Semua Bab The man behind the Artistic smile : Bab 51 - Bab 60
363 Bab
The big fight
That day in the evening, Robin brought something for Lucy to eat. Lucy ignored the food by her side and kept working. After Robin came back from the kitchen he saw that the food was just as he had left it. '' Why didn't you eat it?'' he asked walking over to her side. '' I am too busy to eat,'' she replied after letting out a sigh. '' What? Are you so busy that you can't eat too? Should I feed you?'' he asked. '' No need for that, You don't need to do that, leave me alone,'' she retorted concentrating on her work again. '' What's with her attitude? Did I ever behave with her like that? She has been acting like that since the morning. What did I do that she's getting angry at me like this? I should be the one who should be angry at her cause she said those things about Christina. She can insult me and also my friend. I haven't given her this authority, did I? How can she talk with me like this? '' Robin thought as he was feeling irritated with t
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Is my identity about to be revealed ?
Walking inside Robin saw the waiters carrying plates. He was thinking where's Chris just as he was about to dial his number someone tapped him on the shoulder. '' Hii,'' said a girl hugging him tightly. '' I missed you.'' Robin was not able to understand who this girl is. The way she looked she could be around twenty around his age. With golden blond hair with green marble eyes. Her waist was slim which made her the perfect thing to hold onto. '' Wait, who are you? Why are you holding onto me?'' he asked waving his hands in the air out of embarrassment. Then he heard loud laughter coming from the other side. It was a man of the same age as his father with a blue suit and handsome features. ' You are so amusing I have to say, dear Robin,'' said the man approaching him. Chris was coming behind him. ''What's the meaning of this Chris? Who's she? Who's he?'' Robin asked scratching the back of his head. '' Don't you remember me? We were
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Sleep walking at night
Later that day,When Robin got back home from the hotel he was still dumbfounded about what happened back there with him.  Lucy was at that time mad at him as she had snuck out of her room when he left. Lucy was eating her dinner then.  She was waiting for a while for him but as he didn't come so she ate up everything by herself.  She was about to go out of her seat. But then she saw Robin coming from the door with flushed cheeks. She had the plates in her hand she could not understand why he was looking like that.  She was about to speak up but she restrained herself to do that. He ignored her and went to sit on the couch. Then he received a notification it was a message from Noir. His hands were shaking to see that. '' Why's he acting like a little girl who has been proposed? Is this his new habit or something? What do I care abou
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Canvas painting
Later that day, Robin made lunch for Lucy as he's going to meet up with Christina. He wanted to avoid Lucy as much as possible cause the way she behaved with him for some days has been getting to him. No matter how much he tries she still manages to misunderstand him. So, he's going out with Christina. He gets ready before it was around eleven past forty. Then Lucy comes out for another cup of coffee as she has been working for quite a while. Then she saw that he was all ready to go out somewhere as he was fixing his hair back there. He forgot to tell her about anything though. Why does he do that every time? That's the reason she gets angry in the first place. She walks past him and goes into the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee for herself. She was getting frustrated to ask where he was going but she could not she puts down the cup with a sound so that she will be able to attract his attention but then he was checking his phone because Chri
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Obstacles in their way
Julia and David talked for a while then they noticed that there were two paintings there. One was of the scenery in front of them and one was of a man. She could not understand who it was as the painting was half done but the painting reminded her of someone. '' What is it? are you into paintings now?'' retorted David. '' Have you been infected from the son-in-law in your family or something?''. '' Of course not it's just this painting reminds me of someone I had seen before. But I can't remember who it is,'' replied Julia. '' It must be some artist or something, forget about that,'' David retorted. '' Letting that aside do you want to stay the night at my place? '' asked David touching her cheeks. '' You know Grandpa doesn't like things at all, he still holds onto old customs. I will need to arrive at the dinner table altogether with other siblings. I can't stay sorry,'' she apologized. '' Why do you always do that? Why are you letting your gr
