Semua Bab Omega Turned Royal: Bab 31 - Bab 40
91 Bab
30. Glimpses of the Past
Myra “What?” I almost yelled. What the hell is he thinking? Damian quirked an eyebrow. “Why? You were mad because I suggested we live separately and now you are shocked.” He shook his head. “I can never understand what exactly goes through your mind.  “If you live here then what will you tell your parents? What will you tell the High queen?” Andrew asked. I gaped at the man in disbelief. Was he considering this option? I can’t imagine what would happen if he started living here. Eric’s face flashed across my mind suddenly and my anxiety intensified.  “My parents wouldn’t bother about my whereabouts,” he replied, pulling me out of my thoughts. I felt a slight twinge in my heart when I heard that. The emotion was fami
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31. Alexandra
Myra   I stared at the woman who appeared paler than Damian. The woman was looking at my mate in awe, and I am sure that tears would have rolled down her cheeks had she been human. Her silver eyes, however, conveyed more emotions than even a human was capable of. She remained standing at the doorway. I glanced at Damian, whose mouth was slightly agape.    “You? Who are you?” he murmured, the almost inaudible question cutting through the silence. He looked intrigued, and that did not sit well. I echoed his question a little loudly. “Yes, who are you?”    The woman smiled wanly. “I am…” She blinked and paused. “I am…” Her lips trembled as she leaned against the door frame. I saw Damian step forward, an aborted action as if to help her. I swallowed thickly. Damian’s earlier comments which
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32. Confrontation
Myra I stared at Damian with shock and tried to understand if he was joking. But he looked absolutely serious and slightly troubled, if I daresay. I lowered my gaze. “I hope you are not making fun of me,” I muttered, voicing my doubt nonetheless.  “Of course not. Why do you think I gawked at the woman, what was her name? Alex...Alex..” “Alexandra,” I supplied, feeling unreasonable warmth in my heart as he struggled to remember the name of the person whom he had just met not too long ago. I sighed. “So, what do you see?” I asked and maybe in any other case I would have felt weird, sharing something so odd with someone I hardly knew but somehow I didn’t feel like that.  Damian
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33. Power Hungry Leader
Damian  Myra’s words still reverberated in my mind. I spent a restless night, not even going out to hunt. I paced in the room while she said she was going to be training with that girl whose name I have forgotten. If what she dreamed was the same as mine then it must have a reason. I left our room and walked to Andrew’s study. Even though I had said that we should wait, I was becoming restless.  As I had hoped, he was in his study and was busy with work. “May I speak with you?” Andrew looked up from the document he was looking at and offered a benign smile. “Sure.” I entered and sat on the couch nearby. Before speaking, I willed the door to shut. This had Andrew’s eyebrows knit into a curve.  “Do you know anything more about us than y
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34. Showdown
Talk about the devil and she appears. I wanted to snort at the ironic situation. But one look at Andrew and I felt the seriousness of the situation. I had never seen anyone turn pale so fast, but this time I did. Had I been a human with a beating heart, it certainly would have pounded dangerously in my ears. I stood up exactly at the same time as Andrew hurried to the door. “What do you mean? How did she find out?” His voice was agitated and this again was the first time I had seen him like this.    He turned to me. “Do not go out of this study. I am sending Myra here and Violet and Jamie will be guarding this study.” There wasn’t any room for argument. With that, he rushed out of the study and Alexandra followed him. I paced in the room, frustrated that I couldn’t do anything and mad at being kept out of the loop as if I was a kid. Why was the High Queen here? How did she even get the i
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35. A Dark Blot in the Memory
Damian   “You said it was not me,” I whispered. I stared at her, dumbfounded, as I watched her eyes glint with something...something malicious. One corner of her lips tilted up. She was standing mere inches away from me. “What did you think, Damian?” her voice sounded sympathetic as if she was trying to coax me into believing something, but her eyes spoke an entirely different story.    I tried to piece out whatever happened that night and I tried to make sense of what was told to me after I woke up from slumbering for a long while. I tried to latch on to mother’s placating tone and her sweet words of reassurance; I remembered father’s firm conviction and my sister’s worried hovering.    I shook my head. “You are lying.” The High Queen moved back, but not entirely from my personal space
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36. Retraction
Myra   “Why are they taking so long?” I murmured again. Andrew had herded us away and asked Violet to take me to my room. Jamie and Brandon were asked to guard the door and Eric muttered to volunteer with them.    “I guess he is arguing with that woman,” Vi retorted. I didn’t argue with that. It looked like Damian would argue. But why was he not returning? What the hell were they discussing? I restlessly swayed from left to right while sitting on the bed. Vi was lounging on the chair, her legs dangling.    “Being restless won’t do any good.” I glanced at her, frowning. She was right, but my wolf was restless, a little too much and I couldn’t really calm her down. ‘Aki, what’s the matter?’ I asked her worriedly. She remained silent for a moment before mumbling, ‘I can sense our mate’s tr
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37. Hollow
Myra   I don’t know how long I sat there, but by the time someone picked me up, I felt my legs giving out. My ears were ringing as I was steered away to somewhere. I don’t know where. I panted by the time the person made me sit. I sat down like a rag doll. “Breathe,” a familiar voice said as they rubbed my shoulder soothing. Until now I had been in a trance. But the voice pierced through that. I looked up to see Eric sitting beside me, looking concerned.    Despite being heartbroken and feeling drained, I moved away. His hand fell and he lowered his gaze. “I—”    I shook my head, interrupting him because no words of sympathy or otherwise would mend my heart. I blinked back my tears, but a few stray ones escaped. “Myra!” I turned my head and saw Violet dashing towar
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38. The Other Side of the Coin
Damian   My family was surprised when I returned. Especially when I had said that I might stay away for a while. “Missed us?” Melissa teased as she rocked back and forth in the chair. Mother shot a dismayed look at her and father was as usual absent.   I grunted noncommittally and made a beeline for my room. I slammed the door shut. It took everything in me to not go after that fucking bitch and kill her with a silver dagger. It took everything in me to give in and bow down and not start a fucking war with that woman. She called herself queen.    “You think the others will forgive you? Or your family for lying? You think others will accept the fact that a hybrid has been bossing the others around?” she had taunted him. Damian’s jaw clenched as these words came back to him. 
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39. The Queen's Past (P1)
The palace was shrouded in the cold darkness. Every corridor, every room of the palace, was heavily guarded. The icy silence was suddenly disturbed by the clicking of heels on the stone floor. The guards bowed as the Queen walked past them. She spared a glance at each of them, inclining her head and acknowledging their show of respect.    When she finally came to a stop in front of her room, the huge ornate doors were pushed open for her. Once she walked in and flicked her fingers, the doors closed behind him. The room was majestic and luxurious, like a queen’s room should be. However, behind these closed doors, she liked to think of herself as Samantha, a woman whose beautiful human life had come to a stop when she was forced and abused and killed by her kind.    Her mouth twisted as she stepped out of her gown and shrugge
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