Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Chapter 19
We waste time looking for perfect lover instead of creating the perfect love. Aakash Today is mehendi function each and every ladies are busy in applying mehendi even Ananya . She looks very happy sitting beside Georgia and enjoying the function.  I was impressed by the way she handled the situation yesterday evening. I can't even imagine what would have happened to Prateek if his mom has got to know about Georgiaand his relationship. But at right time Ananya handled the situation very smartly.  Prateek is very lucky to have such a supportive sister. In high school she was a very smart and intelligent girl, a typical nerd and that was something that i never wanted in a girl but now everything has changed.  She is a beautiful and smart woman. I don't know why i feel attracted towards her. She never tries to flirt with me or gain my attention but still i am attracted to her. I never felt anything
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Chapter 20
Small steps in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life. Ananya I woke up by 8'o clock in the morning. Today is haldi cermony and tomorrow is wedding. I was sitting on the bed and was lazily stretching my arms and legs when someone knocked at my door. I opened my door and saw Georgia standing. I moved aside and let her in. I saw her carrying a paper bag.No no!! I don't want anymore gifts before i could deny Georgia spoke" before you say anything let explain myself, i bought a small gift for my friend see you accepted me as you friend Ananya now accept this gift also. You are like a sister to me which i never had"  gave me a puppy face "Ok fine" i spoke "Come open it" she spoke excitedly I opened a gift and found a beautiful set of flower vase. "Its so beautiful Georgia i will keep it on my bedside table in my room in new York so that it will always remind
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Chapter 21
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Prateek We just reached our car when my phone started ringing i need to pick the call it was from my secretary. I went to picķ the call and left Ananya standing near the car. I didn't wanted to leave Ananya alone but sometimes we don't have any choices. When i returned i saw Ananya standing near the car by taking support of the car she looked restless. I was walking towards her when i saw her closing her eyes and before she could fall i saved her. "Ananya!!!" I shouted and started slapping her cheeks lightly. After few minutes she opened her eyes and i helped her to stand. I opened the car and made her sit inside. I am such a irresponsible brother i knew she is low tolerance to heat but i still left her standing under freaking sun. I started the AC and took my handkerchief and started wiping her sweat after few minutes she was back to normal. "Bhai relax,
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Chapter 22
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Ananya That someone who scared shit out of me by shouting is my great brother. "Are insane or what you scared me" i shouted angrily. "Ohh i am sorry " he spoke sheepishly .Seriously!!! He almost gave me a heart attack and the only thing he has to say a damn 'sorry' if he thinks that i will forgive him for what he did this morning then he is damn wrong. I won't forgive him so easily. "Ananya i am sorry about the way i behaved this morning but i don't regret it. You are my little sister its my responsibility to look after you" he spoke apologetically.But still i am not forgiving him."Ok come let me show you something " he spoke while dragging me towards the balcony. I was shocked to see the view infront of me i blinked. Once Twice Thrice But still th
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Chapter 23
Money and success don't change people ; they merely amplify what is already there. Ananya I went downstairs and saw everyone were busy in preparation of the wedding. I saw bhai was talking to dad and i think regarding the wedding only. Bhai saw me and came towards me. "Ananya come lets go" bhai spoke "where bhai" i spoke confusedly "Ohh sorry i forgot to tell you Anu i am going to see the wedding decorations so i want you to accompany me" he spoke Of course why not i am the only one in this whole universe whom you are going drag with you. I sighed and spoke "ok fine, give me 5min i will grab my breakfast " "No Ananya we don't have time for that come i will feed you something on our way" he spoke hurriedly. I looked at him suspiciously it will take me only 5mins to grab something to eat which hell will break down in 5mins. Before i could protest he dragged me towards the car and pushed me inside the passeng
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Chapter 24
True love doesn't happen right away, it is an ever growing process. It develops after you're gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried together and laughed together. Ananya Bhai and i went in different directions to check on the preparation. I need to complete everything before 4'o clock. I went were the chefs were cooking food. Bhai send me the list of the foods that are going to be served to the guests. There were Indian, Italian, Chinese, french and etc... kind of food. I was going through all the list of the dishes when my eyes widened Holy crap!!!!there are around 108 food dishes. I can't believe it . We are really spending lots of money in these wedding. Anyways thats not my problem i only need to make sure the arrangements are done properly. I swear when i will get married i will not waste so much money instead i would like to donate that money to cancer foundation groups or someone
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Chapter 25
Never marry the one you can live with, marry the one you can't live without. Ananya Kavya bhabhi was looking very beautiful in her maroon and gold lehenga with heavy jewellery and makeup. Its not like my shravan bhai was not looking handsome. He was also looking very handsome in his heavy embroidery shervani.He was intensely looking at bhabhi and she was blushing. I am damn sure they are going to be a great couple. She went towards the stage and shravan bhai helped her to get on stage. Everyone started clapping when they exchanged the Garlands and photographer started taking pictures. The guests went and congratulated them. I was getting bored so i went towards bhai and told him to take some pictures of me and Georgia. But in reality he is the worst photographer in a history of photographer his angle is only wrong. After 30mins of explaining him who to take a picture atlast he took some decent pictures. I was scrolling thro
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Chapter 26
A true relationship is with someone who accepts your past, supports your present and accepts your future. Ananya I went downstairs and saw bhai sitting on one of the sofa and was engrossed in his phone and i got a idea how to scare him. I slowly went towards him and stood infront him when he didn't realized that i was standing infront from him i put my plan on motion. I took a deep breath and jumped on his lap wrapped my arms around his neck and spoke "good morning bhai"OMG!!! He was so damn scared the reaction i got was all worth it. He glared at me "Seriously Ananya are you insane or what" "Nope i am your cute little sister " i spoke and hugged him tightly. After few seconds he also wrapped his arms. "Anyways i want to ask something " he spoke"When should i book tickets" he spoke while looking at his phone. Ummm... tickets??? I already booked my ticket to new york" i spoke. He looked at me as if
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Chapter 27
If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did your heart then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind. Aakash I can't believe she had the guts to talk with me like this. But truthfully i like it. She was looking freaking hot while glaring at me angrily. Last night she was looking very beautiful in her orange lehenga with these thoughts in my mind i went inside my room. She is no more the chubby nerd girl but a beautiful, smart and sophisticated woman.  I was so angry when i caught other men looking at her with lust. I was so damn pissed off. She didn't even realized what effect she has on other men so damn innocent. I don't know how will she react when she will find out the reason behind why i approached. She will be damn angry on me. But i don't regret using my selfish reason to approach her because i was freaking dying to talk to her , hear her an
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Chapter 28
Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Ananya I can't believe what i am hearing. I never dreamt that they will fall so low just to prove themselves superior than us."I just gave you a single task misha to mislead the chef regarding the cake and you can't do that also" "I did my part of job but the great Ananya just destroyed my plan as usual " They can fall so low to just humiliate my brother. I thought it was bhai's mistake that he didn't told the chef properly regarding the cake quantity but he was the victim. They tried destroy my family reputation and sabotage the reception party. I swear they are going to pay a big price for this I wanted to barge into the room and show them there place but they are older than me so why not let the elder people handle this. Once the reception party is finished i will tell the truth to mom and they will handle it. Right
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