Все главы Flying high: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Praying For Her
Omer's pov :It’s been hours since we brought Scarlett to the hospital. Everyone is in their world, zay, and lilly are silently crying, Eli is consoling them both. I am sitting in an uncomfortable chair for how long, I don’t know. We are waiting for the doctors to come out of the operation theatre and inform us about Scarlett. Yes, they took Scarlett into the operation theatre.Zay called Scarlett’s parents but their phones are not reachable. I don’t know how much I would take sitting here not knowing what is happening to Scarlett. I want to take down that door that separating Scarlett from us and I want to know how is she doing. I have never been this distressed or afraid in my life.I want her to be fine. Every second felt like ages, I have called the best surgeon of New York for the surgery. I don’t want to take any risk regarding Scarlett's health. She has become very precious to me. I hope the doctors come out before
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Warm Hugs & Confusion
Darkness everywhere is darkness. I can’t see due to the darkness surrounding me. I don’t know where I am but I want to come out of this darkness. I feel suffocated in dark.There is nothing around me, no light, no door, no street nothing just darkness. It is worse than my nightmares. My nightmares are consist of my demons and the places which haunt me but now it is like my demons too left me alone to my insanity.I tried searching for anything to hold or move forward but I am unable to move forward. My hands are glued to my sides and my legs feel heavy. My eyes are the only organs that are moving.What is happening? Where am I? Why did I end up here? There is no answer to my questions. I tried once again to move my legs but no they are not moving.Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me but I am unable to turn my body around. The sound is giving me creeps and someone is coming to harm me. I don’t know why I am getting scared
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Hunt Begins
Omer's pov:The worst feeling is when you are thirsty and the water comes close to your lips but you are unable to pass the water past your lips is the worst feeling ever but the feeling I am in is a thousand times worst than that because Scarlett fell into unconscious again due to my sister's loudmouth.I can't yell at her because Scarlett is zayreen's friend first and she doesn't know my hidden feelings for her friend and I don't want to express anything in front of her. Zayreen is an unofficial news reporter who will spread any news anywhere so I should control my irritation and anger."Oh my God, what did I do? Sorry so sorry" zayreen started crying seeing Scarlett unconscious." you should have kept your mouth shut for a minute Red. See what have you done." Eli said angrily glaring at zayreen." shut the fudge up blondie, I didn't mean that to happen" zayreen jabbed at eli glaring at him equally."Wil
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Predator and it's Prey
Unknown pov: Dammit, again she escaped and being saved as some damsel in distress. I scoffed seeing everyone waiting outside the operation theatre worrying for her and praying for her to be safe But don't worry next time i'm not going to give any chance of saving, I smirked by the thoughts in my head. Now she is surrounded by her friends and I don't have a way to reach her but there will be a slip up soon and iam going to hunt my prey and this time there will be no saving and surviving. My only regret is that i should have pushed her hard from the stairs and checked her if she is still breathing or not before leaving the building but I didn't want to get caught and ruin everything for which i have waited for a long time that's why I left the place immediately. She is going to pay for everything which I endured, yeah maybe she is not entirely at fault but still she plays a very important role. Some may think I'm being heartless or a gruesome person for regretting not successfully ki
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Waking up for the nth time
I woke up feeling better than the first time when I regained consciousness. Dr. Andrew is checking my pulse and monitor and noting down everything. There is no one in the room other than the Doctor,nurse and me. I wonder where zayreen and all went. Dr.Andrew asked some questions about what i'm feeling right now or iam in any pain. I told him that everything is fine and there is nothing going on right now and I just want to take some rest.  After making sure that everything is right Dr.Andrew left the room with the nurse following him. My eyes are feeling heavy and closing on their own, I woke up just now but still I want to sleep. Before I slipped into my sleep completely I heard the door opening and closing and felt the familiar warmth and scent surrounding me.  There was no one when I woke for the second time, it felt like i'm blacking out  and gaining consciousness laying on the hospital bed.it felt like iam just gaining co
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Omer's pov:  Seeing her smile and peacefulness made me relax and a smile automatically curved on my lips. It felt like I have been in a nightmare all these days seeing her fighting for her life all beaten and bruised. I never thought that someone will become this important to me in this little time. I thought that I would keep Scarlett away from me because I can't pull her in to my darkness but now i realise that if she will not be in my life then my darkness will suck me in to its pit where there is no way out and for the first time in my life that I got the hope that there will be sunshine and hope in my life too.  Currently Scarlett Is sleeping in my arms and she made me promise that I have to be here till she wakes up and I have no problem in waiting for her. I will happily wait for her for maybe a lifetime.  I slowly patted her soft brown hair, she is looking so peaceful sleeping
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Family Time
 The first thing which I heard after a  long time is "I'm so sorry princess " from my dad. Seeing him sad and guilty broke my heart. It is not his fault and I don't want to see my dad in guilt for the thing which didn't had in his hands. "Daddy! Please don't say sorry. It's not your fault" I replied hugging him tightly. I missed his cinnamon flavored cologne so much and his warmth too. I started feeling secure in his arms. "I'm sorry too baby, we should have come here as soon as it happened but we are so sorry when you needed us we are not there for you" my mom sobbed hugging me. Like I told before my mumma's hugs are best. It made me warm and safe.  Jordan Williams and Shannon Williams are two strong people I have known my entire life. They are my role models and I have looked up to them alot. My mom is on the emotional type, she is kind and empathetic, on the other side my dad looks tough but he is a big
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Home Sweet Home
I was discharged from the hospital and We went to my apartment to pack my clothes for the stay at my hometown. I told zay and Lilly to not come to the hospital because technically it saves their gas and besides i'm going to the apartment only. Mom, dad and I hailed a cab and we took off. This is the first time my parents are seeing my apartment in person. They were always seen on video calls. Mom is so excited to see the apartment . Dad is keen on checking the neighbourhood because it is always the protective one between my parents. By the time we reached my apartment, Eli's car was already parked in the parking lot. I Am disappointed to not find omer's car. I thought he would come to the hospital when I'm being discharged but he didn't and he didn't even come to the apartment. With a sigh I entered the apartment with my parents. Iam startled by the screams of my friends.  
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Family Bubble
It's been a week since I am in town with my family. It looks different this time from the last time when I was leaving this town. I was always haunted by the unwanted memories and the weight I had been carrying on my shoulders. Now it felt like I can breath some more surrounded by this place. My injuries are mostly healed. My ribs ache if I work them much and I had blue and purple bruises which are healing pretty good I guess. In the past week mom and I went shopping, she literally dragged me to all the stores and made me buy new dresses and shoes which I don't want because I have too many clothes but mom is so stubborn like me. I have to surrender to her because if not she will start the blackmailing part where she will remind me of everything which she did for me when I was a child like, changing my nappy, feeding etc etc and my mom would add some embarrassing moments for the dramatic effect.And I don't want people to hear all the things. So I silently
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Back to zero!
I totally locked the incident which happened at the office and the stalking. My brain didn't want to relieve any of it that's why it totally erased it until now. My brain suppressed every single piece of the time from which I have been stalked and attacked. Now seeing the contents of the envelope unlocks everything which is Locked deep inside my head.There are Pictures of me From the moment I stepped out of the hospital discharged to the moment I reached my home from the lake house. In the mall with my mom, saying goodbye to my friends, fishing at the lake house, every single moment of my time is captured.I thought that if I forget everything and act like nothing happened then everything is fine and I don't have to face a stalker anymore but I am so wrong about that.I don't know how to approach someone with this issue. What if no one believes me? What if they think that i'm crazy? Everyone thinks that I have hit my head pretty hard that's why Iam saying about being
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