Semua Bab Run! Alpha Run!: Bab 21 - Bab 30
69 Bab
21. Exotic Smell
Remus walked towards the room that was meant for him and his new bride. Remus had absolutely no intention of doing anything sexual to the girl. This is just a cover. For him, and he had told the girl about it.Grace took her inside of the room earlier, she must do something wolves brides usually do. Grace must have made her wearing a beautiful, transparent dress, filled with natural oils that smelled sweet and exotic. Maybe she doesn't know... Remus's relationship with Bella isn't like that.Remus opened the door, and what he saw made his guess come true. The room he entered is a room with the scent of flowers, some live flowers displayed in several corners of the room. Bella, hos new bride is sitting on the bed looking down. She wore a see-through dress with her hair neatly combed and shiny. He walked over to her. It smells so good...'Is this the fragrance from her body? Or the flower vase effect here?''She is the source of this fragrance... I might no
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22. I won't Bite You
"From now on, you will sleep in the same room and bed as me." Those were his first sentences and not at all the explanation Bella wanted to hear. Why do they have to live together? If this is just a play? He is a wolf by the way.. isn't it will be dangerous? To sleep in the same bed?“As my wife, you will be required to socialize with members of the Black family… In the future, or even the rest of my extended family. I hope you won't let me down. Do you understand? But for now, we're not going back to the pack... We're going somewhere else, to one of my family's."Bella nodded stiffly."I won't bite you again... No need to worry."The girl just looked down without answering."I want to hear your voice," Remus' soft voice urged coldly."Yes, sir," Bella replied shakily. Remus sighed and drew closer until they were standing barely three paces apart. Remus leaned over to Bella, took a deep breath, and frowned as
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23. Wet Dream
Bella was fast asleep, and she had a strange dream. She felt herself floating and very light. Then she felt cold... And then warm... then very warm... And very relaxed.Mmm.....Ngaaah...Hmmm...She repeatedly sighed…and she realized, she was the one who made that sound. Bella then felt pleasure... something foreign that she had never felt.She was lying on a very soft mattress... Even softer than cotton... with her body uncovered... and her legs spread wide apart.She looked down, there was a figure of someone's head down there.In front of her private area. A place that is always closed and never touched by anyone. In fact, she never touches her feminine area.There was a sound like someone was sucking something in, and a female voice sighing with pleasure. Bella could see her body shaking, and her legs trembling.Her mind was still confused at what had happened to her. Indeed she felt there was an extraordinar
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24. Servants plus Spies
 There was a knock on the door again.“Master Remus, we have come to bring breakfast. Can we come in?" A female voice was heard from outside.Bella was just about to get up when a hard jolt made her fall back to where she was. She felt uneasy in Master Remus' arms."Close your eyes," whispered Mr. Remus into Bella's ear. "Pretend to be asleep. The servants will still come in to see us because the door to this room is unlocked.”Bella obeyed the order wordlessly. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to catch her breath. It was very difficult, especially when Mr. Remus Remus' arms tightened.Not only that, her husband's head was now directly behind her shoulder, buried between her hair that flowed freely.There was a knock, followed by the sound of the door opening, and footsteps and the wheels of the food cart. “Master, we brought breakfast for the two of you….”Mr. Remus mumbled, and Bella
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25. Perverted Wolf
'Prince! What the heck are you doing?!' Remus snapped at his wolf. He was sitting on the bed in the room he was using, a room lent by his friend Luis. The surprise this morning couldn't erase the madness that Prince had just done while he was asleep.'I can't stand it, man!' Prince answered innocently. He felt what he was doing was just normal... So normal for an unmated wolf who got a girl bitten, after all the girl is their mate…or what the human said, wife.'You must keep it in your pants! Don't let  happen again!' Remus threatened Prince, and ruffle his hair... Feeling frustrated.When he sleeps, his control is not one hundred percent on the wolf. He only realized that Prince did something through Bella's dream when he woke up. He felt his own boner. All because of Prince! He saw all the scenes, he felt it too... It was so... Real.'You don't have to worry about that, Remus… you should think about what your father wants to do&hellip
