Semua Bab Trapped in the Storm: Bab 21 - Bab 30
110 Bab
Chapter 20
Storm We made our way into our bedrooms and got ready to go out for my birthday celebration. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie with my favourite pair of combat boots. I had dressed for warmth and comfort because I had no idea what the girls were planning to do to celebrate my birthday. I slipped five hundred dollars into the cover of my phone case and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I made my way out to the lounge room and waited for the girls to finish getting ready. When everyone was ready, we left the dorm room making our way downstairs and getting into Julie’s car, which was a dark grey Porsche Cayenne. Driving into Galway we went to Taylors Hill Pitch & Putt Club. The girls had decided to play a round of mini-golf, and I must admit, I never knew mini-golf could be so much fun. I had always thought mini golf was for nerds, but the girls and I were laughing and having more fun than I had honestly thought could be possible, especially
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Chapter 21
Storm Two days after my birthday, it was the dreaded Thursday, and we were getting ready to go to the Celtic Moon Pack. To say I was nervous is downplaying things a lot. I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. I was seriously terrified! I was so scared that even in my wolf form, I hadn’t been able to sleep a wink last night. Leah came into mine and Lilly’s room dragging a small suitcase behind her for me to put my things into. She had decided it was going to be easier for me to use one of her small suitcases since my two duffel bags were all large ones. I packed what I was going to need to get me through the next four days. Clothes, shoes, toiletries, my hairbrush and some hair bands, deodorant, perfume, phone charger, purse. Leah and the girls had assured me we were going to be staying at the family home, and that we would not be attending any functions while we were there, so we only needed to pack for comfort. After I had packed everything that I was
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Chapter 22
Storm Storm Once we had gotten ourselves packed for the trip back to the girls’ pack, we grabbed a quick lunch, and I had barely been able to bring myself to eat any of it. My stomach was in knots, and I felt sick. After we had eaten our lunch, we had tidied up our dorm room before leaving for the long weekend. A short time later, saw us once again in Julie’s car, but this time we were heading to Carraroe. It was raining heavily, and I was sitting in the back seat with Lilly. Leah was driving since she had volunteered to drive, and Julie was riding shotgun. On the way to Carraroe, we listened to music, and I found out the girls were die-hard Ed Sheeran fans. On the drive, the girls had also taken the time to fill me in on their pack and what to expect when we arrived at their father’s place. “Alpha Doyle aka our father is thirty-six years old, and his Beta Sean is forty, but despite the age gap between them, the two of them have been best friends thei
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Chapter 23
Storm Leah came around to my side of the car, and opening the car door, she stood there and waited for me to get out of the car. “It’s okay, hop out of the car, there is nothing for you to worry about, Lena,” Leah said. “What if this goes wrong? You know what Alphas do to rogues. Just because your father loves you and could never bring himself to harm you, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hesitate to kill me!” I told her, my voice barely more than a whisper. “He won’t hurt you,” she whispered back. “Okay, riddle me this then Sherlock. When your father rang you the other day, did he issue an Alpha order for you to bring me here? Or did he happen to merely mention you bringing the rogue who was sharing a dorm room with you home to meet the family?” I snapped; my voice filled with sarcasm.  Leah rolled her eyes at me in frustration. “Look, what if you and I make a compromise? Okay? We will see how things go tonight, and if you don’t feel comfor
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Chapter 24
  Leah Seeing Lena’s fear had me feeling guilty. She was like this because I had done this to her. I was the one who had made the decision to ring my father before I had ever met her. I was the one who had told him all about her. And now, I was the one who had carried out my father’s instructions, no questions asked, and forced her to come here with us. This was my fault! She didn’t deserve this! I will admit that I was surprised when she had snapped at me. But her reluctance to get out of the car combined with her fear of being here, along with her snarky demeanour spoke volumes. She was barely holding herself together. When I eventually got her out of the car, she was shaking, and she looked as though she was seconds away from falling apart. Seeing the fear, she was trying so hard to fight, caused my heart to ache. Who had made her so afraid that she had this bad a reaction at the mere thought of meeting an Alpha? And better question, what had
