Все главы Tied to the Mafia Man 2 : NERO: Глава 41 - Глава 50
Chloe looked sensed his presence behind her. Slowly she turned her head towards him and looked at his face. His eyes are soft and they are looking directly into her tear-filled eyes. He sighed with regret. She always makes his heart soft for her. None of them said a word, said looked at each other silently.  Both of them are feeling sorry for snapping at each other.  Slowly she stood up from the ground. When he didn't say anything at all, she thought he must be still angry. She is not sure how to tell him that she is sorry. Nero thought she must be crying because he snapped at her. He didn't know how to tell her that he is sorry. He looked at what she is wearing. Today she is wearing one of his shirts. It's black and it looks like a dress on her. He couldn't see of she is wearing his boxers or not. As usual her hair tied into a messy bun. No matter whatever she is wearing, he always finds her sexy.
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Happy birthday
Nero already knows Chloe's father is a scum bag. When Nero heard how her father treated her since she was just a kid, he wanted to kill him by himself this time. No one should go through what she had gone through in her life.  Now he understood why she wanted to keep working and earn her living. She already suffered once when her mother passed away and she had to struggle to even eat properly. She is afraid to lose control of her life again. She is scared to trust someone with her life again. She is scared that they might let her down as her father did. Nero is determined to earn her trust. She had to pick up everything after her mother passed away because her father is a drunkard and couldn't look past his own selfish needs. "You can work in liquid tonic," Nero said after a couple of minutes of silence. That perked Chloe up. "Really?" She asked excitedly and turned to look at him. He looked at her softly. She is l
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Chloe looked at the small box which is gift-wrapped. She looked at the gift curiously. She opened it slowly, to reveal a Tiffany's box. Even she knew what would a Tiffany box would contain. "This is too much. I can't take this" she tried to return it, but Nero refused. "First you need to open it to see if you like it or not. Open it" he spiked her curiosity. Reluctantly she opened the box and gasped at what she found inside. It's a heart-shaped small diamond pendant, which is hanging by a thin platinum chain. "Wow," she whispered at the beauty of the pendant. Nero picked up the chain and hooked it around her neck and locked it. Chloe realized what she is doing. "No no, I cannot accept this. It's too expensive" she tried to remove it but failed. Nero laughed at her confused face. "It's locked Chole. I know you would refuse to accept it. But try to think about it this way. This is m
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Spa day
After their breakfast, they started to drive back to the city. As she expected, Nero didn't drive her towards their apartment. But instead, he stopped infront of a spa and salon. Chloe looked at the famous spa with confusion. "Why are we stopping here?" She asked him with confusion. Nero unfastened his seat belt and turned towards her. He took her palm in his and kissed her knuckles softly. "This is my second gift for you. Today I wanted to pamper you. So I booked some Salon and spa services for you. It's managed by one of the wife's of my men. You will be safe here. I will pick you up after you are done. Ok" he explained. "But...." She was about to reject, but he stopped her with his index finger placed on her lips. "Do you remember what I told you last night?" he asked softly. 'I will give you 21 more gifts for all the birthday's I missed' Chloe remembered his words. So she nodded her head. "Good, now
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Candle light dinner
After her call with her best friend Mia, Chloe laid her on his shoulders and slept. Nero looked at her fondly. After they reached home, Nero carried her towards his penthouse appartment. Matteo is now slowly getting used to them, so he is not as shocked as he used to be. He laid her down on the bed gently. He washed up and changed in to a t shirt and tracks. He went down to give her the last surprise of the day.  Chloe woke up half an hour later and is surprised to see that she is in his room. Slowly she went down in search of him. When she walked down, she noticed that the lights are off. But it's not dark, as there are candles lit on every surface of the appartment. "Wow" she whispered in awe. That's when she saw Nero standing near the dining table, looking at her intently. His palms in his pockets and his feet apart, he is still the most handsome man she has ever seen. Her feet carried her towards him on
