Semua Bab On The Verge Of It: Bab 31 - Bab 40
44 Bab
Chapter 31
Jaden's Pov*Then*Sometimes, looking for answers only leads to more questions. And sometimes, you are better off not knowing.I had just realised how much I loved Aubree, but now she laid on her hospital bed, refusing to meet anyone. Refusing to eat, her body stayed their, paralysed until the fifth day, when she finally decided to see other people. She met Laura, she met Nathan. I was dyning to see her, not because I wanted to love her, but because I wanted to protect her from the world.I went in and the look on her face broke my heart. She looked so innocent, so pure. A life that was shattered by some external force.Do you know what it feels like to be so near to lose someone you love too much?Do you know what it feels like? Like a hundred million shards of glass are piercing your very soul. Like you are a stranger to your own life. Like your heart was livin
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Chapter 32
Aubree's Pov*Now*"I'm sorry Jaden, I had no idea." I said, looking into those eyes, which were full of fear and anxiety.How could I even think that he, out of all these people would hurt me? How could I even deny the love that he gave me, when his love was all that I desired for, since the beginning of time? Why? What had happened to me?Had I never thought that if he falls in love with me, my life would be all right, it would be the best part of my life. Knowing that the one I loved, loved me back. But then why did I tell him that I hated him, when in reality, he was the one I desired for, all my life.I had always thought that those ten years of my life would be the best time of my life. But seriously, was it? I was almost raped by the dance instructor that I trusted the most. What if Jaden hadn't come in time that day to rescue me? I had been doing drugs. I was sent to the rehab centre, from where I ran. I w
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Chapter 33
Aubree's PovSo, as I had decided, I began my plan. I told all about this plan to Jaden, and he was okay with it. Even if he wasn't, it was alright.I went to a café where I had asked Nathan to meet me personally. Meanwhile, Laura would come with Jaden. Hence, I had time to talk with Nathan."Laura told me that you were seeing a girl." I asked him, between our talks and the mention of this other girl did not bring a smile, or any other emotion on his face."She's this girl from work, her name is Clarie. She's pretty." Nathan said, trying to sound like a lovesick puppy, but failing miserably.I may have forgotten it, but I still remember that Nathan never shows his real feeling on the outside. Right now, he was trying to convince me by saying that he was in love with her, but it wasn't true."She seems to be a nice girl." I said."Yes she is. She is intelligent, she dresses well...." he continued, but their was
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Chapter 34
Let's just skip the time some more.Three months later... .. .Aubree's PovIt was finally happeneing!Tonight, the bride stood in her attire, dressed up in an elegant white gown, whose fabric swayed over her waist, kissing her curves and, making her blush at all the right places. Her veil was up on her head, and her hair was trailed up into an elegant bun. The makeup artist had performed wonders. Not that she did not look good without makeup, but tonight, the makeup she had on, made her look even more good.Just looking at her standing that way with a bouquet of red roses in her hands, was making us all cry with joy. And I being the maid of honour on the wedding of my best friend was feeling as if I were the luckiest person on this planet. I had dreamt about this day since the day I first realised that they both were in love with each other, and that was during our college times, which was almost
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Chapter 35
*Flashback*Aubree's PovOne step, forward, the other backward. My hands were on his, while his hands were on mine.My eyes roamed all over his figure, devouring him with just my eyes. I could see him, I could hold his hands, but nothing more. All I could do was dance on the beat with him.The beat was proceeding and so was our dance. But now our hearts were beating in different rhythms. The music that used to be one, was now differentiated by the difference in the sound of our heartbeats."It feels so good to dance with you." Jaden said and our dance proceeded. He said it felt good to dance with me, then why could he not see the reason why."Then let's dance, until we can." I said automatically, my voice coming out in a mere whisper."I can't dance with you, not any longer, coz now my heart belongs to her." He said and disappeared in an instant, leaving me sho
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Chapter 36
Aubree's Pov*Then*Their was no light. I was walking down the street and suddenly, all the street lights went off. I was scared.It was dark alone, that brought out the worst in me. Nothing else had the ability to scare me off like darkness did. It felt like I were not able to breathe. Like breath was being sucked out of my lungs, as if life was getting pumped out of my heart.I could not breathe, I could not feel my heart pumping blood within me. If this wasn't the worse, I heard wolves howling just nearby. I was so scared, that I thought I might pass out. It was way too much to bear.Just then, I felt my hand within someone else's hold. Someone was walking beside me, and even though I could not see him, I knew who he was. He had always been there, whenever I needed him, he came along. Even today.My eyes opened at that same moment and I realised that I were sleeping and thi
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Chapter 37
Aubree's Pov*Then*It was our three months anniversary. He planned out a dinner date for me. He took me out on a motorbike that night, towards the fanciest restaurant uptown. I wasn't expecting much so early, but he was keen to give me a lot, because, this is how much he loved me.He took me to the balcony, and a surprise awaited me. The whole place was full of red roses, and at the centre table, my name was written with the flame of candles. He told me how these three months of his life had been so wonderful, and how he awaited those next years to run by.Then, in an instant, he wrapped me within his arms, hugged me, and kissed my lips. Kissed them so hungrily, that he made me feel like I was lit by a million matches at the same time. I never expected this kiss to be so good, but he made me feel a million things with just a single shower of kisses.Next, he took me to the penthouse
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Chapter 38
Aubree's Pov*Then*I could feel the touch of his hands, as they began to roam my body, drawing tiny circles on them, as he kissed the fuck out of my neck. I did admit that it felt good, but I never imagined that this is how my experience with Jaden would feel.I held his hands once, which were soft and warm, but today, his hands were rough and cold, making me slightly cringe at the thought of kissing him back.He began to kiss me all along again, and this time, I could feel something, but it wasn't so good."Jaden.. " I moaned, while his lips sucked my earlobe.After sometime, he stopped. Just laid beside me and began to stare at the ceiling."I'm leaving." He said.It was then that I realised that it wasn't Jaden. It was Matt. This is why it felt so bad, but then why did I think about Jaden? I was totally over it, it had been a few years since
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Chapter 39
Aubree's Pov*Then*I may not be as beautiful as her. I may not be as thin as her. I may not have my well clicked photographs. I may not be as popular as her. But I know that I loved him more than she could even imagine. Because, at the end of the day, loving isn't something that's physical, it's something that comes from deep within. My love for him was true, and it wasn't just his physical appearance I craved for. I wanted his heart to be mine, I wanted to touch his soul, like no one ever could. But it was just an imagination now.I was way too nervous. It's like, I wasn't ready to meet him. Years had passed by, but still, the reminder of the look of his face was ready to send my heart to that time when I had fallen in love with him.How could I face him, after all these years that were going by? How could I even look at him and Isla together again, yet feel nothing at all? It was going to be
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Chapter 40
Aubree's Pov*Then*Matt was a druggist, he took advantage of me a million times. But it was all okay for me at that time, because he never hurt me. He actually loved me more than anything and he knew that I never could love him back. I screamed Jaden's name a million times while he was making me come. But he never said anything. He just walked away on me, because it was the best for the both of us. He knew it, and so did I.Sebastian was yet another case. He did drugs. He was extremely alcoholic. And he never stepped out of his room without being high. If Matt was a druggist and I was an alcoholic, then Seb was the king of us all.I just wanted a person by my side so desperately that I almost forgot that who I was dealing with. It was Seb, and you never mess around with guys like them. I knew this ever since he taught us how to dance. He never tolerated tardiness, or something wrong that you d
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