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At this time, someone had also come to see Lucy. She went to open the door then opened it to see that it was a man. '' James what are you doing here?'' she asked as she stands near the entrance. '' Won't you welcome me?'' he asked as he stood near the threshold. He had something in his hands. Vegetables or something. Even though she could not understand what he was here for still she lets him inside anyway. '' Come in.'' Then she takes him to sit on the couch. She also sits across from him. '' Want something to drink?'' she asked. '' Tea will be fine, I don't drink enough caffeine anyway,'' he asserts scratching the back of his head. '' Sure, '' she went to the kitchen to make the tea. She could not understand what seemed to be odd about him but she could not understand his reason for coming anyway. She quickly made it and brought it to him. '' Thank you,'' says he taking it in his hands. '' You must be wondering why I came here on
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Breaking the trust
Lucy's eyes widened to see him there. James and she gets up seeing Robin. '' What are you doing here? What's James doing here? Did she call him here? What are they both doing all alone in the house?'' All of these things were going in his mind at the moment.  '' Welcome back Robin,'' James said placing his hand on his shoulder. '' We were talking about you just now, came in to hand in the mushrooms. Enjoy them together and tell me how you liked it. Look at the time it's already late I need to attend a meeting, for now, see you both later. I will come again to meet you both. For now see you,'' saying this James hurried out of there without giving Robin a chance to ask something. Robin was now even more suspicious than usual. Lucy could not face him so she only said, '' Welcome home.'' Then she was going towards the study. He ran up to her then held her down the hand grabbing onto her shoulders. '' What was he doing here? '' he yelle
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Blackmailing her
That night neither did Lucy ate something nor did Robin they didn't even speak to each other. Robin slept on the couch cause he didn't wanted to face Lucy now. Soon it was morning now. He got up with a message from Chris saying, '' You need to go to talk with the owners of the Armstrong group of industries.'' He didn't felt like going out but rather than staying here in this house where even his wife doesn't trust him. Still, he went out of his way to make food for Lucy. Then he left a note on the table saying, '' I  won't be back early going to meet some old friends now. Go to the office in time.'' '' He's not my dad that he had to remind me that,'' Lucy clicked her tongue in response. She looked at the clock on the wall as sweat was dripping down her face. She felt even more irritated than usual to see that the time was over eight o'clock. '' He didn't even wake me up in the morning. He left without waking me up,'' she yelled. But why wo
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Tough decision to take
Lucy stared at the Divorce papers. The name on it was making her feel even angrier than ever. It was then she looked at the time she needs to get to the office real quick now. In a while, the car came. Lucy took the divorce papers with her. When she went to the car she saw that the driver had changed. '' I am here instead of my dad, please get in,'' said the man inside the car. Lucy gets inside without asking anything. At the office, she started working. But even so, she could not wipe off the words of Christina from her head. The same thing was going on in her mind repeating itself over and over again. Those pictures were making her even angrier than ever. The thing that they spent a room in the hotel was making her feel mad even more than usual. She was staring at the papers in front of her and was feeling irritated. '' Miss Lucy,'' Chelsa called her coming over to her side. '' Can you check these documents for me? I need to hand
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That woman
Meanwhile, Robin arrived at the Armstrong group of industries with Chris. When they were walking down the hallway one man came. '' Good morning, Mr.Robin Bradley,'' says the man taking his hand. '' A very good morning,'' he replied. The man was in his late twenties. ''This man is?'' he was referring to Chris. '' This is my butler, Chris,'' Robin introduced. '' I see, I am Ryan, I will be escorting you inside. Please come with me,'' says the man. Ryan walks in front and they follow him inside. '' Our CEO is waiting to meet you eagerly,'' says Ryan as they walk inside the office. He opens the door for them. Robin walks inside. There was one man at the center waiting inside. Seeing them he gets up. '' Oh, Mr. Robin please have a seat,'' says the man. Robin sits down. They both sit down Chris and Ryan standby them. '' Ryan brings something for us to drink,'' the man says to him. Then Ryan leaves. Then they are all alone now. '' Mr.Robi
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