Semua Bab Lost in Billionaire's Life: Bab 101 - Bab 109
109 Bab
"Hi, Baby, bonjour! How do you feel?" Adrian touched Leah's cheek softly. Leah opened her eyes, she smiled, "I'm feeling better..." she answered turned her face to Adrian who sighed a sigh of relief. Last night was pretty tense and Adrian was so worried about it. But her mom told her that Leah had that pregnancy hormones thing which involved in all her moods, so Vivian guessed that Leah would get better in the morning and her guessing was right."Breakfast!" Adrian pulled the trolley closer to the bed. Leah frowned, "You don't have to do this, I can walk myself to the dining room," she said. Adrian grinned, "I wanted to serve you like this, at least once every week, you don't mind right?" teased Adrian touching Leah's chin. "Wow, I'm the luckiest woman on the planet!" exclaimed Leah, she grabbed the orange juice and sipped it slowly."So, when will we go back to NYC?" asked Leah, her eyes scanning all the food on the trolley and decided to pick a warm crois
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I Met Him You Met Her
"So who's that Lily from Shanghai?" teased Leah after Adrian shut her phone. Adrian laughed, "She was just a friend I met a long time ago, she said she read the news about my marriage, and congratulate me that's all," said Adrian casually. "Ohh I see," replied her tried not to sound jealous."So, we're going to stay in the room at 65 floors until our house is ready to use, you don't mind, right?" asked Adrian, putting back his suits on his body. Leah shrugged, "I can sleep anywhere as long as it's not a pigsty," joked Leah made Adrian chuckled.***** They walked hand in hand inside the store, arguing about which sofa was better. They finished shopping after 5 hours and repeated that same activity in the whole week. Adrian intentionally accompanied Leah until their house was ready. He didn't want Leah to be too tired handling their new house.Today they had an appointment to meet Dr. Phillips, the obstetrician from Granny's
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Highly Suspicious
Leah entered the Penthouse, she tried to think of something else, but her mind kept going back to Adrian and the oriental woman at the Chinese restaurant earlier. Should she just call Adrian so she doesn't feel suspicious?Finally, Leah dialed Adrian's number, which had just been picked up after the fourth ring."Yes baby?" said Adrian straightforwardly."What time are you coming home?" Leah asked carefully."Probably in two hours, what's wrong honey?" he asked hastily. Leah bit her lip, looking for an excuse."Leah?""Umm I'm in the mood for Chinese food, I didn't have time to buy it when I went out," Leah finally found an excuse to provoke Adrian, to tell the truth."Okay! I'll buy it for you, I'll hang up the phone, okay, my client has come, love you!" chirped Adrian, not long after the call ended.Leah closed her eyes, dispelling the suspicion that had filled her head. Surely Adrian will tell her later, she didn't need to b
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True or False?
Leah looked at Donna suspiciously,"Is there something you're hiding from me?" asked Leah narrowing her eyes. Donna shook her head, "What am I going to hide from you?" Donna said with a small laugh. Leah shrugged, "I don't know, maybe Adrian is having an affair with another woman or something," she mumbled as she tiptoed, trying to peek into Adrian's study, but all she could see was just a handbag.Donna laughed, "Adrian? Cheating on you? That's as impossible as a human mission to Mars!" Donna joked, but she quickly grabbed Leah's hand, "Let's go to the Coffee shop, this meeting really can't be interrupted," she said quickly. Leah still occasionally glanced around the room, wondering."So who is he meeting with?" Leah asked when she and Donna were in the elevator. Donna had a nervous look on her face. "Umm with an important client," Donna answered, which didn't help at all to allay Leah's suspicions.Leah suddenly remembered the woman's To
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"Leah, what are you doing here?" asked Adrian coldly. Leah shrugged, "Just having lunch and accidentally bumped into Luke," Leah replied casually. She picked up the meat with chopsticks and ate it casually. As if she didn't care about Adrian and the oriental woman there."Didn't you say you weren't going anywhere this morning?" asked Adrian, still frowning in annoyance to see Leah with Luke.Leah shrugged,"Maybe Donna forgot to tell you, but earlier I came to your office to bring lunch, but it seems that you are busy with this woman, so I decided to eat here alone because the baby in my stomach is hungry," Leah babbled without looking at Adrian.Adrian looks surprised."You were at the office? Why didn't you tell me? Donna was not at her desk, I think she was having lunch so she forgot to tell me, Ummm Leah this is Lily, umm my client," Adrian introduced Leah to the oriental woman who was next to Leah.Leah looked at the orienta
