Lahat ng Kabanata ng His Beauty Queen (Book One of The Kings Series): Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
41 Kabanata
Responsibilities (Part Two)
He gently cupped her face to angle it towards him and his lips descended on hers. He sucked on her lower lips gently. It was so lush and soft. So sweet and inviting.Her lips move against his tentatively, testing, experimenting. He nipped her lower lip, then sucked it again. She inhaled sharply. Taking advantage of the opening, his tongue entered her mouth smoothly, exploring, tasting her sweetness. She moaned. She liked this. Growing confident, he kissed her more hungrily, she responded by angling her head to kiss him back. Nibbling on his lips. He rasped. Fighting for control. Her arousal teased him to do more --he can't. Not today.Soon. He will take more.He savored her dainty tongue once more and licked her parted lips. He eagerly scattered kisses all over her flushed face, down to her neck. Sucking her skin, leaving his mark and scent. His cock was throbbing painfully --he ignored it. Shackling his impulses. Goddess.
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Stress Reliever
Anna MayShe missed him. She misses him so much it hurts. Why was she so drawn to him? She had only known him for a few days and yet she longed for him. It was as if a part of her soul has left with him. Was it the same for him? She glared at the tub of pistachio ice cream before her. Does she want him to feel the same about her? Yes, I do. Wanted him to miss her as much as she misses him.She stabbed her spoon in her ice cream with a bit of force and continued to eat. Last she heard from him was before she turned in for the evening. He checked if she was home, safe --if she had dinner and if she was in their bedroom.Their bedroom. She shivered at the thought, squirming in her chair, remembering their hot kisses. Damn, it was amazing.She never knew it was mind-numbing with the right person. A kiss was forced on her before and it was disgusting. With Alexander, it was heaven. And
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AlexanderHe growled and snarled savagely as he ran through the dark forest. In his Lycan form, his blazing black and red eyes can easily pierce through the darkness. His massive paws thundered through the hard earth, dodging fallen logs and jumping on streams and riverbanks. They were on the hunt for the rogues and clanless vampires that banded together, killing two pups and resting members of a vampire clan.Earlier today they had found a mole hiding in plain sight. He acted like a grieving servant. Very cooperative. Trusted by the clan leader. He didn't know they were observing him. His heartbeat, his breathing, his eyes, and his scent.A caretaker was supposed to guard a vampire when resting during the day. The fucktard betrayed his master for gold.Xavier made short work of the traitor, draining him of his blood to find out the whereabouts of his accomplices then decapitating him. His
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A Taste Of Home
Mature (18+)Explicit Sexual contentAnna MayAll throughout the day, her thoughts were of him. When she woke up after her afternoon nap, she felt empty. Like the other half of her soul has deserted her.Alexis had to force down a Nutella sandwich on her. She couldn't eat. Her stomach wouldn't accept it. She shook her head. What was happening to her? Was she under a spell? Was she in love for the first time? Was that even possible? She had known him for less than a week and yet it felt like her heart has known him all her life.The light of dawn had replaced the dark evening sky. She had tossed and turned all night until she gave up. The bed was too big without him. She stared at the shadows of their bedroom. Imagining him with her and craving his kisses.What would it feel like to touch his skin? Bet with the muscles she saw bunching
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 AlexanderHe gazed lovingly at his sweet angel, waiting for her to wake up. He had not realized he fell asleep on top of his poor baby until he felt her whimper. He felt so worried, he got up to check if she was hurt. She just swatted his hands away, mumbling his name, and fell back to sleep. He guessed he exhausted her.Goddess. He can still taste her sweetness. So pure. She tasted like ambrosia. She got him drunk from her nectar.His essence was imprinted on her. Even though he had tended her, wiping his seed on her belly, the scent would stay for days on her skin. Every creature will know she belonged to him.In his jeans and beige turtleneck long sleeves shirt, he was dressed for the day. He didn't bother washing her scent on him. They can shower together later in the evening. His cock twitched in response. And maybe play some m
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The Beloved
 Anna May"I hate airplanes." She blurted out. She did and had no qualms letting Alexander know.Planes have cramped spaces and they have the smallest toilet one could ever find. And not to mention the snoring people around. She didn't mean to sound like a brat. Her experience was based on the pervs from her past trying to cop a feel. Taking advantage of the limited area."You will love this one, mia anima." He smiled at her. God! He looked so incredible. She blushed with her memories of last night. They did it again in the shower. But just like before he didn't go all the way. Why?"I would love to know what you are thinking about that made you red as a ripe tomato, baby girl. Care to tell me?" He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. She was glad they were inside a car and there was a panel separating them from the driver.
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AlexanderHe surveyed the building they were in. He didn't know what to expect at first. It was certainly not this. The structure of the condominium was located in a bustling part of the city.Dubious people milled about. Some watched their vehicles with undisguised interest, wanting to dismantle them for chop shops right before their eyes. He tightened his hold on his mate possessively, pulling her closer. She glanced up at him, smiling excitedly. Damn her innocence. It was killing him. How she and her sisters survived in this shady place boggled his mind.He and Xavier glance at each other. Silently communicating. They had the same thoughts. To get their queens the hell out of here right away. They had instructed their warriors to surround the building for precautionary measures.The bell ping inside the elevator, signaling they were on the correct floor. His mate's unit was located at t
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It's Time (Part One)
Anna MayBy the time they boarded the private jet, all types of medical equipment that the doctor requested were installed. He had Mish hooked up to different machines. One was a heart monitor he constantly checked. They were on the aircraft's cabin number two. The room was bigger than their bedroom at the condo. It was really impressive.Another thing that impressed her was the way the doctor cared for her sister. He was really something and had been with her since they arrived at the condo, refusing to get some sleep. She hoped he will. Dawn peeked at the horizon. The shutters on the plane were pulled down to avoid the glare of the sunlight."Please, doctor. Get some sleep. I can watch over my sister for a few hours." She tried to convince him. She couldn't sleep anyway, Xander was busy making phone calls."It's okay, my lady. I need to monitor her heart, it's unstable. I can't risk it."
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It's Time (Part Two)
MichaelWhen would this fucking shit end? He was again looking at the cunning face of councilman Victor, trying to decipher the man's thoughts through the monitor, though his outer countenance showed concern, the fucker can never fool him, especially his king. He had been living in this world for more than a century and had learned a long time ago not to take anything at face value. Certainly, not in politics.The vampire elder wanted them to dance to his tune, taking advantage of Alexander's temporary distraction because of the mating fever. Little did he knew, they were two steps ahead of him."And this attack, how did you know of it, Victor?" Hmmm. There it was. The subtle hardening of his jaw. He loathed it when Alexander addressed him casually. Mayhap in his mind, he thought he was above them. Presumptuous asshole. He had forgotten how he ended up with a seat in the council."My relia
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The Reveal
 Alexander He held onto his control tightly, not letting his wolf take over completely. He would have pounced on Anna without second thoughts. He had decided to shift into his animal form instead of his lycan. The latter would have scared her mate even more.His sensitive ears flapped to the back of his head, hearing her ragged breathing. Her heart pounded profusely. Thank Goddess she didn't faint. He was actually expecting that to happen. His wolf whined. Loathe scaring their mate.His wolf moved down to his hunches, bowing to their queen, and crawled timidly towards her, tail wagging. Good. His wolf was not aggressive towards Anna.I will never hurt mate, dumbass.He smirked. Knowing how crazy he was over their mate. Through his eyes, he can see Anna approached them slowly, licking her lips, nervous and a
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