Semua Bab The Friend Trap: Bab 31 - Bab 40
64 Bab
     As Mack held her on the dance floor, they had for dancing in the reception area, so very close to his body.  He was nothing but smiles, as was she. This day had gone so perfectly. They had already cut the cake to her surprise everyone had thought the cake topper was perfect for him and her after seeing them together. They all knew why he had lost the extra weight and became healthier as well. He looked down at her, and she up to him. It seemed like the rest of the world disappeared when they looked at each other.They had not had a moment without people around since the ceremony. This was the most private they had been since they spoke their vows to each other. Right after the ceremony, when they walked out of the building, it was into the open field where they were getting photographs done. They had one with her father. Then another w
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     The young couple sent the next two weeks emptying the boxes that Mack had from moving in and just really getting used to the idea that they were married and nothing was going to get in between that fact. The day after the wedding, he had called his mother and asked her not to tell the extended family. Though he knew most of them would be happy that he had found his someone, he didn’t want to hear the drama from the other half. As it was, he had invited more than they had planned on for the day to help make up for the fact his family wasn’t there. Everything had worked out, though, and they had a wonderful day.The pictures were rolling in from the day as well. So far, there were well over a thousand for them to choose from, and he smiled every time he was reminded of the perfect day and how well everything had turned out. It was a hundred times better than he had planned. She had just rolled wit
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    It seemed the time had gone in the blink of an eye. Three months from their wedding and they still hadn’t really heard from any of the people who considered him a friend. He knew he had made more since the wedding that was in the same place as him in life whereas his other friends were not. He had settled into the married life rather well, he thought.“So when are you two going to have kids?” his sergeant asked as he was down with his workout at the gym. Mack looked up to the slightly older man and smiled at the question.“I really don’t know,” Mack said. “My wife is a bit younger than me. We really haven’t discussed it. She comes from a big family, and I don’t.”“Well, that is something that you two should kind of talk about.” the other man laughed. “My wife and I didn’t, a
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    “So Gabe called me,” Mack said when they calmed down and had their dinner. “He wanted to go get a drink.”“When?” She asked as she looked at him.“Thursday.” He replied with a laugh. “I did say if I go, they can not be there. It is supposed to be him and me.”“Mack, go and try to make up with your cousin.” She said as she looked at him.“You’re not concerned at all?” he asked.“Why would I be?” she asked as she looked at him.“The fact he agreed to those conditions. I mean, I feel like this is a setup of sorts.” Mack said as he looked at her now in the kitchen.“Well, even if it is a setup, don’t you think that you owe it to yourself to try and see if this new relationship is worth it?” she asked.
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    As they sat in the small exam room on the second floor, he held her hand. They had been rushed to different places in the hospital a few times before. She had blood work done, and then this was in this last department. They were waiting for one of the techs and a doctor to confirm what they already knew. She smiled at him as he caressed her fingers with his.“Is this your husband? “the tech asked as she walked in and looked over Mack.“It is,” Henni said as she looked up with him.“I didn’t even know you were married.” The woman said as she looked at the couple. “Well, Mr. Hanson.”“Paulin.” He replied. “She is a Hanson. She didn’t change her name professionally.”“Oh.” The woman said as she settled in. “Now, what are we here to check?”
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    Mack waited outside the bar for a few minutes after the time that he was supposed to meet his cousin. He wanted to see if some other people would show up in the parking lot after he was supposed to arrive so they could ambush him. He was tired. Though he tried to sleep, he had nightmares about this meeting. When he felt maybe he was overreacting a bit, he got out of the car and then walked into the building. He could spot his cousin easily. No one was with him. He moved to the table he was at and then sat down.“Sorry, I was later than expected,” Mack said as he looked at his cousin.“No problem,” Gabe said as he looked at Mack sitting in front of him. “What do you want to drink?”“Nothing.” He replied as he smiled a bit. He was watching his cousin see the changes in him.“Nothing?” Gabe ask
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     The group sat at the bar together though Gabe was watching all the people he was trying to replay what his cousin had said. “Nicole, when was the last time you went out with him?”“Like two days ago.” She said. “I just don’t want to talk about it or him right now.”“I can’t believe him,” Abby said. “Gabe, you need to do something about this.”“And what do you think I can do?” Gabe asked. “I mean, I called him and tried to get him to talk to me. I told you that you all showing up was not going to help anything. It would set him off.”“He is your cousin. He is hurting my friend.” Abby said as she stomped her foot. She looked over to her friend and then shook her head.“Is he, though?” Gabe asked. She looked at him, and it turned into a glare. “Did you see he
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     Mack called his mother the next day. He let her go ahead and tell the rest of the family. He was okay with the fact they would be mad at him for not inviting them. He hated the fact this was part of his life. However, the trade-off was better than he realized. When the phone calls didn’t come rolling in over the weekend, he didn’t care anymore. He had other things to think of now, and that was helping Henni adjust to the new burden she had growing inside of her.As the time passed, months went by, and she grew more and more. He was happy to let everyone know that they were expecting when he could. He was on a cloud nine most of the time. As the two made the nursery room for the babies and added to it when they went out on the weekends. He loved this quiet place he was in.“We have to talk to him!” Abby demande
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  They were discharged two days later. They settled into their house and watched over the boys. A few days after they came home, there was a knock on the door. Mack looked at the time and saw it was nearly nine at night. It was a Saturday now, so he didn’t think too much of it. It could be his parents or her father wanting to see the boys again. He got to the door and could hear quite a few different voices. It was time.He opened the door and looked at the group that was standing there. Everyone in the friend group was there, including the woman who had caused so much trouble. Christian was there as well. He was the first one to speak. “What are you doing here at my sister’s house?”“It is his house too,” Henni said from in back of him. Though Mack knew she would be the one to end all of this. She had one of the twins in her arms. She looked down at the baby and then back to the group in fr
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    “Are you going to tell me that you are going to blame us for this situation?” Abby demanded.“If the shoe fits, wear it, honey,” Henni said as she looked at the other woman. Mack had gone into the house to put the baby down. He had come out to find Henni almost ready to swing her arm. “Maybe you need to look at yourself and your friends and the way you all have handled this situation. You all acted like children each step of the way. You will never be welcome here in this house or any other I live at.”“Henni,” Mack said softly, and she softened a bit.“But you are right,” Mack said as he looked at the other women. “None of you are welcome in our house and near our children. That is a risk I will never take.”“Come on, Mack,” Beth said as she looked at him. “We
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