Все главы If only I knew you : Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter 9: Unique
Ezhil's POV "Ezhil?....why are you not eating my brother?" Preeti asked me in worry while I was stuck in my thoughts. "How did y-""I can't hear the sound of your spoon hitting your plate Ezhir....what happened?" she asked me with concern, a frown shown on her face. I sighed and placed my hand over my sister's hand. "Sis....I-I...um....a friend of mine has made a new friend with this girl and....and he said that...um...that he gets really jealous when he sees her with someone else and he gets angry easily when she never gives him attention...so he was wondering why....why he was feeling this way when he has only newly befriended her" My voice shook a little. Preeti listened carefully and after I finished
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Chapter 10: He is the same as everyone
Eyshana's POV When I finished my class with Riya, we walked towards the canteen only to see Ezhil and his group of friends sitting in a circle with bruises on their face. I felt my heart hurt seeing Ezhil like this and I didn't even know the reason for it. "What on earth happen to them?" Riya said with shock but I could hear a hint of concern in her voice. We both rushed towards them and my heart instantly squeezed seeing Ezhil in pain. I quickly sat next to him and started to apply medicine to his bruise. I could feel my cheeks heat up due to his stare. His eyes didn't once move away from my face. I mentally smiled when his lips lifted up in a smile but that soon ended when his friend Aliya came and pushed me away from him. 
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Chapter 11: Ignore
Ezhil's POV I was walking with Sunny heading to class until my eyes stopped on Eyshana. My heart started to beat rapidly just by the sight of her. "Sunny you go ahead, I'll be right behind you" I said to him not taking my eyes away from her who was walking alone, carrying a pile of books in her arms. "But-" I started to walk ahead ignoring what Sunny was about to say. I then started to jog until I reached closer to her. Her scent was ever so relaxing as her long hair blew on my face, causing me to close my eyes in relaxation and peace?. I snapped my eyes open and shook my head. I tapped on her shoulder making her jump. She stopped and hugging her books tightly making me chuckle at her cuteness. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" I smiled at her. She gulped a
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Chapter 12: Getting closer
Eyshana's POV "Have a good day Sir" I smiled at one of the customers. He smiled back taking away his coffee. "Gosh....what a tiring day" Riya whined with a big sigh. I chuckled as I welcomed the next customer. Me and Riya recently found a job at a café so that we could pay our rent. I glanced back at Riya who kept her eyes on the clock. I wanted to laugh at her but controlled myself. We were near the ending time, it was time to close the café soon. "10 minutes to go" she whispered while biting her nails, her eyes still on the clock. "Riya stop looking at the clock, time would go even slow if you keep looking at it, now come and help me" I spoke. She huffed and stood beside me, making coffee for the final two customers. 
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Chapter 13: Girlfriend
Eyshana's POV Once class was over, I made my way to the canteen but frowned when I saw a big crowd. Suddenly I felt my stomach churn in the thought of Ezhil getting into a fight. I pushed through the crowd only to see Ezhil standing on a table with his friends just standing there looking shocked except the boys. "You must all be wondering why I gathered you all here today. Well I have an important announcement to make" he said with confidence. I looked around the crowd to find Riya who was standing in the far corner looking curious. I tried to make my way to her but there were just too many people in my way so I just sighed and stood at my place. "Oh my....he is so hot" a girl said looking at him wi
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Chapter 14: Saved
Eyshana's POV "This will look amazing on you....you have to wear this" Riya squealed in excitement. I huffed and fell on the bed. "I can't wear that....I'm going to look like a whore" I whined. Riya faked a gasp and slapped my arm. "Ouch" I rubbed my arm with a pout on my lips. "You will look hot and gorgeous....not like a whore plus Ezhil's eyes won't leave you once you wear this" she smirked. I looked at the short black dress. It was too revealing and wasn't my type. I shook my head. "No I'm not wearing that" I said. Riya rolled her eyes and ignored me. "You are wearing it....end of story" she said and started to get out her makeup set. "Now sit here and let me you do your hair and makeup" She scolded me, acting like she was elder than me. I rolled my ey
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Chapter 15: Becoming best friends
Eyshana's POVI was packing my things away as class was dismissed. While I placed my books in my bag I felt two arms wrap around me. "Hey Eyshu" Sona said making me smile. "Hey" I spoke as I swung my bag over my shoulder. "I'm so hungry today...gosh I hate my teacher....always nagging at me for no reason, didn't even let me eat my chocolate in class. Can you believe it?...she confiscated my chocolate....my chocolate and that Vicky....he didn't even help me" Sona huffed making me laugh at her. I messed up her hair making her glare at me. "Such a kid....let's get that flat stomach bloated shall we?" I teased her. She gave me a childish smile and wrapped her arm around mine as we walked out from the classroom. It has been 2 weeks since that incident and since then Sona has become really close to me.  Flashback "Eyshana" a voice called
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Chapter 16: Surgery
Ezhil's POV I barged inside the house with happiness. "PREETI!" I called out with excitement. I ran up the stairs towards her room only to find her room door opened. "What happened Ezhi?..are you okay?...are you hurt?....why aren't you talking?" Preeti felt my face as tears spilt out of her eyes. I hugged her tightly making her confused. I broke the hug and cupped her cheeks. "They agreed Preeti....they agreed for your surgery...you will be able to see again....you will get your eyesight back...god accepted your prayers" I smiled as I kissed her forehead. Preeti gasped as she placed her hands over her mouth. A laugh left her lips as she hugged me back with tears in her eyes. "Really?....I....I will be able to see again?" she asked not believing her words.
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Chapter 17: Accident
Eyshana patted her car as it was all new and fixed. "Finally it's fixed" Riya huffed as she leaned against the car. "By the way it's Ezhil's sister's surgery today right?" Riya asked her sister while they walked into their apartment. "Yeah....I hope it goes well. I don't want to disturb him so that's why I want to give him some space. I just pray the surgery is successful and she will be able to see again" Eyshana said in a positive tone. Riya nodded her head, "I pray the same too, by the way what's happening between you and Aliya, it's like you two are some major enemies from years ago" Riya fell onto the sofa. Eyshana sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "She has feelings for Ezhir" she said.Riya gasped and sat up. "No way" Eyshana nodded, "Yeah, that's why she doesn't lik
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Chapter 18: Accussed
Ezhil's POV I slammed the door open as I stormed into my house. "It has to be a misunderstanding....it couldn't be Eyshana....Eyshana doesn't even know Preeti, heck she hasn't even seen her....so why would she do that?" Sagar defended her. Aliya scoffed, "you saw the footage, that hit was planned. She was literally sitting there watching Preeti and then ran her over, speeding off" Aliya sneered. "It looked like her, I mean same hair, same dress she was wearing on that day....it can't be her twin now, she looked just like her and her car....it was the same but then again there are thousands of cars that look like that" Farhan said as he ran his hand through his hair. "Guys...I think we are just overt
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