Semua Bab The Dragon Prince's Forbidden Affair: Bab 41 - Bab 50
84 Bab
CHAPTER 28.5: Seeking Advice
Cade tapped on the window. “Is that Sadia?” I looked down out the window where he was pointing. “Fuck, she was probably worried I was lying. I guess she does expect me to be monogamous.” “Of course she does, she's convinced herself she loves you.” I raised my eyebrows. “What?” I hesitated. “No, she doesn’t.” Cade laughed. “Are you kidding me? She obviously loves you or thinks she does. She’s liked you since you guys became friends, that much is sure. I could tell even then.”  Not once did Sadia give me the impression that she had strong feelings for me. “Before we got engaged? I know she has feelings for me now but there’s no way she did before. There’s no way she loves me either.” Love or feelings weren’t what our engagement was about. At least I didn’t think it was.  “She’s taking this engagement seriously Lexus and she thinks you are too.” Cade stood up. “I have a few things I need to get done. She probably doesn’t want me
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CHAPTER 29.0: Orphans and Siblings
Aqua’s POVThe full moon ball was tomorrow so Stewart asked me to help them with last minute tasks for the ball. The organizers were working hard making sure everything was perfect. I didn’t see Lexus at all yesterday and I hoped I wouldn’t see him today either. “I think Prince Lexus was coming on to me.” One of the organizers said.“When?” Stewart asked. “Like a month and a half ago when we first started organizing the ball.” So, before I came here. “He’d stare at me and wave whenever we passed each other. Other workers say he doesn’t even acknowledge them. He even stopped me in the hall once to have a conversation. He said, ‘Maybe I can get some advice from you about how to properly plan a party.’ That was definitely him coming onto me.”Stewart rolled his eyes. “You’re a party planner and he has a wedding coming up.”She
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CHAPTER 29.5: Orphans and Siblings
The kids shifted into their human forms and Gray ran to me. “You have to play with us because Kaya and her sister are on one team, so I have to be on the other with mine.” I was surprised to hear Gray call me his sister. “Y-yeah,” I stuttered and got up. We played a few rounds of freeze tag until we got tired out. Polly was tired out first. We all laid down next to each other. “Your sister is fast Gray.” Polly said. “You're fast Aqua.” “It’s because she’s older than us Polly.” Kaya said. “I’m going to be that fast when I’m her age too.” Gray laughed. “You might be.” He looked at me. “Are you coming with us on our picnic Tuesday? We always do something once a week out of the castle and that’s what we’re doing next week.” I smiled. “If our father asks me to come then I will.” My answer made him happy. “My mom said that full siblings and half siblings aren’t the same thing, but I don’t get it. I know my mom isn’t yours, but my Dad is so y
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CHAPTER 30.0: The Ball
I was in the city hanging out with Arma. We asked Stewart if he wanted to come along but he wasn’t interested. “Are you going to the ball Arma?” I asked.“The only workers who are invited are ones who put a certain number of hours working on planning and setting everything up. Also, live-in workers but I don’t live here, and I fell short seven hours because I had to give one of my shifts away. My mom put together a surprise family day and she insisted that I give my hours away. If not for that I would have had enough to go.”I felt bad and wished there was something I could do. I looked down at my phone and got a text from Cade: You have something waiting here for you. “I have something I need to get at the castle.”Arma flew us back and I met cade in the front. He handed me a box with something attached. “A little late but there’s your invitation.” I should have expected to get my own si
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CHAPTER 30.5: The Ball
I stared at Cade waiting for him to answer my question about if he was okay with me replacing him as future adviser. He scoffed before answering, “Of course, I am Aqua. It was a little hard to hear but I’m fine with it.” I noticed Vella staring at us from a distance, but I didn’t think too much of it. We walked back to Arma and Stewart. They got drinks and we sat down at a small table. I didn’t want to be drunk during the rejection, so I passed. “Hey.” Calvin said when he sat down at the table.  I introduced him to everyone then we got up to dance. The singer they got was really good. They even had other performances planned for every hour. We had watched one when we were sitting before Calvin showed up. “You look beautiful.”  I smiled. “Thanks, you look handsome.” When we finished dancing Konn approached us, and I introduced them. Konn introduced me to a few people then they walked off. “You look good Aqua.” He complemented. “Thanks
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CHAPTER 31.0: Love?