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Chapter 25
Alpha Doyle Sean and I heard the car pull up and we began to make our way outside. Just as I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, one of our housekeepers had stopped me, needing to discuss an issue regarding two of the cleaning staff. This annoying issue had me sending Sean outside ahead of me to greet the girls alone. Once I had dealt with the housekeeper’s issue, I once again began to make my way outside. I glanced around, seeing my daughters and their stray. As I began walking towards them, Lilly, the ever impatient one, ran towards me throwing herself into my arms in excitement. Laughing, I hugged her before setting her back down and walking towards Julie. Julie smiled at me as she gave me a hug before stepping aside so I could make my way over to Leah. As I approached her, I saw that Leah had a good grip on the arm of the rogue who was standing beside her. The rogue had her head lowered, and her eyes locked on the ground in front of her. When I got closer to
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Chapter 26
Storm I had just about come to a stop when I heard the pounding of paws on the earth behind me. I turned and looked behind me and saw a large dark grey wolf-headed my way. It didn’t take me long to realise he wasn't going to slow down. He was going to slam into me. I was a large sized wolf thanks to my Alpha genetics, but if he crashed into me at this speed, it was still going hurt a lot. He was crazy! He had to be!  I knew this had to be the Beta wolf. I decided that going on the defensive was the only thing that was going to help me now. As the dark grey wolf launched at me, I jumped out of his way, then turning on a dime, I lunged at him, sinking my teeth into his shoulder. He turned and latched onto my side, getting a good grip on my right flank. Even though I was a rogue by choice and friends with the Alphas’ daughters. I was still a rogue, and rogues were always treated horribly by packs. As the fight between us progressed, my wolf fought m
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Chapter 27
Alpha Doyle I was fast approaching “Loughainwillin,” and I hoped that I wasn’t too late to help my second chance mate. It relieved me to no end when I saw that she was still alive, but the relief turned to anger when I saw her and Sean in the middle of a dog fight. They both had patches of blood on their fur and were equally viciously trying to kill one another. It surprised me that the girl could fight. She was doing well to hold her own against Sean. He was a remarkable fighter with a fierce reputation. But my surprise soon turned to anger at the thought of anyone hurting my mate, and I quickly rushed into the middle of the fight. Catching Sean by surprise, I knocked him off his feet, pinning him to the ground. “Stop!” I shouted at him through the mind link. “What are you doing? We agreed she was going to have to die!” he shouted back through the mind link, struggling against me, and trying to get free. “She is my mate!” I shouted back.
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Chapter 28
Alpha Doyle I watched as Lena made her way into the bathroom, dragging her suitcase behind her. Without glancing at me, she quietly closed the door. I waited a moment or two before I grabbed a change of clothes and made my way downstairs to one of the main bathrooms on the second floor. Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, I dropped my wet clothes in the laundry before I made my way back upstairs to my bedroom. The bathroom door was still closed, and I could hear the shower still running. Taking a seat on the edge of my bed, I waited for Lena to finish her shower. I knew she was going to take a while. She would be taking the time to enjoy the warmth of the water after being out in the icy rain for so long. I knew she would never admit it to me, but she had been freezing out there. I just hoped she didn’t end up getting sick from being out in the cold for so long. As I waited for her to finish up in the bathroom, I thought over what she had told me out there by
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Chapter 29
  Storm Seeing me step back away from him, Alpha Doyle looked as though he was hurt by my reaction. Seeing the hurt look on his face left me feeling lousy. I didn’t want to hurt him, that hadn’t been my intention. Great, now I was panicking, freezing, and feeling guilty. Nice combo! Boy, I was becoming certifiable! “What Lake is that?” I asked, pointing at the body of water. I could tell my question had caught him by surprise. “Loughainwillin,” he replied, throwing a quick glance at the body of water. I just nodded at his answer as I looked at the body of water. “So, why did you run?” he asked again, looking at me and awaiting an answer. “Because I know what Alphas do to rogues,” I stated quietly, as I avoided looking at him. “You just assumed we were the same as other packs?” he asked. “Are you going to try to tell me you never once considered killing me when you found out that a rogue was on your territory and li
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