Semua Bab Alpha Ozymandius : Bab 1 - Bab 10
19 Bab
I met a traveller from an antique land,Who said-"Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;And on the pedestal, these words appear:My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf that colossal Wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away."P.B Sh
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Chapter One
Chapter One: Messed up life leads to the best surpriseLife has always been surprising me. Sometimes with good moments and sometimes with really bad ones.I don't know what to call it this time. I was working at two jobs, struggling to pay for the rent while my parents were away on their very long awaited honey moon.Yeah.They had been saving for this trip since two years and well I was glad. An year ago my dad had become a drug addict and didn't come home for six months straight.
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Chapter Two
Chapter Two: AdonisIn the last chapter:On the watch there was another note.'Hey babe! Now this watch here is for you to check the time and reach the airport at exactly 10:30 because I can't wait any longer to meet you.A'And that was enough to bring that smile on my face that had long since disappeared.____________________The airport looked more like a shopping mall. The tiles under the floor gleamed white and people were milling around everywhere.There were two glass elevators leading to an appearance of a food court. Some stairs lead up to a viewing deck where eager children watched the airp
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Chapter Three
Chapter Three: KidnappedIn the last chapter:He comes towards him, his hands trembling and not making eye contact with his boss."Get rid of him" he refers to Adrian in a dangerously calm voice.______________________________________I swear this man was a maniac.The most beautiful maniac.First he looks at me with that intimidating gaze of him, then he hits my best friend, almost killing him,  and then he puts me on his shoulders and god knows that where is he carrying me.I cry and push my feet to make him stop,  but it's like he is made of rock. My kicks don't do anything to stop him from carrying me to god knows where.And then suddenly that distinctive memory comes to me.He was carrying me the same way like he did, I remem
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Chapter Four
Chapter Four: Forest EverywhereI was extremely sleepy but sleep was nowhere to come. My eyes didn't close for a second as I saw the city vanish and night erode. The buildings were nowhere to be seen and a creepy atmosphere had emerged. There was no one to see, the road had gone bumpy and the atmosphere was becoming misty.I had always wished to spend some time in a beautiful farm without any anxiety, work and technology, but I had always imagined beautiful green fields and crystal blue lakes, instead of this crappy road. I looked at my surroundings to notice forest on both of my sides. And that was when the car came to a halt.I took a huge breath and opened my eyes.I looked at my side to see that Adonis was nowhere to be seen. I looked out of the window to see his muscled back. It looked like he was talking to two men. The muscles of his arm bulged perfectly as he shifted his weight on his left foot and it made him look ten times more attractiv
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Chapter Five
Chapter Five: Playing it hardAnd then I heard a swooping voice from above me to see a helicopter landing our way.Actually, I hadn't seen a helicopter my entire life and it was my dream to get a ride on.The helicopter smoothly landed on the lush green grass. I noticed how perfectly designed it was. It had a grey metallic body and smooth wings which made it fly smoothly.The glass was clear as water and the seats were made of fine black leather.The driver seat consisted of a hot dude. He had blonde hair which were falling on his dusty brown eyes. A soft dimple played on his tan cheeks and his body lips looked perfectly kissable.He was well built but not as well built as Adonis was.The truth hit me hard as I realized that I had been kidnapped and I was in this magical forest from where I didn't know the way back. I literally needed to something. I played all the movies in my head and then finally came to a conclusi
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Chapter Six
Chapter Six: House TourThe castle was breathtaking. The walls were of  white stone, contrasted with the pastel grey roof. Elegant windows are scattered here and there in a very random pattern. Seven slim, but strong wooden pillars surround the magestic place with flags flying on top of them. I notice that Adonis holds my hand, making tingles erupt and leads me to the huge iron gate, which has two flags flying on it. A closer look at them, tells me that they are black with a beautiful golden crown engraved on them. Two guards stand guarding the enormous gate and as soon as we come, they bow their heads and open the gates.Is he like the king or something? We soon enter the marble porch which is filled with loads of cars. I look on my left side to see a huge garden, with lush green grass and various flowers. I see some swings as well on which some kids are playing. After climbing on some steps, w
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Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven: Chained"We need to talk." he commanded and I watched how his muscles flexed as he put his hands under his chin, inspecting me." First of all let me make one thing clear, that you are living here from now on." he commanded with authority, his eyes closely inspecting my reaction.I stood up from my chair and walked towards him, my body full with rage."Who are you to tell me that where do I need to live? I am eighteen and legally an adult and I can do whatever I want! I screamed.He was extremely furious. I watched as he stood up from his chair, his eyes blazing golden and his fists clenched with anger.He took a very close step towards me and gripped my waist tightly, his eyes not leaving mine.My body was on fire, sparks erupted wherever he touched me." Rule number two: You don't disrespect me."Rule number three: obey meRule number
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Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight: BookTrue love isn't buying roses, giving gifts, cuddling or kissing, but it is the feeling that blooms in your heart, it is the longing of being closer to someone, it is the desire to share and understand. People tell me it's the best feeling, but I'm scared I'm going to get trapped.I was always a fan of those abusive stories, in which the girl got kidnapped by the big bad boy, and first he would treat her badly, but then eventually they would fall in love. I loved how possessive the bad boy would be, how caring he would be, how he would kiss her and how he would show his possession to any one who came near his girl, and to be honest I wished that something like that happened to me.But now, when it was getting true, I really wanted to go back to the old life.My eyes fluttered open to the black ceiling staring at me, and then I felt some clanking on my arms:
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Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine: Ten thousand Dollars"Book it is." He stated.All my life I had been appreciated if I did something good or discovered something important, so I kept staring at him, hoping for him to see more.But this man was impossible ,I couldn't even find the slightest emotion in his empty eyes. He just kept staring at me with that cold emotion of his.I thought that these clues were something important so when I discovered them, I thought he would give me some sort of appreciation but no I was wrong.Soon I noticed his left hand moving in his pocket as he skillfully took out a pair of keys and took long strides towards me.I don't know why but his presence radiated a powerful aura from him and as soon as he moved closer to me, I could no longer look him, his presence made me weak.Slowly slowly, I felt him removing my chains as I kept my eyes on the floor."I will arrange a congratulations ceremony in the evening, which you will hav
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