, she stretched, a small smile playing on her lips as she reminisced on the magical night she would not forget. Raising her hand and looking at t
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34. A Hidden Scroll
Declan had barely slept, having returned just before sunrise, and kissing his love a final time before he departed through the secret passageway, something that had indeed become very ideal, he had taken her out of the palace through them, and it was the perfect way for Layana to travel through the palace undetected if she wanted to. He had been awoken by Aren who was surprised that he was even asleep, as usually, he trained the princess at this time. He announced that there was a meeting in the king’s office shortly. He was now standing in the king’s office with Aren, his grandfather Jasper and the five mages, trying not to yawn, outlining a plan to see if Zephyr was indeed possessed or not. The nine stood around the circular table that he had once hidden under with Layana, it felt like so long ago, a tiny smile crossed his lips as he reminisced on their night together, it had only been a few hours since he had seen her, but he missed her already. “This is a very dangerous game my
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35. Not Even Death Can Part Us
“Take a seat the both of you,” Evaan said looking at the two who stood before him, noting Layana’s dirt-covered skirt, and her red eyes. Declan too watched her, concern flitting across his face. She had not even looked at him from the moment she had entered, although he had left an hour earlier to release his pent-up anger he was now much calmer and had been looking forward to seeing her. Layana sat down and Declan remained standing once again disobeying the king who simply frowned at the arrogant young man who was soon to become his son in-law . He was almost used to his disrespectful attitude. Almost. Declan looked at her hand, seeing the ring was missing, her hand balled into a fist, he frowned wondering why she took it off, her father had an inkling about them anyway… he could not ponder for any longer as the king sighed. “Since you both have made up your minds I will not stand in your way, I am in fact in approval of this match, we will announce your engagement two nights from
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36. Failed Attempts
Declan waited in the shadows of the courtyard, it was in the evening after dinner, and Aren was meant to come this way with Zephyr. Despite his mind being riddled with what had occurred earlier. He ran his fingers through his hair, something that he had done countless times throughout the day. He knew the reason behind her apparent change of heart. One thing Layana was not good at was she was not able to lie or hide her emotions and he knew as she spoke those words it hurt her just as much as it had hurt him. He could not stand her sister, and he would never forgive her for ruining things between them. He pulled himself out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching and the sound of laughter. Raising an eyebrow as Aren and Zephyr came into view both holding glasses of wine. “Life isn't really so easily predicted though,” Aren chuckled making conversation, playing his part well. Declan frowned; this plan was not foolproof. But it was their best shot, he still did not think it
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37. Two Conditions & A Supreme Commander
Layana’s eyes flew open to the sound of multiple bells ringing. Echoing through the palace and the courtyards, vibrating off the walls, loud enough that the entire city could hear. Her heart thumped loudly as fear spread through her body like poison. She clutched her head closing her eyes as she tried to regain her calm. This was a sound she had heard when she was a three-year-old child, one that was accompanied by traumatic memories, pain and fear. It is not often that we remember the memories of childhood, but the sound of the foreboding warning bells was imprinted deep in her mind. War. War was upon them. Pushing off her silken sheets she rushed from her bed to the balcony, pushing open the door she rushed to the edge of her balcony looking out. What had happened? Everything seemed quieter, although it looked the same, she scanned the area, straining her eyes to see, feeling the familiar prickle in her eyes and then everything became a hundred times sharper. With her now glowing
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38. The Buried Past
The Four princesses stood in Myra’s private drawing-room, for the queen to summon them it surely meant it was something important. Terania’s face was pale with the reality of war upon them knowing what this could mean for her future. “Be seated,” Myra’s haughty voice came as she strode gracefully into the room, her chin raised, dressed in a deep green dress. “Is something the matter mother?” Terania asked, the queen turned her gaze to her daughter, disapproval clear on her face “We are at war, is that not enough?” she asked her voice so cold it sent a shiver down the princess’s spines. “Forgive me, mother,” Terania replied with a bow “You are to become queen someday. Only the Gods know how soon that may be, step away from your childish behaviour Terania,” she hissed venomously. The princesses had never seen the Queen so angry at her own daughter before. None spoke waiting for the queen to continue, taking a deep breath to calm her emotions Myra turned her gaze to Terania once mo
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39. A Wedding & An Engagement
“Layana… listen to me,” the king said hoarsely, his mind still reeling with the sheer extent of her abilities, not only could she delve into memories, but she could also visit any part of the past if she so desired. “No. You listen to me,” she said her soft voice icy as she tried to contain her anger. “I am king Layana, do not forget that,” he warned her gripping his desk. “You failed as a king when you condemned an entire Clan to its end! You failed as a father when you still wanted me to marry Declan, someone you have betrayed! You are nothing but a tyrant!” Layana shouted, her voice breaking “Layana! know your place! I have shown you leniency! Despite what you possess I have only tried to protect you! Declan can protect you, he loves you,” the king snapped his anger flaring “He would never love me when he learns the truth! A truth I shall tell him!” she hissed, “Layana if you dare…” “What will you do?! Sentence me to death too? go ahead, perhaps when you lose one of your own
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40. I Still Love You
Declan looked at her, tears streamed down her face as she told him everything she had seen, from the plan that had been put in place, those who had spoken against it, mainly Jasper, Aren’s grandfather, those whose names she knew of who were involved, the way the council and her father had tricked his father. She told him it was the Dark Lord who had ended his mother’s life. She almost fell to her knees, guilt, pain and sorrow consuming her, if Declan hadn't caught her, and pulled her into his arms, regretting the fact he had allowed her to find out the truth, he had not even considered the amount of pain it would cause her. He caressed her back, the other hand stroking her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder. “I’m so so sorry, I wish there was a way I could reverse what was done,” she cried softly, “I’m sorry for the crimes my family have commit, your family were heroes, yet to hide their own lies they were buried with no recognition,” “Hush… it's ok,” Declan said, he knew the roya
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