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The next morning, Chloe woke up on Nero, still in her panties and bra. He is cupping her butt cheeks with one palm and another is wrapped around her waist, which he loves so much. "Hmm" she moaned and nuzzled her nose on his shoulder. "Good morning sleepy head" he greeted her in his husky sleep filled voice. "Morning" she mumbled sleepily. "Your friend called you twice already. You were sleeping, so I didn't wake you" he said, making Chloe's pop open. 'I have to go to her house' she thought worriedly. "I am not so excited about this trip" she mumbled truthfully. He knows why she is not that excited. She is feeling self cautious. "Don't worry, they will love you" he assured her. But that's not the only thing that's brothering her. She is also not so keen with the fact that, she will not see him for 3 days. "You know I won't be back for 3 days right?" She asked him. Nero smiled at her quest
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After she got dressed, Chloe called Mia. "Hey you. Are you ready? Did you pack your stuff? I got a text from your boyfriend this morning when I called you. He texted that you are sleeping and he will drop you off in the airport. Wow, I mean wow. The moment I go for holidays, you find yourself a boyfriend?" Mia was talking excitedly. Chloe frowned at that relationship tag. "He is not my boyfriend. It's complicated. We just started seeing each other" Chloe said vaguely. Even she didn't know what to call Nero. She is scared to call him a boyfriend. Because tags will lead to a relationship and then relationships will lead to expectations. They will want her to trust him. She is not yet ready to fall in to the Abyss of being broken again. But the problem here is, she already trusts Nero. He didn't promise her anything with words. But his actions speak louder than words. She knows she can always count on him. Just then, Nero
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"You didn't answer my question" Chloe pointed out, after they got down the car and someone picked up her suitcase and rushed towards the private plane parked there. Nero intentionally delayed answering her question until the very last moment. She wanted to know why they came here, instead of the airport. "That's the plane which is going to take you safely to your friend, and bring you back safely to me" he answered. He didn't give Chloe much time to digest this news. She thought she would be going through an airline flight, but not in a private plane. By the time Chloe understood what's happening, Nero made her settle in her seat and fastened her seat belt. "See you soon" he whispered and kissed her on her forehead. "But..." he didn't let her finish her sentence. "Shh.." he silenced her with his finger over her lips. "Don't think too much. Have a safe flight. Take care" with those parting words, he turned and le
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Surprised shock
The very same afternoon, they had a simple lunch and decided to relax by the pool. "Mia, don't you think this bikini is too small?" Chloe complained for the 10th time. The bikini which she is wearing is two pieces and the top is nothing but two triangles covering her assets. It's leaving nothing to the imagination. Mia sighed. "Chloe, it's just the two of us. No one will come here. So just relax and enjoy" Mia replied calmly. Mia is wearing a red polka dot bikini. It's one piece and covers more than Chloe's bikini does. "Why didn't you give me yours?" She pointed out. Mia snorted. "Because your boobs are a little bigger than mine. So I don't think you would be comfortable with a bikini one size smaller than yours" she pointed out the obvious. Chloe sighed and decided to give up.  "Alright. It's just you and me anyway" she gave up. They both enjoyed their time in the pool and settled
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Break up
When Chloe the sound of a car being pulled into the driveway, she thought it's Mia. 'Did she forgot something?' Chloe thought. She turned and walked towards the entrance expecting Mia, but to her shock, it was Nero. "Nero? What are you doing here?" Chloe asked with surprise. Nero looked at her from top to toe. She is almost naked in that bikini. It's leaving nothing to the imagination. Based on the moisture clinging to her skin, it's obvious that she just came out of the water a few minutes ago. "Looking at you," he said, hoarsely.  That's when Chloe noticed what she is wearing.  Her eyes widened and a blush crept up her face. "Just a moment, I will go and bring my coverall" she muttered and tried to dash towards the pool area. But Nero caught her around her waist and pulled her into himself. He wrapped both of his arms around her waist nuzzled her between her breasts. When his warm breath tick
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