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26. Kiss Lesson
Remus and Bella were in the car, there was something he wanted to tell the girl. They are still in silence, Luis said his willingness if needed. Remus did say, and asked for his help… if there is anything bad happen… he asked Luis to immediately fetch him to the Cresent pack, and the request was approved."Bella..."“Hmm…” The girl didn't turn her head, her face lowered… like someone who was deep in thought."I have to tell you something."She turned around, with a without make-up face …and simple clothes…she still looks cute. Yes of course…all she-wolves…choose to wear make-up and trendy dress, they have ideal bodies…and are very passionate about showing them. One hundred and eighty degrees different from the girl beside him.“My father… this invitation. I can be pretty sure that there was something else going on. My father wanted me to marry the woman of his c
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27. Intimate Touch
Bella froze... like being a statue. She couldn't move her whole body, at the same second Remus…aka her master and her husband touched the nape of her neck and kissed her fast.These were the lips of the first man to kiss her.The kiss was very gentle at first…and Bella had thought it would be very short. But her guess was wrong, Remus still kissed her for more than two minutes. His lips kissed and sucked deeper…with a very slow tempo. It was as if those lips were exploring the contents of Bella's lips.Remus let it go finally. when Bella let out a choking sound, she was out of breath.“That…is how to kiss. You have to get used to it…. Okay." Remus said it like it was a natural thing to kiss. But Bella came to this pack to work…not to be his wife?!Bella was silent, she didn't know what to say. Her head nodded on its own and she looked down again. They were still in the middle of the woods, maybe
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28. Lewd Things
 Remus stopped his car in front of a small house not far from where they had intimately embraced. He came out and told Bella to do the same. She was shocked by the previous surprised her master did.Bella followed Mr. Remus into a simple house. He entered without knocking.“Rene… Rene?!” He called. He walked through the living room and into the kitchen. Looking for the figure of the person he called Rene.Soon a blonde woman appeared with a charming smile."Ye?" she asked in her cute bear pajamas. For a werewolf… Rene is quite cute. Her face is cute and her smile is contagious. Bella subconsciously smiled at the blonde woman.“Rene..there you are!” Remus said feeling relieved.“Hey…nephew!”Bella thought in surprise. Nephew? How could Remus be the nephew of a girl who looked even younger than Remus?“Bella..this is Rene, my aunt…from my mom
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29. Ragged Breath
Remus actually told Bella to come in, after which he locked the bedroom door."Believe me..this is also for your safety, and the plan!" He said to Bella who was walking hesitantly.Remus told her to take off all her clothes and lay down on the bed." aunt is single, so I can guarantee that the mattress is clean of any naughty stain. Let's just do it quickly..." Remus said without looking at the girl who was looking down.Bella didn't move and the man was exasperated. He didn't blame Bella.. it was quite an absurd request."I know... It's really weird. But my dad would smell it too... so..." Before he could finish his sentence, Bella had already taken off her blouse. Her little hands trembled slightly as she did so.Remus swallowed his saliva with difficulty. This was the first time he'd seen anything like this, at this complex situation...and a strange request. But this girl still kept her word.When Bella had taken it all off. Re
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30. Fair Warning
"Come here, sweet girl..." Rene whispered to Bella whose face was still cloudy. The thirty-five-year-old woman took Bella to her backyard of her house.“And.. you Remus, you wait in the car. This is girl's talk!” Rene said to her nephew. Remus complied and walked out to his car, the man knew very well that Rene was the only member of his family who would support him no matter what. Rene is his mother's only sister…they have had a close relationship since childhood. Rene lives in the Cresent pack but refuses to live in the packhouse, he said he was too fed up with seeing the Alpha pack bringing young girls to his room every day."You believe me, right?" Rene asked looking down slightly. She is taller than Bella.Bella nodded. She didn't know who Rene was…and never met her before…but somehow she felt comfortable with this woman. Rene looks friendly and sincere. Even though from earlier she could understand that this woman had
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