I couldn’t tell him I didn’t love him or didn’t want to be with him because it was all I wanted. Tears ran down my cheek. “I love you too Lexus.” He pulled me to him and kissed me with passion.“Ew.” Cade groaned. “You guys are gross, is it over?” I pulled away and looked at Cade. “Uh no… we’re not going through with the rejection.”Cade rolled his eyes. “Whatever, let’s go back to the ball.” He ran to the river and fell to his knees as he threw up.Lexus laughed. “Let’s go before someone comes looking for us.” He looked down at me. “I’m going to end this with Sadia in the morning, I just don’t think right now at the ball is the right place.”I understood. “Okay.” We started walking down the hiking trail.“Wait for me.” Cade ran to us. On the walk down I had to fix my bun and
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CHAPTER 31.5: Love?
I found Vella out in the garden sitting on the ground against one of the pillars. “Vella, do you need someone to go home with you?” Vella stood up. “I’m fine.” She glared at me. “I don’t need you or Cade or Lexus. I don’t need your help or your pity or their attention. Stop acting like you’re a saint Aqua, it’s annoying.”  She walked past me and laughed. I watched her. “What’s so funny?”   She turned to me and shrugged while walking backwards. “Just have fun, I wish I did.” She shifted into her dragon form and flew off. I walked back into the ball and asked my father to send guards to make sure Vella got home safely. I often though that if me and Lexus weren't mates or if we were, but he didn't fall in love with me that I would have turned out like Vella, broken hearted, spiteful, a mess, and a distant regretful memory of Lexus. Maybe I that's why I had empathy for her. I had got back after talking to Vella in time for the last perfo
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CHAPTER 32.0: How Did This Start?
Lexus’ POVSix years ago.“You’re going to love the pack house,” Ruben said to me. “You can bring Cade around next time.”I followed him. “Okay but you’re not going to mention that in the prince, right?” I didn’t want to be treated the same way I was treated in the castle. If I were then there would be no point in me being here. Ruben scoffed. “I can keep a secret Lexus.” He opened the door to the pack house. “This is where all of the pack members eleven to nineteen live. Since I’m the future alpha I’ll be in charge of this house when I’m older. Even after I’m nineteen, plus there are a few who are over nineteen who are supervisors who report to my father. When my father is ready for me to lead the pack, I’ll take over the main pack house. Right now, this house is run by the beta’s son since he’s a lot older than me.” 
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CHAPTER 32.5: How Did This Start?
Surprisingly, Sadia took my advice. I told her she should slowly befriend members of the pack and that’s what she did. The problem was she befriended Rubens’s future Beta, Calvin. I didn’t love that since Ruben wasn’t the fondest of me anymore. It was mostly fine because it's not like I had to hang out with him. Sadia preferred to hangout one on one anyways. I wasn't really sure why, but she didn't even really want Cade around. As time went on, she made friends with another wolf named Tam. “You were right Lexus, I just had to focus on one at a time instead of trying to befriend everyone at once. You’re the best.” I loved seeing her happy. “Oh, and that girl who likes Cade and works in the garden, Vella I think we’re becoming friends. She wants to hang out with me soon. I think things are looking up for me.” It turned out those were the only two interested in being her friend. Two years later and she still wanted to leave the pack. “Are you sure your mom likes me? I would lik
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CHAPTER 33.0: The Breaking Point
I asked Sadia to meet me in the woods near the pack house. We walked to a field. “Being engaged to someone you didn’t date has been kind of weird right?” I started.Sadia chuckled. “We were best friends before, and I told you I always liked you. It’s not so weird.”I sighed. ”It’s been weird for me Sadia, it’s been confusing.”Sadia walked around a tree while staring at me. “Well, you like me now don’t you? We’ve been going on dates and having sex. We didn’t do those things before we were engaged.”“I know Sadia.”She stopped walking and stood in front of me. “Do you like me Lexus?”“Why do you expect me to Sadia? I didn’t ask you to marry me because I liked you. I asked you to marry me, so you’d be happy. You were miserable with the idea that you had to stay in the pack house.”A tear rolled down h
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