Semua Bab Possessive hold of the CEO: Bab 21 - Bab 30
45 Bab
jealous again
The doors opened. And someone entered .I could not see the persons face clearly ,but all I could see is that he was heading right towards me. As he came closer ,I recognized him  "Alex" I said ,as he opened his arms asking for a hug and I without any hesitation or knowing the consequences for my actions went towards him and hugged him tightly. Then someone pulled be back harshly and I saw it was drake. I could clearly see the anger in his eyes. but he still had maintained a calm composer . I tried to speak without my voice shaking too much and introduced him as my childhood bestfriend alex. They both shake hand ,but one could clearly feel the tension between them and as time passed by it seemed to be growing only. I some how separated them by starting a conversation .&
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Evas pov Wait ,Do I want this or do I not.I mean he is hot .but do I really want to be in a relationship. Wait I just got an brilliant idea: "So james do you really want To go out with me and you are sure that you  like me." "Yesss eva ,I am damm sure about my feelings for you ". "Ok then  lets play a game ,basically I  ask a question and I will give you 10 sec to answer me ," "lets start". "what you liked about me and mind you, if you ans well enough then I might go out with you." "Ok Well my ans is at first are soo pretty.3.the other day ,I saw you play with those homeless children and I realized that you are kind and selfless you really are ,  All this things made me fall in love with you."&
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Emliys pov He was pulling me where harshly. I tried to convince him that he was just my best friend and nothing actually happened. But he was not ready to listen only ,according to him what he thought and saw was only right he was not ready to hear my part of the story itself.(So times what you see may not be the whole truth ,so knowing the story before jumping into conclusion is kinda important anyways on with the story ). He pulled me into our room and as I was about to shout at him .but he suddenly kissed me very  rashly. The kiss was very dominating and very ruff .I tried to push him away ,but he was way to strong. I did not want this .I knew he could potentially rape me cause he really was not in his senses and angry had taken the better half of him . I had to stop this. So I bite his lips harshly ,he let go off me .his lips was bleeding and he was
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Drake pov: I cant believe ,when ever matters come about Emliy I just cant control my feeling .only she can make things happen to me and make me do things  like anger ,losing self control ,becoming horny ,smiling and so many other stuff. I cant believe the person whom I care about soo much .I did such a cruel thing to her. When I saw Emliy laying unconscious in the tub.  I felt my heart rate drop .I was hit from a sudden sensation of guilt and regret .she had not done any thing wrong to deserve this and I did such horrible horrible  things to her .she doesn't deserve this. But I cant let her go .I just cant.  So I decided that I will stay away from her as much as I can .I know after what I have done to her .she would not even want to see my face and I know that. I have decided to immerse my self in work. though I do fee
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Drakes pov Ignoring someone you love and being ignored by someone whom u dearly want to talk to is soooo damm killing.both of us want to talk to each other for hours and hours ,but this stupid ego built in humans always comes in between. It sucks .I keep checking my watsapp to see if emliy is online or not .I keeping scrolling trough and reading our previous  chats again and again.when ever she comes online ,I aways hope she will text me or call me .but that unfortunately never happens .even tho I want it to happen soo bad ,but it never does .its sucks . I have to wait ,and this waiting seems forever to me . (Authors note:guys have you ever experienced this feeling let me know in the comments section 🤷🙋) Emliys pov So aunty are you saying me that drake is sick .Yes my dear.I really hope u can stop him and ask him to rest. 
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side romance is on
James pov:Ok you can do it its just a call ,call her come on dude .she has unofficial accepted you and if you want to make this work ,then I will have to move my butt and make it happen. "Yes yes ,I will make it happen .I will make her official mine." Lets call her.(After 8 to 9 rings she picks up the phone ) "Hello ,who is this." "Hi eva ,its me james ." "Ohh hi James ,How did you get my number btw ." "Ohh about that I have my ways ,lets not worry about it," I said in a low voice . "But the main thing is I have movie tickets to 'after we collide' movie and I was hoping you could come with me." (Ps after we collide is my present fav movie 😍😍🍿🍿📹🎬,what's your let me know in the comments?) "Umm when is it." "Ohh ya right ,tomorrow night .are you free??" 
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the past the three magical words
Drakes pov "Isn't this beautiful ," Emliy: "yes very It was grown by my mother , Speaking of which ,what happened to your mom .why did u get angry at me ,when I asked you about her on the wedding day." Drake signed, "So you really want to know about her." "Yes ,I do" "Hmm ,I did love her a lot .she was kind and amazing ." "But she is also the reason why I am like this .what the world calls her heartless ,cruel etc... You see ,I was never like .I am a simple happy boy living his life . But I changed ,when mom decided to leave  me. Dads betrayal on mom led her to leave us .but before going ,she told me that she would come back for .till date I wait for her to keep her promise and come for me .but she never came . 
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never fraternize with enemys
Someones pov: "Did you get the information ,I asked you to find out ." "Yes sir its all here in this pen drive." "Seriously all of it .good job ,I will double your payment." "Just a few more days and I will come to get you. don't worry my love emliy .I made a mistake before and I will make sure to not make that mistake again . This time you will leave him your self and when you do ,I will take you far away from him . You could hear his laughter filled all over the room. Where he will not be able to find you ever again . And then I will finally make you mine." Emliys pov The next morning as soon as I wake up ,I get eva call . I immediately picked it up. "What's up girl soo how did it go ,I want the tiniest details . 
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Stalker Alert
A Few days later ??? PovHmmm my princess looks sooo beautiful in that dress .She really is a princess sent to me by god .dont worry princess just a few more days to go. Emliys pov These past few days gas been soo strange ,I keep feeling like there is someone following .ohhh god I think I have started imagining things ,why would any one follow me . I decided to consult Eva about it . "Hey eva ". " hi Emliy ,tell me .what's up". "Well I actually needed your thoughts on something "." ohh is it ,tell me about what ??,Are tou and Drake going on a date and need me to come over to help you get ready hmm hmm, tell me the time and I will be there". " No No ,its something more important " "Ok want happened ,now you are scaring me". " you see ,for the past few days ,I fee
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The much needed break
It was a much needed break, not nearly long enough but a great reminder to slow down and be present in the moment. I had convinced Drake and at the same time Eva also informed me that she was able to convince James. Who also  had  agreed to tag along. I could not not wait for the trip as ,After having a very challenging several months on a couple of levels, I was eager to step out of drama, disappointment, frustration and more.  I did what was necessary to leave the house unoccupied for that period of time with the help of the maids. That included emptying and unplugging the refrigerator, turning off the water and water heater, and giving all the maids vacation   during that time period and lot other stuff. We very going to visit Rome .I always wanted to visit Rome as it was one of the oldest city in Europe and it had the most history and old traditions still exits and are fo
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