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Shanghai Girl
"I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding, Leah you're currently married, you have to face all problems more wisely," said Suzy softly. Leah sighed, "Yeah you're right, I don't know lately I've been very sensitive, maybe because of my pregnancy hormones," said Leah, staring at her cellphone which was filled with calls from Adrian."You have to answer Adrian's call, he must be really worried about you," Suzy moved her chin towards Leah's cellphone which was still vibrating. Leah bit her lip, Suzy was right she is a wife, she should be more mature."I'll take this," Leah got up from the sofa, walking towards the tiny balcony that Suzy had beautifully arranged."Leah? Where are you? Are you okay, listen! I'm sorry, okay? I'll explain everything! Tell me where you are?"Hearing Adrian's worried voice made Leah burst into tears. For almost two minutes she just kept crying without saying anything. On the other side, Adrian apologized many times,
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What Happened in Shanghai
"Leah, I'll explain everything..."Suddenly, Adrian took Leah's wrist and bring her to their bedroom. As the door shut, the sounds of people talking and laughing were gone. Leah took her hand off Adrian and moved quickly to the giant glass that the curtain was wide open. She could see the hustle and bustle of Manhattan below her."What do you want to know?" asked Adrian, somehow Leah could hear the fatigue in his tone that made her offended. She turned her body, "You make it sounds like I'm the one who brought the problem here!"Adrian rubbed his face, he exhaled violently, "Leah, come on! Please, don't make it difficult for me, the only reason I hid that fact was that I don't want you to be reacting this way! You'll be too sensitive and jealous without a reason," he said. Leah snorted, "So now it's officially my fault? Perfect! I know exactly that the past is past! But I demanded your honesty! Talking about jealousy, even you acted that way every time you saw
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Amazing Surprise
Loud applause greeted Leah as she walked into the studio. She sat across the host in her beautiful black dress. She felt a little bit nervous, but she could handle the situation.The host lifted her hand, made the audience silent. "Leah Parker, first, I would like to thank you personally because you dare to write your story to the world through your novel, I read it by the way, and it's just very mind-blowing!" said the host which was a beautiful middle-aged woman named Katherine. Leah smiled, she put her hand on her chest and mumbled, "Thank you, Kate," in a whisper."So as we know this book is a novel which written base on a true story of the author herself, my question is, how do you manage to stay alive after all those horrible things your ex-husband did to you? I mean, even before this novel launched everyone in the U.S. might already hear the news about your experience, we know how miserable your life was..." asked the host, Leah could hear empa
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The End
Right before her eyes, Suzy, Luke, Donna, Mandy, Henry, Esmee, Vivian, Charlie, Mia, Granny, Kate, and even all the people from the publishing company came to surprised her."Oh my God, you guys are the best!" whispered Leah, teary."Owwww, come here!" Vivian moved forward to hug her. She turned her gaze to Adrian who grinned widely to see her wife cried happily.*****"So he won?!" yelled Mia when Leah told her the story about that rock, paper, scissors game that she and Adrian played at the Dr. Philips clinic. Leah nodded, "Yeah, so, I have to wait till the delivery to know the gender," said Leah lightly. Mia chuckled.Suddenly their gaze bumped into Suzy and Luke who were looked very romantic, Leah felt bad for Mia, but she knew Luke would never like Mia. Luke hated rich people."How do you feel about that guy right there?" asked Leah, moved her chin to where Luke was standing. Mia snorted, "At first I'm in pain, but now
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